Deadly Australian flu in the UK and US

So guys, it seems nature has made the ultimate shitpost for us.

You know the swine flu that everyone was shitting their pants about? This one killed FOUR TIMES as many in Straya a few months ago, and it's headed to an airport near you. Hide yo' kids, hide yo' wife, cus it ignores flu vaccines.

You know what the real kicker is?
Nobody said a fucking thing about it. I don't know a single person in WA who knew about a deadly fucking flu killing hundreds upon hundreds of people here. 4 times as many deaths as swine flu... How about the rest of you Ausfags? Were we all deliberately kept in the dark about a deadly epidemic on our shores? Swine flu was blasted in peoples faces on the fucking news and internet for months, there were posters around the city telling people to get vaccinated and to keep an eye out for symptoms. Where was that this year? I just saw posters at a GP a few months ago saying that the 'flu vaccine isn't very effective this year'.

Bumping cus you will die and your family will die

Why does everything coming from this hell hole wants to murder people?

>You know what the real kicker is?
>Nobody said a fucking thing about it. I don't know a single person in WA who knew about a deadly fucking flu killing hundreds upon hundreds of people here.
Oh God this so much

This and also the "asthma deaths." They're covering up something fucking massive and the media/authority response is to keep us calm and in the dark.

Bill Gates

Something dangerous from Australia? You're shitting me, OP.

So this is just another swine flu scare? Okay, I'll ignore it just like the last one.

ah fuck im dead

i have a chronic sickness they treat by removing my immunsystem

Strain originated elsewhere...

It's that they covered it up that's worrying, this is the first time Australians heard about triple digit deaths.

Why cover up a deadly disease, Australian media?

until Madagascar closes its ports I wont worry.

What state m8? I'm not sure how badly WA was hit, might explain why we were in the dark.

Vic apparently was hit with it bad.

It was probably from the shithole south east azn countries and spread from here.

Don't be silly lads, your mum will die in her sleep if you don't stay vigilant.

Professor Robert Dingwall at Nottingham Trent University warned the H3N2 strain could trigger the worst flu season in Britain in 50 years.

>"There is no point in trying to close the borders. It's almost inevitable this will come to us. This is potentially the worst winter since the Hong Kong flu outbreak of 1968," Professor Dingwall said.

Yeah I'm from Victoria.

Looks like China has access to the deadliest flu viruses.

I'm still waiting for an answer as to why we weren't told people were dying from this. They're covering something up.

SA here, knew nothing about h3n2. I guess the gay vote was just important.

That's fucked.
Why didn't the Australian media cover this?

Thanks Aussies!

>tfw I didn't make this thread look nice enough for the catalogue and it will sink into oblivion, and then your countries will cover up the death toll too

It's time

Terrorism, boys. We must contend that this was a minor act of terrorism. A mutant strain of swine flu was sent to Australia, it either failed to cause the casualties that were intended or it was meant to make our flu season particularly bad to hurt productivity in Australia. In either case, we must accept the fringe chance that Australia was attacked with a bio weapon.

It is kinda concerning considering the death toll was significantly higher than normal. Always worry about what the media isn't reporting more so than what it is.

Where can I get some of this, preferably well contained. I live about an hour from Toronto in a predominantly white city...

>Deadly Australian flu in the UK and US

I read about it last year. It wasn't blasted everywhere, but it was reported.

Sand niggers and sand nigger lovers aren't smart enough to make genetically engineered viruses.
Even the chinks wouldn't do that, they are far more likely to die by the thousands considering how many come here for holidays. Maybe Best Korea, considering they were talking about nuking us last year.

That's the thing. Maybe they were trying to avoid a public scare, considering the virus tore through vaccinated people anyway, and work hadn't even begun on this new mutant strain, but there should have at least been SOME coverage about just how deadly this thing is.

It's likely already in Toronto, or a few weeks out. Flus spread like wildfire.

They didn't say anything about the death toll. When the news mentioned something about it here many months ago they said the death toll was in the low 60's Australia-wide.

I hope it's deadlier this time, really hoping for a good flu season.

My granfather died last year during winter to a bad cause of flu, it develiped into pneumonia and a fever so bad he couldnt stop shaking. Regarding the flu season it was definitely odd we were hit multiple times over the year with these bouts of flemmy cough viruses floating through my workplace and in general public setting. Also "asthma storms" sound sus as fuck. Surely we need to monitor the air and water quality more than we do, look at how the influx of tourists or immigration can affect the general health with them bringing over transmissible diseases.

>triple digit deaths.
And nothing of value was lost

It's just a case of the snuffles user

This is a new happening, I can feel it. I'd bet money the witch doctor nignogs in Africa are behind this as revenge for Ebola Chan.

Healthcare fag. Everybody knew but knows deep down we are a sinking ship because fat cunts are clogging up the system. Ayyy waddayado?!?!

EVeryone I know had it this year.
Low grade infection, sore throat, feeling weak, malaise. Then becomes hoarse/lost voice, then a tickling cough. Only it lasts 3 months.

Heard nothing about here in Straya, went to UK and everyone is talking about Aussie flu.

Nah, the govt covered this up pretty well, just like the Victorian state govt did in 2009 when Victoria was in the midst of a health crisis because of swine flu.

it was all over abc national radio for weeks you ultra fucking pleb, luckily for me i was out on a station in qld near the
NT border middle of australia basically

Crikey mate

>swine flu vaccine was just micro chipping gulible faggots

>this is just the regular flu which cant be vaccinated agaisnt, but they still do it to micro chip more of you idiots

i needa buy some stocks in microchips i swear i always say ill do it later ill do it later but i never do, crazy huh? well not this time im buying stocks in micro chips tommorow, thanks shia

the flu will kill half of europe

>There is no point in trying to close the borders
Said no-one ever. This fucking retard wants to get people killed.

>Australia ushers in the Apocalypse as a bit of banter

Its done it before.

It was literally all over the news every day.

I'll be fine you have to go outside to get the flu

u can get it from the air u breathe u normie faggot

Nah cunt. It was the staging grounds. Aussies deal with the flu every other day. We've got quite the immunity to it. So Australia is the naturally the place to start the pandemic. As it also started at Christmas we had many carrier flying all over the world. Once it takes hold in the third world shit holes we'll be golden.

what the fuck is this shit?

>get flu shot
>Die anyways

What did shills mean by this?

Pic related, all the people who tell you to get the shot

I'm sick with the flu right now
I hate australians so god damn much

I got the flu in winter but it wasn't that bad. only one day I felt like shit and then I went back to drinking and smoking. Maybe the booze killed it

Good bye Americanon, may God bless you on your journey.
I honestly want to be infected by the flu and die.

Lol, good luck

It's just banter guys.

lucky i don't go outside

>the ride actually ends

Your shitposting has gone too far Straya!

Bring it on.

Most seasonal flu outbreaks end up killing a few old people. The only difference with this one is that the vaccine wasn't as effective as normal, so more of them died. I caught flu and it made me tired and lethargic for over a week, but the worst aspect was having to quarantine myself to ensure my mother didn't catch it.

Swine flu was far more virulent. It didn't just kill old people and those with compromised immune systems - young and healthy people were susceptible too, and for the survivors the symptoms were far worse than normal flu.

Don't spread it to your family, family

Moot told you to beware the Australian menace. You should have listened.

Don't invite it in!

Hopefully this is the long awaited boomercide flu.

I have aids