How do you cope with the crushing loneliness, Sup Forums?
How do you cope with the crushing loneliness, Sup Forums?
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These are the coolest people ive ever seen in my life
Lolis. Mostly lolis.
I don't feel lonely even when I am alone so I don't have to cope with anything.
I'm glad green hair has become out of style.
Have you ever witnessed such a pure love, that made you question if you had ever really loved?
Only fags get only, but I still understand them.
Not everyone has the mentally to live alone.
Or it must be the fact that I hate everyone..
The guy in the middle is literally Madarame.
look at ýour own image, fag
this is now a waifu thread
Sup Forumsnons are my friends
Unless they're a FUCKING LEAF
>3 guys again out with waifus
>Im alone in my room with waifus on my computer
I haven't brought myself to buy a pillow, I feel like having one is only going to make it worse.
Obviously I don't, why else would I be here at 1:14 in the morning?
Lay in bed and imagine I'm with my waifu.
Across the stars and galaxies i feel no pain. My life preserver is having no shame. I am alive in this astral sea of doubt. and that is why i must shout
Hold me tight, star friend
Hold me close, sun buddy
Dont let me meet my end
I'll give you my heart, honey
Sorry drunk
This except I self insert as my waifu
dont fool yourself user-kun, its real waifu hours on the east coast
better hit dat mudafuging (you) button if ur woke
>you will never have a waifu sleep over with your friends and stay up late arguing like autists
Hmm, I may have to try that. Sounds interesting.
I meant lonely
I feel like this is dangerous thinking
I contemplate how in a universe where cause and effect are a thing, there is no choice or free will to speak of and, by trying to really comprehend the true meaning of every event being predetermined, gaining perspective on how loneliness and sadness are just ilusions.
Then i masturbate for two hours.
a mixture of waifus and spending my time helping others in the most direct way I can
I don't, but that doesn't really matter, I get by either way I guess.
Thinking too much puts you behind enemy lines. We think we have to seek for something beyond the basics but everything we need is all around us. The Universe is beyond us. Our place in it is infinitesimal. We are nothing.
There is nothing to worry about. All we need is what we need and nothing more.
A bottle of scotch on the rocks.
I'm married but I like to spend time with you guys.
Just come out to her
But there's no destiny/fate
It has been scientifically proved that randomness guides our universe
only 2?
Same. We're even talking about starting a family.
The real world sucks, sometimes I just want to shoot the shit about anime and video games.
>scientifically proved
Hoo boy
I'm not lonely. I have a ton of hobbies to keep me busy. I like being alone, though I do have a decent number of friends who live in another state.
Also, it helps if you truly accept that 2D > 3D and that there are better things in life that wasting time pursing 3D women.
That's what otaku culture is for.
By deluding myself into believing that life will change for the best on its own
not bad user
>waifu waifu waifu waifu
>waifu waifu
For fuck's sake, it doesn't just mean "anime girl". It's from the term "mai waifu", which is a 11's pronunciation of "my wife". Stop calling shit your waifu unless you're married to it.
its 3 grand and it will never come overseas
It's not that bad though. The only time it sucks is when I wanna do things like see an animu movie or play in a gamu compition and I have virtually nobody to go with. Or more specifically, people who have the same interests I do.
I wish I had friends like this
By falling for college, now a friend with a blue jacket with yellow letters asked me for a copy of my loli porn archive.
Holy shit
By jerking off in my Porsche
I would kill many men for a purple GT3RS 991
But mainly anime, working on my turbo 90's rocket coffin of a Z32, craft beer, and producing music
It will go away user don't worry. How long have you been watching anime? Eventually so much time passes that you forget what love is, and actually take that and run with it because your mind naturally likes it better than feeling lonely. Then the lonliness progresses into something else entirely.
That and some yuri. Read Octave, I'm serious. Helped me in what i presume to be the lonliest point in my life. Don't worry, it is actually interesting. Unlike literally 90% of yuri manga.
my nigger.
I want a gelbgrun RS or modegrau
an english version is in production though
(Legal) drugs, memes, keeping myself busy by escaping to a land of fantasy by watching/reading fiction.
If it gets really bad I read Yotsuba and watch K-On.
What if we aren't yet married but I plan on proposing to her soon?
How the hell can I meet a woman to marry? My looks aren't really an issue
Close enough. My main issue is saying "waifu" when you don't mean it.
We are truly living in the future. I love how they are so open with sexuality there. I don't care how deep into the weeb fanbase you get, a bunch of people over here watching that in a room would be like shying their eyes and running out. Not saying everyone was comfortable there but they werent either A. extremely disgusted or B. acting like they are just to meet the status quo.
Do you think English waifus will turn out good?
But, the real goal for me is a P1 GTR
Let's be real here we all want a wing that's as wide as Yuno
That's fucking awesome. Too bad it's the same type of shit that enables corporations and governments to spy on your ass.
It's not really a problem once you realize you are too much of a coward to actually kill yourself or to actually try to achieve something. You just continue to live each day as the previous one, knowing that nothing will get better but there's nothing you can do about it.
but why?
....i know, right?
Maybe it's your personality.
That and beer. Beer will make it all better.
Loneliness isn't as much of a concern as maintaining self sufficiency once the consequences of avoiding all problems and conflicts blows up in my face.
I have a qt gf and I'm slowly making her one of us. netflix is a great gateway drug
I don't know how to stop being a silent, stoic autist
You just die inside sooner or later then it's pretty nice after that.
>you will never have a waifu in a jar
>who gets pissed when call in for work because she wanted to spend the day turned off
>who chides you for voting a certain party
>who ask why you spend so much time Arabian revolutionary shadow puppet BBSs
>who will get hijacked when the cops raid your house to overload the breaker to the lights to blind you before they burst through the door
why even live
You just have to go, user. Go talk to people. They don't even have to be girls. Just have male friends, hang out with them, and I'm sure they have female friends they can introduce you to.
That one fell right out of my ass. Both good and bad writing in a way.
This is the laziest advice ever, sort of like "just b urself :)"
>work 18 hours a day
>watch Laotian puppetry on my free time
>on shitty seasons I watch stuff from previous seasons I missed, or rewatch some of my favorites
not a bad life user, you just have to be ok about not having a future.
If you work 18 hours a day you have no free time.
No, get it. Dakis are fun. It;s comfy to sleep in between them on a bigger bed, have them around on a puff while watching animu, cover them with a blanket so they feel comfy when waiting for your return in bed till nightfall. Hell, they even help with backpain if you sleep with them on the side. You should get one, look into the buyfag thread for info.
Don't bother.
Relationships you conciously need to put effort into sustaining are not worth keeping.
No, user. Being yourself is basically . You really have to talk to people. Unless you're /fit/ and have a model's chiseled face, no one will approach you if you don't talk to them.
>what is a sunday
That's not the point, you're telling a guy who says hes a friendless silent autist to just talk to people, but someone like that has no idea how to just talk to people, or even where to go to find people to talk to.
It's actually great to dress up as your waifu. I bought gothic lolita outfits, some sukumizu and uniforms after I fell for Kuroneko. Dressing up as her was satisfying. I still do that once a while and it developed in a taste for crossdressing. Frequently. Reminds me of the crossdressing friend of mc from Anohana - to deal with significant trauma he emulated Menma to make her "live".
The day where you sleep for 14 hours after running on a massive sleep deficit all week and then do all the household chores you couldn't do either.
Isn't this super counterproductive if Japan needs more children? Why get another waifu when you've got this?
sounds about right actually.......
I don't get lonely, being around people tires me out.