Late Night Kumiko Thread
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Sitting under the stars with a Kumiko thread
I'm just gonna dump a few files here from my folder before i go to bed
Whatever happened to her sister?
Disgusting bitch.
There's a board for this shit for a reason
I've been preparing for this moment my whole damn life
OTP of the century.
Reina is so damn best girl
Kumiko pls.
I wish I was a high school fluff qt
nighty night Sup Forums
I'm home, Sup Forums.
You are my Kumiko, my only Kumiko
Ok Reina
Sleep snug, ug.
Kumiko ......you're so good to me.... and i'll be so good to you
when you bought that Pepsi, and bag of Fritos......... i secretly gave you an employee discount
you didn't know cause I punched in the key code when I saw your cute fluff walk in
i timed it right
it takes you 24 seconds to walk to the back and get a pepsi bottle, and chips
luckily no one else was in the store
you always grab the right-most bottle. I kissed that one when i stocked it earlier.
oh Kumiko
you said "keep the receipt". and I will. I really will.
True love user
I figured it out. You're the same person as the Shinka poster aren't you. You goddamn autist.
I love Kumiko's butt. It looks so soft and plump. It's probably one of the best butts out there.
I want to grab them and squish her meaty buttocks between my fingers.
I posted this like 6 years ago did you save it?
I want to shoot my goo inside Kumikoo
good edit
Posting best boy
Hello there
no more sad
Hey there
Oboe's happy now
What an awful character and story arc
Worst arc is actually "ugly tomboy girl crushing on /ourguy/ arc"
It's such an Ishihara arc. It's so obvious that all the bad parts of Hibike came from Ishihara and all the good parts came from Yamada.
He's right you know. All that drama over fucking nothing. Running away crying, and completely losing the soul of your music because of a year-old misunderstanding that only carries the possibility of not being as close as you thought? I don't see anything believable in that level of social retardation.
She's very antisocial. Makes me wanna protect her more.
I want to sleep in a bed with Kumiko and wake up to this sight while smelling her Kumikoness.
Reina is a lucky girl
Worst girl
pay attention to her left hand so that image is ruined forever for you
I want to smell Kumiko's pillow
Also known as Lil Miko
Is it forgiven that Kumiko wears hideous clothes?
They match her, so yes.
She wears sensible, body conscious clothing
Kumiko wears the comfiest and cutest clothes. I want to hug her while she's wearing her bunny hoodie.
Hibike movie when?
So much Kumiko feet
Fuck that recap movie. I want an OVA with Kumiko & Reina.
Kumiko and Shuuichi is the only way. Reina is just an autist of the week that Kumiko needed to solve to move on to the next autist.
Why does every thread devolve into delusional yurifags fagging it up? I just want to worship kumiko without all this bullshit
maybe you worship her the wrong way then?
How can you worship Kumiko while disrespecting her girlfriend?
Fairly sure the manga will follow the anime.
I believe you wanted to say "asocial"; "antisocial" refers to being AGAINST society like some edgy fuck, and "asocial" merely means that she doesn't care enough (and thus has grown somewhat socially inept)
care enough about socialising*
you have a board for this shit. stop shitting up these threads you autistic cunts
Why don't you just post some Kumikos?
It's called spreading the love, user. Don't fight it, embrace it
I don't really care as long as I get more Kumiko. I love Kumiko.
a goddess
Does her tshirt say MOOT
All Kumikos are good. No need to be picky.
But which Kumiko is the best?
Sup Forums reference Kumiko
Naked Kumiko is the worst
There are no bad Kumikos.
>he doesn't want to see Kumiko's cute butt, vagina and nipples
Kumiko is such a boy. No feminine appeal to her at all.
My wife, Kumiko, is so pretty.