you know your movement is a failure when everything you appear in public your repuations gets worse and worse. you are powerless behind your computers making lame memes, we own the streets
You know your movement is a failure when everything you appear in public your repuations gets worse and worse...
Dude you're Dutch, you don't own the ass hairs you sit on
faggots don't own the streets. You only think you do because cops prefer you to niggers. Everyone knows faggots are pretty much harmless physically. They are people who actually enjoy anal dilation.
It's true. Everyone else is retarded and enjoys anal sex.
that’s a Danish flag, you mong
Another t*rkroach/sandnigger from Sup Forums larping as a nigger. Boring
>when everything you appear in public
You own shit. Most niggers are lazy and all of the relevant street gangs have been getting utterly blown the fuck out by LA RAZA.
You homos are a walking talking joke.
Just because you live in the street doesn't mean you own it nigger
>we own the streets
hard to own the streets if we nuked the cities
>you know your movement is a failure when everything you appear in public your repuations gets worse and worse
So Antifa then.
Kanker op
facebook tier meme, poles are the true cucks.
Same bait different day
I can use the argument about antifa
Reputation is what people THINK you are.
Character is what you are.
You're losing the culture war, JIDF.
How little respect must one have for themselves to not only create but save these images
Lmao a black woman in Charlottesville at 8pm would be juggling 4 kids from 3 separate guys while trying to light her rock pipe and duck the cops in the alleyway between her project building and the half way home her third baby daddy stays at
Geintje zeker?
>any of Dickie Spencer's stormweenies having a wife
who is "we" you dopehead loser?
You mean the left?
Everytime i saw whites getting beaten and intimitated by non-whites, these whites were your run off the mill leftis. The Streets are a battlefield. There is no real value in owning them in the age of amazon you dummy.
>you are powerless haha
>it's afraid.jpeg
Discard white women. Acquire Asian wives.
what kind of sad fucked up cake is that?
thats right goyim your own women are your enemy, NEVER reproduce
>lets show the racemixers by being racemixers!
Disgusting hypocrite.
Show me the stats for those unmarried ones in marriageable age (18-23). Sauce me up
>we own the streets
so much larp
>doing things for the greater good
>fucking for pleasure, a nigger and roastie no less
is this supposed to prove something?
Quick question.
Are you jewish?
You will hang for your treason to your race. Just because you aren't welcome doesn't mean the rest of us aren't brothers. How does it feel to be hated by your own race and people?
Dude everyone knows the second a cop swings his baton down on you guys the (((media))) comes crying to your rescue like some stereotypical mother with a spoiled child.