>Can't post on /spa/ anymore
Last post is >>>/spa/63840
>Can't post on /spa/ anymore
Last post is >>>/spa/63840
You're gonna carry that weight.
It was just Sup Forumswith flags.
we will always remember the times we had those days
>Sup Forums will never again be as comfy as it was on April 1 2017
H-hold me user
It's Sup Forums with heart
>Just people caring about flags and making jokes about the respective country.
Thank god, Just go to Sup Forums if you want to make jokes about shitposters being from x.
Blame Sup Forums for being totally irrelevant and letting it become Sup Forums: flags edition.
Oh did we actually merge with Sup Forums?
Im glad everyone got too see how terrible Canadians are and how great vatican posters are
Good riddance.
this, i used to frequent Sup Forums way back and its pathetic how boring and stale it is now
>threads archiving after 15 minutes of inactivity
what a time that was
I feel bad for /jp/ being left out.
Would have been nice to keep Sup Forums shitposters somewhat contained there but Japanese moot probably can't afford the bandwidth. Was something different for a change at least.
I think it would've been really funny for them to merge with /soc/ but then again nobody should ever deal with /soc/ bullshit. Poor /out/
They should of merged Sup Forums and /qa/ there was some migration but the amount of fighting was glorious
/jpan/ would've worked out pretty well
[r9k] might have worked. They could wallow in their self loathing together.
>/spa/ ends
>Sup Forums goes back to being generals everywhere
I'm gonna chill with you guys for a while
So many SE/a/ fags.
/can/ was a smashing success
Sup Forums was no fun. Sup Forums should have merged with Sup Forums instead.
They just kind of rolled over and remained in their couple of generals; so much for their banter. I would have hoped for some hilarious OC coming out but it was basically just Sup Forums with flags.
>not /ak/
Sup Forums is way past its prime.
Sup Forums isn't the same as it used to be. Over-moderation and generals made it so boring that most of the people who made Sup Forums fun left.
We learned so much from /spa/. The fact that this faggot
hates it means you know it was good.
At least we had the draft.
RIP in peace, /spa/. You were too good for this world.
Let us take solace in the fact Umaru is on the front page there.
Umaru on the front page... forever
I know that you should have original ideas for every year of april's fools, but I would be totally down if they rehashed it next year.
It's Sup Forums where you can see the people running Sup Forums are Canadians
I learned that every career shitposter who brings nothing to the table but dissent and derailment and tries to tear us apart is, in fact, a Canadian. I always had a feeling, but seeing it proven live was surreal.
I was blown away that everyone screaming about Sup Forums where Sup Forums didn't exist was Canadian. I thought for sure it'd be southern Americans and SEAs, but they were better than I thought. It was all the Canadians, and everyone shit on then when it came to light. Then you had the Canadians screaming bloody murder about how it's not their fault and flags are bad and unfair. Fuck them all.
April Fools joke. A bunch of boards were paired off and merged, Sup Forums and Sup Forums became /spa/
Its still up for me though
Try posting in it then
Who do I have to bribe to get it work?
>a fucking paki
>tried to start a yotsuba dump
>made it 2 chapters
>it died after 3 hours because nobody saw it in the 4 seconds it was on page 1
>tfw now i can spam A FUCKING LEAF or HUEHUEHUE whenever shitposter coming
>/spa/ closed
>Sup Forums open
I thought this was a website for weebs not for people with extra chromosomes.
>still doing screencaps à la Sup Forums
No one should have to merge with Sup Forums
I liked the Lelouch is Peruvian meme more.
>everyone sitewide cried about muh Sup Forums and r/the_donald bogeyman
>turns out Sup Forums is more infested by r/anime and r/manga
We need to cleanse Sup Forums with /mlp/
Lol whats wrong with r/manga?
Its a neat place where all TLfags shill their site and i bet everyone on Sup Forums that dump manga pages ripped the ones from r/manga
I've translated anime and manga that I've posted here and never once set foot in Reddit. Fuck off.
pity the poor Raiders fans [again].
>Sup Forums stealing content from reddit
are you sure?
>Lol whats wrong with r/manga?
Yeah I laughed at your post too
A shame. I had some fun threads going there.
>an avatarfagging proxyfag
Found the Vatican poster.
I literally cannot get over how canadians were revealed to be the problem on EVERY board. /spa/, /vint/, and of course /mlpol/
>check phone
>new Yotsuba chapter
someone go post it, what the fuck
I miss my flag even when its from shit third world country
boards.Sup Forums.org/spa/
Didn't even see the board. All I witnessed were
Were there any others?
/fap/ - /p/ + /fa/
And /outsoc/ which was just mean
/spa/, /vint/, /outsoc/, /mtv/, /fap/
I thought the leaf meme was a joke. Seeing in action was really mindblowing for me.
If there's one thing I learned from that board is that Canadians blow.
Already forgot /fap/. Never saw the others.
I checked all boards eight hours after /mlpol/ was started and didn't see any other merged boards at the time.