Should I watch this Sup Forums? What would or should I expect?
Should I watch this Sup Forums? What would or should I expect?
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I thought it was boring as hell and the protagonist is consistently drawn off-model. I only kept watching to see if it got any better. It didn't.
Moe AI.
Raison d'etre.
It's pretty good. The ending will probably confuse you if you aren't paying close attention though.
Watch it and make up your own mind. Personally I never thought that it was pretentious and it has some nice visuals.
Shitty color palette.
It's a huge ball of wasted potential because it's mainly fucking boring
Pino was one of the few reasons why I kept on watching it
Someone made an anime for Evanescence?
expect a bunch of pretentious bullshit trying to be too deep for you.
it was a complete waste of time back then and it still is today
The worst 2deep4u anime ever made.
But the OST is kick ass.
Its pretty cool. It has one of the best EDs too.
a comfy anime
Great anime.
Everyone in this thread is a pleb who didn't understand the show.
Just skip it and watch something actually worthwhile. Do what you like, though.
>descartes quote so you think this post is more than it actually is.
It gets way too much hate here.
The universe and characters are actually very well portrayed, people here just call it pretentious and leave it at that.
The first few episodes will make you think you're watching one kind of show then it goes off the rails.
watched first ep and I thought it was gayer than Canadians
That's really the vibe I got from it. The first three or four episodes were the most surreal experience I had watching an anime, then it pulled the rug out from under me. I feel like after episode 12 they just kind go on a Samurai Champloo style filler adventure with bits of foreshadowing and character development sprinkled around, then they shove all the reveals and answers in the last two episodes. I enjoyed it but I have no idea why. Probably because Re-l filled all my waifu requirements and Pino was fun incarnate.
I liked that Monoral song.
I don't get it. It's got too much vignette and nothing draws me in no matter how many times I watch it.
dude there is nothing gayer than canadians
I want to facefuck Re-L til her tears destroy her makeup, but I would kill myself before watching the show again.
Do not watch.
its okay
Its a bit full of itself and not really that well planned so dont expect this complex tale you can revisit and be like "omg they properly forshadowed _____ in episode _!!!"
explain it to me, prove me I'm wrong
Someone answer this man's question
Was he right?
>Figured out halfway through the show that Daedelus is a boy
All that time I thought he was just a flat cake with a motherly affection for Re-L.
I don't remember anything about it except that it was a disappointment.
I want to mess her makeup with my cum.
No it's pretentious drivel
But that type of 2deep4u stuff is to me like moe is to you
It's not even 2deep, it just references various philosophers while having nothing to do with anything they wrote about. It's practically the definition of pretentious.
Damn you're stupid.
And? That's literally the appeal
Just like you enjoy moe
I know you are but what am I?
>That creator interview about the canceled S2 where Vincent and Re-L are hunted by the returning humans
Where can I read that?
Expect to be disappointed, its shit
somebody post the image where she punches herself in the face to make her eyes like that
three times I picked it up and three times that I dropped it after a few episodes, I like the art style and all but it's soooo fucking boring
You'd be better off watching Texhnolyze or something like that. At least that show is only boring for the first 10 episodes, and then becomes pure sadness.
If it had half as many episodes it might have been worth watching.
shit pacing
shit characters
shit animation
shit plot
its pretentious shit; wasted my time, dont waste yours
Fuck it was good.
I downloaded the OST (then removed the Circus song) and play it when taking long drives. Makes me think about my raison d'etre.
Riding across the wasteland was my favourite scene. So chill, reminds me of my Navy days out on the sea.
That would be awesome.
>The filler episode where they were stranded without any wind to sail on.
>Re-l doing squats in her underwear.
not op but can should i watch it ?
(P.S i have an average intelligence digree and i don't read books either )
Watch it at 2x so you don't waste as much of your life on it.
why the fuck did this make me hard
expect an anime that tries too hard. The kind you'd really like when you're 15
You might be able to have some fun with it but you'll probably come out of the ending more confused than anything.
>Pino was one of the few reasons why I kept on watching it
Pino is not for lewd you fucking lolicons
I watch it for the TL Note porn
The doppelganger was absolutely perfect in design and execution.
Holy shit, I have never been more satisfied with a one episode character in any other vietnamese moving tapestry.
But she was moe.
Because you're a fucking degenerate and should leave this board.
Huh what's this? Too deep for you huh, why don't you go watch something more suitable to your intelligence. I think there's a SAO thread up right now. Now scram.
Tbh, it's not worth it.
The start is good, but then it gets so filler'y and by the end you've sort of lost interest.
She was not.
The fuck are you talking about?
She's a sweet young woman who has no idea what's going on until the end, which makes you wanna stand side-by-side blasting away with shotguns until she figures things out, amirite?!
She's completely moe!
A little pretentious at times, but also pretty comfy with some interesting scenes. A nice soundtrack with good visuals. I didn't love it, but it wasn't too bad either. Worth the watch I'd say.
>She's a sweet young woman
Except that, you know, this happened
She's a whore
I had the exact opposite feeling.
The opening was so sterile that I almost stopped watching, but I felt like when they got outside it really opened up.
Only good thing in this show was Pino. Other than that was pretty boring and I didn't understand a lot of things in it.
WAKE ME UP INSIDE: the animation
>Should I watch this Sup Forums?
>calling anime "Sup Forums"
Whew, lad.
Don't skip the gameshow episode.
He's addressing the board, Sup Forumsirgin
Texhnolyze was great.
Another actually good anime with something of a similar feel/atmosphere: Noein
I love it though I understand why someone would think it's pretentious and/or boring. And Pino is the miracle of universe.
Noein was shit, i don't know what are you talking about i didn't get the same feel/atmosphere from it.
>leave this board
He is where he should be
Raison d'etre
>complaining about some insignificant tolerable fetish when people here literally enjoy scat, gore etc.
Talk about fighting the wrong battle
Nope. He tried and failed. Also, addressing the board is somewhat redundant as usually people know which board they're currently browsing.
You didn't get the same atmosphere from Noein as from Ergo Proxy?
Or did you think I was comparing it to Texhnolyze? Because I wasn't.
Watch it if you don't have a pigeon brain. A fair warning: it is not a crime/detective story. The main theme is transhumanism.
>muh Raison d'Etre
has become a meme from this show but there's actually a good reason for it being so oftenly repeated. The main character is an artificial (post-)human that abandons the purpose for which he was created by humans to find a purpose of his own making. Not spoilered since there's a high likelyhood that this will go over your head.
It's the exact opposite. Ergo Proxy has one of the most cathartic endings ever.
A story that's not as deep as it acts like it is but is still pretty interesting, some solid visuals and really, really good directing in a few episodes in the middle.
This episode is as good as the rest of the show pretends to be, fight me about it,
nope, don't bother i'v tried hard though
I think they had the first few episodes planned out but then had to wing it for the rest
One thing I really love about this show is the shotgun, it's nice looking and packs a punch.
game show episode was the most enjoyable loredump ever
>Brushing her own hair.
not muh Re-l
Re-L top waifu
Pino top daughteru
Vincent bro as fuck
He didn't deserve this ;_;
>Hugo Gernsback
>suddenly remember the crashed ship of the same name from ME2
and yes, I did read the text in that pic so I get the original reference, too
The reveal of this genuinely surprised me
>Vincent cucked him, Daedelus and Iggy to death.
I think we all know who the real bad guy was.
The very definition of "pretentious".
Also: if you expect the entire show to look as good as that screenshot, prepare yourself for a huge letdown.
It's good but a lot of Sup Forums will tell you it's shit. The ending was pretty poor though.
currently watching the show, and was about to drop it on episode 5, but this pic has made me keep going