Idols or Instruments?

Snow Halation or Fuwa Fuwa Time?

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Idolshit is dead

It's not dead you fucking basement dwelling weeb. You nico nico niid to kill yourself.

Muse has at least a few good songs. Can't say the same about the tea club band.

Eat shit

K-On is an order of magnitude better in terms of characterization, writing, art, and animation (especially by not having the fucking horrific CGI present in LL).

You would have to be a sick person to not want a Fuwa Fuwa Taimu.

Snow Halation >>>>>>>>>>> any song in K-On

Don't say lazy > anything else

U's will always be the most popular.

Are your ears rotten?

My ears are perfectly fine.

my love is a stapler

no im pretty sure its rotten

shit meme and K-On isn't an idol show.

I prefer HTT to Muse but that's irrelevant in which I consider better. The actual music is secondary in K-On while it's the focal point of Love Live.

Death Devil - Hikari (Instrumental)

Idols are cute and everything but when it comes to music they are not really good.
I mean, snow halation is good and you will listen to it once but after that it's tiresome because voices can't carry a song.

>Love Live dominates the ranking
>No K-On song in the TOP 100

nips have totally forgotten it wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Yes we get it, Love Live is very popular. What's your point?

Snow Halation because it has more meme power now because of Siivagunner

Needs a stage beyond human for Eupho

Snow Halation sung by best girl

Japan answered OP's question, darling.

lovelive still seems newest

Snow Halation but it isn't half fucking overrated by most people.

OP was asking what we preferred between either Muse and HTT or Love Live and K-On, not which was more popular. Also


Fuck off.

Are your tastes shit?

Sunrise found a way.


umm no sweetie that's not how it works. He can talk to you anyway he wants to, honey

Daisuki devs pls go.

>No, thank you! > anything else


No thank you >>>> snore halation
Seriously, snow halation is boring idolcrap, 0 energy behind. Might aswell listen to polka in your native tongue.


Singing is the best K-ON song.

Idolshit is good but the bad mastering kills it. 90% of the songs out there are so poorly mastered even $100 headphones can show the flaws, let alone the $500 mid-fi setup I have.

K-ON stuff is mastered decently, and the movie songs are really great in this aspect.

Both in the same package

Dis nigga knows

Go back to stalking Trump.

I don't like to cut it to everyone here, but ____________both___________

By showing that you're underage cancer you don't make LL fanbase look any better.

I don't listen to HTT songs anymore, SH is an extremely overrated song, I listen to more iM@S than LL/S stuff anyway.

As far as music is concerned, K-ON has the hugest collection of wonderful songs. LL and other idol shows usually have a small handful of killer songs, and everything else is meh.

That being said, lyrics wise I like idol songs with motivational lyrics the most, such as Jibun REST@RT.

Eh, why does YouTube have no version with decent audio quality? Yeah whatever.