Why do brits keep electing this senile traitoress?
Why do brits keep electing this senile traitoress?
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they're a bunch of cucks.
this is why democracy doesn't work.
Brimutts are faggots
shut your fat mouths you dumb american fatcunts
What have the royal family or the queen ever done to prevent what britbongistan has become?
England is a democratic monarchy.
Get a load of this guy.
Constitutional Monarchy.
As if you didn't even look for the right word.
The Queen doesnt get elected you retard
Its a sad state of affairs in the UK I agree. Would it make a difference if I said when I have finished my degree I plan on moving to the USA?
Google "glorious revolution" numbnuts. England is a democracy.
>plan on moving to the USA?
hurry up
Dude... never go full burger
She can't keep getting away with it!
I bet she was leaking nigra fall after that.
2 Years man. Have to get that STEM degree first.
Anything I should be worried about?
Geezus. They elect a Prime Minister now , thats their King,Queen,President . The Royal family is a Honerary type thing , mascots if you will . They are a left over (with lots of money) .
hearty chuckle. Nice one, m9.
This thread is fucking stupid and OP should hang himself immediately
lol stay mad
>Why do brits keep electing this senile traitoress?
I don't think that's an elected position, yo.
In what fucking universe do you elect a monarch kys faggot
>In what fucking universe do you elect a monarch kys faggot
You stupid, stupid man.
Who /Jacobite/ here?
Shut up dude monarchies are the best and the most redpilled tipe of goverment in existance
It's a shame they seemingly can't maintain free speech in their realm.
Still seems like a contradiction in terms. It's just dictator-for-life, and cuts out benefits of hereditary monarchy.
Traitor or just contrarian?
Wrong, constitutional monarchy.
God Saved the Queen
Lord Jesus Christ
>the queen with a massive chad package
Thanks I haven't laughed at one of these in awhile
Peaceful Explosions
the Queen is a meaningless puppet, it's the rebellious parliament that rules the UK
I never understood why Americans think this is so hilarious. Yes, we don't let children buy knives. Welcome to civilisation.
Do you let kids buy guns?
Oh boy you are retarded