Madoka thread (anime not character)
Madoka thread
Madoka is trash of the highest caliber, it tries to cover it's utter lack of characterization and character development with fancy visuals and shocking plot twists to keep it's retarded fans hooked and talking about how subversive it is.
>"Am I cool yet, guys?"
You are entitled to your opinion, but I disagree, I enjoyed the anime. I understand that art is subjective and nothing is enjoyable for everyone.
Have a nice day, I hope you watch an anime you enjoy.
Oh yeah, then what anime do you like?
Best girl right here.
Yeah, kyubey is so kawaii desu
Holy shit, why do you have to be such a contrarian. Just leave the fucking thread if you don't like the show jesus fucking christ you shitfucking cunt. It was an enjoyable anime.
Also who homu here?
What did you guys think of Rebellion?
Legit question here:
Just watched madoka last week. How did 12 episodes spawn such a shitshow when it originally aired? Was it the jesus-esque sacrifice? Was it just cause it was "not your typical mahou shoujo anime"? Why did it cause such a ruckus?
>Just watched madoka last week. How did 12 episodes spawn such a shitshow when it originally aired? Was it the jesus-esque sacrifice? Was it just cause it was "not your typical mahou shoujo anime"? Why did it cause such a ruckus?
nobody really expected shit going down in anime like this. except now other animes picked up the trick like how it happened with evangelion.
also tsunami
Isnt a thread for a show ment to be a discussion of the show? Or is it just my observation. Im not the guy you replied to but i agree with everything he says and nobody yet argued against the fact that the show has shit characters and relies on plot twists to be at least slightly entertaining
All three. The second has a lot to do with it, because the advertising made it seem like it was a normal mahou shoujo aimed at kids. Then episode 3 happened. Apparently there were children watching. Then controversy drove the ratings up.
MamiSaya a best