The true redpill is the neo-libetarianism fucking nazifaggot
The true redpill is the neo-libetarianism fucking nazifaggot
The logical conclusion of libertarianism is decentralization, separation, segregation, and secession.
Low-tier trash, but then again what here actually follows the rules and is of any quality?
I stopped caring about libertarianism when I realised people smuggling was being used as a weapon and that there really are groups who would use WOMD on my city if they could get away with it.
Can I have my police state please?
And, exactly, where is the problem?
This is the natural law. The stronger smashes the weaker.
To secure individual liberty state force us nexessary to create fairness and assuee peoples rights to ownership.
In our case, a tiny snake has venom that can kill a lion. How is this fair? It's not, fuck the snakes, burn the fields and kill them all.
You want strong smashing the weak? Fine, I'll take my strong state.
but if we smash the strong state?
Then the lefties will take over and you'll be flooded with migrants and amidst those migrants canisters of anthrax and VX.
You stupid, blue pill cunt.
So what if the deep state are up my arse, at least I'm not going to die a horrible, malicious death. Fuck libertarianism, police state now, retain all the data for all time.
A night watchman state is the true redpill
Le corporations are so based! I love globalism and consumerist lifestyle. Who cares if the national iq drops to 70, atleast the commies will be mad!
>libertarian dream
The proposed scenario is why I'm not libertarian even though I like it in theory.
only libertarianism in conjunction with strong nationalism is able to prevail. also sage.
>only libertarianism in conjunction with strong nationalism
The former is harmful to the latter though, it doesn't work.
You like being bluepilled
Adding a useless prefix will not make libertarianism any less of a failure.
You are flying the anarchist flag. Are you anarchist or libertarian? Pick one.
Curiously enough many antifas are very suspectible to nazbol and facist propaganda if you bring out its socialist aspects. The fact that pol doesn’t use this surprises me.
yo snek explain me this: in what way is the world not libertarian right now? If might makes right then statist fucks have reigned supreme for all of recorded history. How exactly do you SMASH a powerful state with something less powerful? Are you still huffing constitution crack or?
t. shlomo shekelberg