Be a part of the revolution Sup Forums
Be a part of the revolution Sup Forums
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>Sup Forums
>44 years old
>chest pain
>no hypertension
>no diabetes
>no strong family history
>not overweight
>cardiology couldn't find anything after working on him
Cue heart attack
>Left Anterior Descending artery (heart)
>lower third moth-eaten and diseased
>too long a segment to have stents
>too far down artery for bypass
Cue veganism
>30 months
>next angiogram
Pic related, not only has the LAD shown amazing improvement, look at the lower left artery, and all of the smaller arteries that are now visible do to the regression of heart disease, simply form cutting out meat dairy and eggs
>52 years old
>heart disease
>partially blocked artery in right thigh
This is what his pulse volume in his right thigh was after he was vegan for 8 months
>54 years
>Angiography core laboratory says this was a 30% improvement
All from simply being vegan
But "Muh protein". "Vegans are lanklets"
There are three types of vegans
>Animal Welfare
Faggot leftist tier
Good tier
>Personal Health
God tier
The faggots you post and see online who are antifa types are faggot leftist tier. You can be right wing and vegan
Wow where are all the meat eaters? Low energy meatlets have no argument
guy is clearly on roids
Thanks for the bump thanks for pointing out the obvious and thanks for the gif fool
>muh roids
If we are going to properly compete against the coming explosion in Africa's population, we need to stop being meat eating fat fucks
>muh estrogen
I'm sure eating a plant's hormones is much more dangerous than eating a fellow mammals hormones, in much higher amounts I'll add. ;^) Good goy."Modern genetically improved dairy cows continue to lactate throughout almost the entire pregnancy. Therefore, recent commercial cow's milk contains large amounts of estrogens and progesterone. With regard to the exposure of prepubertal children to exogenous estrogens, the authors are particularly concerned about commercial milk produced from pregnant cows."
The religion of veganism will die along with their New World Order.
Without electricity and the 'grid', vegans can't.
>muh testosterone
Vegans had 13% higher T concentration than meat-eaters, and 8% higher than vegetarians
How about no wing how about just free
>Without electricity and the 'grid', vegans can't.
Are you out of your mind? 3rd worlder's eat a minute fraction the meat we do, and our ancestor's a mere fraction of THAT
Pic related, vegetarian Buddhist
We don't need to argue because there's no real proof of it being better for you. Also vegans always talk about natural but humans are omnivores, so the natural thing is to eat the flesh of both plants and animals.
stop samefagging your own thread.
I always found it interesting how THEY made veganism appear hipster and obnoxious ... When done properly through self reliance its ridiculously redpilled from a /sig/ standpoint.
Just give it a minute ir two and this thread will be crawling with
subversion at its height.
Ill admit that I still eat my eggs and milk and steak .... But cutting back on these things cant hurt ... No need to go full activist ... But for personal health awhellya ill give it a shot.
>Humans are omnivores
We have a few acids that can break down meat. Therefore we should more meat than we ever have in history, breeding in the billions, and eat ourselves to death.
Not only that,you faggots are going to create the next black death. You create massively unsanitary living conditions for the animals, then you bump them full of antibiotics and create drug resistant super-bugs.
You are speeding the evolution of deadly diseases by supporting the industrialized meat industry economically
"Approximately 80 percent of the antibiotics sold in the United States are used in meat and poultry productio"
Agricultural=Thin hair, bad teeth, short stature, lower than average IQ.
It's no coincidence that Nordics are bigger, stronger, and more intelligent on average than their Mediterranean counterparts, even though they're both white.
Consider both groups' diets over a span of 3,000 years.
Have you ever been on just a clean diet ? And ever eating a shitload of clean food if not how would you know
All animals eat meat. ''Herbivores'' like cows, elephants, deer, etc, have the ability to ferment the plants they eat due to the bacteria in their intestines.
Not sure why Uncle Sam is in the background. He should be in the foreground with his hands tied around his back and a sack over his head
Moderation faggot, also our entire body is equipped for eating both meat and plants. Any diet that requires us to cut out most Foods is not good for anyone long term. But go ahead be a trendy faggot just like all the others from failed dad diets.
Having and maintaining that low body fat percentage isn't exactly healthy user.
>Thin hair, bad teeth, short stature, lower than average IQ.
You are pulling shit out of your ass.
>Nordics are bigger, stronger, and more intelligent on average
That has everything more to do with winter than anything else
>dumb animals eat shit that is not optimal for them is evidence they are desinged to eat that way
sure buddy, deer are natural preditors
m8 he is clearly on roids
Health reasons here, too.
Not wanting to harm bees is a little extreme reasoning in my book.
Read the thread before talking
Everything living is desperate enough to just start eating random ass shit when they are hungry enough. Even deer are opportunistic carnivores.
Have you ever been hungry enough to start seeing objects as food? Ever see that in media? It's a real thing, it's an act of desperation. Winter made humans desperate, and a trend developed. We would save live-stock for winter because all of the plant food was gone and out of season.
Does that mean it's healthy? Not in the long run, it is only for short term survival.
>m8 he is clearly on roids
Is this Buddhist monk on roids?
no, but jon venus is
>not wanting to harm is extreme
>In 2010, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the CDC all testified before Congress that there is a connection between the routine use of antibiotics for meat production and the declining effectiveness of antibiotics for people
That buddhist monk is not as ripped as the guy we're talking about so it's foolish to compare the two, and roids are not exactly uncommon in sports either.
Good defense, you should probably go back to posting of /lgbt/ cali faggot
The average male in COUNTRY of China is 5'5.
The average male in the continent of Europe is 5'11
Animals that live in the wild don't follow man-made ethics and laws like vegans do.
Your morality means nothing
The fruit and vegetables you purchase are man made and are not found in nature. Especially in colder climates. There are few exceptions like berries, because they grow in every environment.
Nice Go Vegan
im vegan stop tagging me cunt, but acting like jon venus is not on roids is just bullshit.
Numerous studies have demonstrated that routine use of antibiotics on the farm promotes drug-resistant superbugs in those facilities. Some of the most dramatic evidence came as a result of FDA approval of flouroquinolones–a class of antibiotics that includes Cipro (ciprofloxacin), which has been used in poultry production since 1995. By 1999 nearly 20 percent chicken breasts sampled contained ciprofloxacin-resistant Camplobacter, a disease-causing bacteria.11 After a long fight in the courts, FDA finally banned use of the drug in 2005, at which point nearly 30 percent of C. coli found in chicken breasts were ciprofloxacin resistant; by 2010, resistance to ciprofloxacin had declined to 13.5 percent
This is Sup Forums
you should head over to the other containment board
>Your morality means nothing
ofc it doesnt, that doesnt change the health argument, if you want to argue deer and cows are carnivores do that with a zoologist, and get btfo, but vegan diets improving health is not based on that.
>Animals that live in the wild don't follow man-made ethics and laws like vegans do.
>Your morality means nothing
If mortality means nothing then are you telling me you do not operate on any morals at all? Because I believe you do, don't you? Do you not believe in the value of human life? Because if you do then I will ask you what makes a human life so different from an animal wherein an animal is suddenly worth nothing to you.
do you have discord?
Vegan here, we need to create vegan memes.
ive got you covered
This is my test results. Don't call me no cali faggot or I will break your teeth
kek even more reason not to
>I failed at shitposting better pull my panties up my ass
>Hur durr thx for posting the obvious
You're a disgrace to australian shitposting, off yourself
What health argument? Eating plants in unnatural.
That's why vegans have to take supplements if they're competing in sports or weight lifting.
The U.N. has always promoted veganism.
Humans are apex predators. We can create clothes and fashion weapons. It got us where we are today. We're the most intelligent species on the planet.
Negroes aren't as intelligent as whites or East Asians so no, I don't think they should have the same rights as we do.
The Founders of America made that very clear.
yes my dude, an cholesterol is a big conspiracy, all made up and paid for by big brocoli.
Pic related is probably fake aswell right?
>grass fed beef
>free range chicken
>wild berries and nuts (in season)
No thanks, I only like women.
are you deaf? do you have discord nigger
I have never taken supplements in my life
"B12" (pic)
1. Cows are fed B12 supplements (lmfao carnicuck).
2. 40% of the U.S population is B12 deficient yet only 2.5% of the U.S population is vegan.
3. Meat doesn't magically contain b12, they get it from bacteria just like everything else. I have been vegan for many years, I have NEVER taken a supplement in my life, and I got tested, my levels are "323 mp/mL", the standard range is ">=200 pg/mL". If you are low on b12, you can just introduce live bacteria cultures into your system, and you are set for life after that. While eating meat is only a temporary solution for that, as you won't get the live bacteria.
>Humans are apex predators. We can create clothes and fashion weapons. It got us where we are today. We're the most intelligent species on the planet.
>Negroes aren't as intelligent as whites or East Asians so no, I don't think they should have the same rights as we do.
>The Founders of America made that very clear.
It's unfortunate that meat-eaters can't face the argument in a serious manner without starting to make a joke out of it once confronted with the realisation they are making a fool of themselves.
What exactly makes you think that intelligence is the basis for moral value? Imagine using this to justify slaughtering and denying the rights of human beings because they were somehow deemed "stupid enough" to be fucked over.
>might makes right
I'm sure you understand that because an act got you into a position of power it does not justify said act, even though you actually presented that as an argument.
Fuck off, the fuck am I supposed to bulk on vegetables? Fucking twinks
Being muscular makes raises your BMI disproportionatelly. That's why a vegan with 50% more fat will have the same BMI. That's how little muscle they have
>come on user, join our skinnyfat wimp club
>Not endorsing murder is extreme
>Endorsing murder and consumption of corpses is not
ok boss
I hope some of you are smart enough to ignore the misinfo in this thread.
He's pretty small.