So apparently the "alt-right" was created by a Jew? I thought the alt-right had a strict "no Jews allowed" policy, at least according to Mike Enoch.
So apparently the "alt-right" was created by a Jew? I thought the alt-right had a strict "no Jews allowed" policy...
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Alt-controlled opposition.
anyone can claim to be a member of anything its not new to instantly do this shit after a movement defeated you.
Its literal tactics of cowards, liars and traitors What a surprise i am shocked, SHOCKED.
Pretty based that gotfried guy. Has good info on history of neoconservatives, liberal Jews etc
shut the fuck up about what you are ignorant about,
Gottfried is fully redpilled on Jews
And he was the one to coin the term
No one here is alt-right stop asking us
dont care
shut the fuck up the ideas behind what the alt-right is goes far back then this stupid fucking kike. Shit are you going to say GLR and WLP were both controlled opposition that this kike thought of? fuck off.
Jooos joos in my hair, jews everywhere.
>"stupid fucking kikes"
>implying anyone takes your shitty memeflag seriously
fuck off Moarpheous, nobody cares about your autistic leftypol shit.
>mfw user, or any other retard, actually for the alt right meem.
So let me get this straight.. you identify or have identified with and obviously fabricated political position that just out of pure coincidence, coincided with the 2016 election....and you blame the Jews and not yourself for being an easily led spastic fucking cock goblin?
I knew seppos were stupid, but this retardation at levels never seen before
He basically says all the problems by Jews were caused by Eastern European Jews and not by German Jews or other Jew groups. Sorry but all Jews are the problem. Typical divide and conquer.
No, "alt right" is just an umbrella term the left slapped onto several different organically developing movements to make them easier to attack and creating a false association between them so that they could attribute the beliefs of one to all the others.
>who is this guy Sup Forums
>it's alt-right, frog is a nazi symbol of racism, shows kekistany flag tards
They don't have a clue and it's not altright just cause a bunch of clueless won't retire pensioners spewed a bunch of words.
Same goes for digital piracy, it's not even piracy, just cause a bunch of dinosaurs with 0 clue terming things and putting it on repeat on their dino media.
>All da joos are hivemind gais!! *mouthbreathes*
Truthfully is does not matter if there are some groups of Jews that are fine. The enemy must be made clear and simple. Not this Jew or that Jew but all Jews.
It went the way these things always go. "Alt-right" was a term on blogs and forums that people didn't really take seriously, while spencer was already trying to put a name on some body of thoughts. He was a polisci student so he's probably used to branding ideologies. then nobody made anything of the term until 2016 when the media decided it was a good enough brand to start attacking. Then the shekelmongers took up the banner pretending to be proud anti-SJW fighters and the alt-lite was born. The media kicked everybody to the left of oprah into the alt-right label and now it means nothing, so ecelebs using it should be avoided. It was never a "movement" at any point.
you dont know what you are talking about
well it's either that or richie-boy is literally CIA. There was never any such thing as an alt-right online movement and some fucking website doesn't make it so. it was just a term used online and you know it.
People like Millennial Woes and TRS use the term "alt-right" to describe themselves.
yeah i know but they are ecelebs and want to show their colors. The term used to be a vague mush of paleocons, libertarians, nazis, white nationalists, etc. But neither in the time of spencer's website back then or now are people clear what the term means. Now since the media tried to define it and everybody has started bitching about who is and isn't "alt-right", the it's gotten even worse. that alt-right guide by milo was not completely terrible but it was already pretty wrong, and the stupid alt-light celebs wanted the edgy counterculture label for themselves too. And now? to the mainstream alt-right just means racist/nazi, woes might easily call himself a WN, and we have hordes of other ecelebs and redditors arguing about the label, trying to make it into a movement. there was no organization no nothing, just a bunch of ideas. That hillary made it into a big scary political machine even fooled alt-lighters into thinking it was a movement. The whole thing is a clusterfuck and labels are just fucking stupid unless you build an organization.
No Joos!
'Cept hyde, and fischer, Freeman, Jerry Seinfeld, and all the ones that helped us get Trump elected and still support him.
If Trump BTFO's pedos, massive corruption while puting America on favorable footing economically will Sup Forums be happy? Hopefully he can avoid useless or counter-poductive wars too, but he has to be ready in order to avoid. And we can't always control outside actions.
One sometimes gets the impression that short of the sack of Jerusalem, pol won't be happy with Trump.
"Shitlord" was an sjw/tumblrtard creation. We use what we want, when we want, how we want.
As long as it annoys people who need to be annoyed.