>Despite ongoing talk of its closure, Fox News reports that an Arizona Army National Guard unit will begin the New Year in Cuba - deploying to Guantanamo Bay for approximately nine months.
>Once there, they'll be on a joint task force helping to augment staff.
>This mission is so sensitive we were asked not to show the faces of these soldiers and their families.
>"We don't want to telegraph to the world who is going, who's there and who's performing this mission because they all have families that are still back here while they're overseas doing this mission," Colonel Baldwin said.
Gitmo will soon have many new customers...
Why did Mattis visit Gitmo?
Read For some more context
A couple months back
Can they legally even send American citizens to gitmo?
It's prolly where they are gonna send all the ms-13 illegals that are here. I've seen ms-13 mentioned several times. I hate to say it but that's the human traffickers that they are most likely going after. No US politician will go to gitmo, ever. Face the facts faggots
What is this supposed to mean? An invasion? I'm Cuban ask me anything, I went last summer
it is nothing.
recently retired army here.
it is just a standard rotation tour for ng units.
i've known many soldiers that went there.
they were primarily admin / finance desk jockeys.
they love it, they get to scuba in some of the clearest water, party down on the beach, i think now they can visit to cuban cities.
i've heard the iguanas on base are endangered but outside the base they eat them.
CP. Look at it.
Checked and bumped
Hurr durr bunpan
Yes Obama made that shit legal with the NDAA.
9.2K sealed indictments so far. Wonder how many will make their way there.
Fgst read a buk
Q user was right
Lol fucking david wilcock
Trump is going to ship McCabe down there for some torture. Gonna find out that the Obama White House worked with the FBI to dress the Piss Gate Dossier us as a legitimate intelligence document to get a FISA warrant to fucking spy on his political opponents.
Trump can probably legaly drone people in place. He's virtually all powerful.
Thanks, Obama.
Fucking awesome. It will be like Caligula feeding assholes to the lions.
keep em flowing
>Thanks, Obama.
you know the best part? libtards will decry it but, if they ever get back in power, they'll further expand presidential powers, in a display of retarded amnesia we've seen many times before
their lack of foresight is astonishing
and yet they think they can plan a country's whole economy
needs some lee stranahan