Do you like tamed fem villain?
Do you like tamed fem villain?
Other urls found in this thread:
Petrification is a low tier fetish.
hit rock bottom?
what's the source nigger
go home carlos.
How I'm supposed to feel about petrification.
Are the girls dead or are the girls aware but can't do anything because they are stoned?
>tfw Blake actually is The prince of the evil country
It's just 2 clicks away from the source.
heh, you didn't realize that? Blake-sama is truly the greatest after all.
You think that wasn't the very first thing I did you cunt?
are you bored, user?
well then fuck off
Good job you killed your own thread because you refuse to accept that Google does nothing now.
Just like my Japanese puns Carlos
Shit is not like it used to be. People need to realize that it's not a matter of giving a fish anymore, because there is no fishing to learn in google's shitheap.
I tried all the search tools too, but OP cropped the image (probably to get rid of an embarrassing watermark).
Nah he's just being a nigger, probably one of the faggots that does it all the time in OPT then uses it as an excuse to nerd rage at people who ask for sauce.
What is right, though in this case you could have just googled the following based on the clues of this thread
>naked knee high socks
And you'd get YgS unless your location sucks, but that's obviously not gonna work every time someone crops an image just to be a faglord.
You forgot to post the best part OP.
I am pretty sure he took pic related and cropepd off the bottom mangafox part to hide his shame, and then tard raged since his corrupted file was no longer searchable.
You think I'll tell you?
The Hero is dead. It's pretty tragic
Most petrification stuff are badly drawn, sadly.
One of the few good works.
Oh wow OP is a fucking janny, is this the best they can get for volunteers?
You should try reddit. Instead of lowering the base IQ here.
Rubbing my dick on a petrified person sounds painful.
choke on a hotpocket faggot
Yuusha Ga Shinda.
>crops mangafox images and calls other newfags
>deletes posts he doesn't like
Yuusha ga Shinda
You can always revert certain parts back to flesh like this
What a fucking retard. I bet /spa/ has better jannies.
They are unaware but alive. At least that's how that petrification worked.
Yeah. Some of the jannies have really shit taste and abuse their power when people don't like their favorite series.
I'd petrificate only her head so i can cum inside her and than petrificate her entire body so that at some point in the future when she's free of the magic of one of the 4 dukes, she'll be caring shion's baby.
>partial petrification
I know it's just fiction but that has horrific implications for the circulatory system, and plenty of other things.
yes but what chapter
>Rape villain to create new body for Shioon
Pretty good plan.
Also that revelation on Shioon last chapter
>Childhoodfriend and Imouto died during the adventure
No wonder he wasn't interested in princess.
Damn, I can't think of any manga with lady big bads. I mean there's usually a big bad lady, but not the final boss.
Like maybe a female mastermind if a more grounded setting, but not a last boss in a hard fantasy kind of thing.
Is there many examples of this? Does it just not happen?
Literally came right up when I googled it
Literally Shieldbro, except that's originally a WN/LN but it does have a manga adaptation. And technically Rose of Versailles.
Surprisingly enough.
Google doesn't work the same for everyone, it's location based. You have to be reddit new to not know this.
Why should I care if Google doesn't work for you, begging for sauce is cancer
Jannie the entire thread knows you're being retarded and butt blasted, just kill yourself already.
Being a saucefag is only annoying and cancerous of the material is readily available and easy to find. It's pretty stupid to make a thread that you don't want others to participate in.
Taming is absolutely patrician.
I'm not OP, sauce begging is cancer. It's not like this is some fucking obscure series no one's ever heard of, I've seen plenty of threads here for it
Except you can change that in the settings retard.
And there's more than 1 search engine on the internet.
I'll list some stuff that might be related but I'm not quite sure about some of them.
Arachnid, Tsugumomo, Lucifer and Biscuit Hammer, Claymore, Akame ga Kill, Akuma no Riddle, Arpeggio.
>Why should I care if Google doesn't work for you
Clearly you're just a newfag trying to fit in, not understanding why asking for sauce became looked down upon in the first place. The reason that rule exists is because years ago Sup Forums had an influx of newfags swarming in who would demand sauce without putting in the minimal effort to look at page titles, filenames, artists, or just reading the fucking thread. The information was there but they were too lazy to look for it. It's the same idea as giving a a man a fish and teaching him how to fish. That rule doesn't apply when there is no information because you're an image cropping faggot who uses mangafox.
Well fine I guess. Thread is on its way out from the look of things since no one's talking about this specific manga nor are they adding to the subject of the thread. I'm personally not making the I guess obvious connection like that other guy so I'm just going to let it drop.
You're fucking retarded, not everyone visits all the threads all the time. Just because you no life hard enough to know doesn't mean everyone else should.
Doesn't actually fix it, it just changes some results, you'd know this if you properly Google, which you clearly can't. You can't even fix it if you logged out or have no Google account to begin with, so don't bother continuing bringing up false information.
This. It also helped that old Google worked wonders and could find everything but now it's deliberately fucking most Sup Forums shit and only the newer stuff that hasn't been recognized goes through. People who claim Yandex solves everything never even show screen shots of it happening, it's only marginally better than tinyeye, which once in a blue moon shows a result that Google doesn't. Having filenames on the image also helps immensely and is basically already built in spoon feeding.
No fucking shit, my point is why should anyone care that YOU cant find it when others easily can? It's your problem. And stop with your boogeyman bullshit
Find out for yourself. It doesn't take that much effort to check through.
I'll give you a hint... Start in reverse chronological order
It's Yuusha ga shinda.
Stop being a bunch of petulant children and share.
>when others easily can?
Because other people have empathy, something you clearly lack. Just because you and your 2 circle jerkers on discord can find it doesn't mean you represent the majority. You retards who keep trying to act elitist even in this situation haven't even increased the IP count the whole time, who are you trying to lie to?
>Because other people have empathy, something you clearly lack
Go back to your fucking hugbox, you fucking faggot
>No fucking shit, my point is why should anyone care that YOU cant find it when others easily can?
You're full of shit because google search doesn't work for cropped images and I'm not the only one who couldn't find it.
I got the same image off batoto instead and what do you know google finds it just fine. Nobody would have had any issues if you weren't a fucking mangafox using faggot uploading shitty low quality watermarked scans. But to add insult to injury you couldn't stop there you had a fucking autistic fit and abused your position to delete the sauce from the thread without considering for a second "maybe they actually did search and couldn't find it?" no you just went ahead and decided to be an asshole. Go suck troids dick you sperg.
stop trying to fit in so hard
You do know that there are two different Google image searches, right?
One gives the answer, the other does not.
As you can see hereIt doesn't pop up for him. Hell for shits I looked it up with my phone and it doesn't pop up for me either. So obviously you being a turd about this totally kicked off the thread into the wonderful conversation that is Final boss ladies. God, wish we coulda had that thread.
Stop being a little bitch that can't feed for himself
what the fuck is wrong with google? how come more than 10 people searched the same fucking image and everyone got different results?
you are all making it hard for me to fap
Only answer I can muster right now is op's a faggot
jesus christ, how horrifying.
give it a rest user, he's baiting hard.
Petrification isn't really taming.
>phoneposter defending spoonfeeding
Of fucking course
Well for one they're all using different images and bullshitting, except for who actually used the image from this thread
OP is just trying to save face at this point
Your buzzwords don't work faggot, you're basically no different than SJWs overreacting to every single post when you're purposely fishing for this shit. Here's the thing, feminists don't come on Sup Forums so you aren't deluding nobody.
It's pretty sad to know that you guys can't even be contained in OPTs anymore and have begun to make threads on your own just so you can vent your tiny penis rage.
Oh really? How about you prove it then instead of acting all enigmatic with your horse shit. How about proving it works for everything and not just specific cases? Ah wait no you're either baiting or just retarded.
It's location based for marketing purposes as well as different countries and all that shit. You can change certain settings by having a Google account and changing things around, but you'll still get different shit than some guy across the world doing the same shit you do.
It's also because Google actively fucks over Sup Forums shit for the past 3+ years.
Why are you replying to yourself?
Why are you being a nigger?