"Julietta, the demon slayer" has a nice ring to it, don't you think?
Gundam IBO
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>flawless victory for team meat
Tekkadan and Choco eternally BTFO.
Could Julietta slay Kira?
Worst Gundam series? Or most badly-handled ending ?
Good ending, poorly handled season 2
really? felt rushed as fuck and the pacing was terrible if you ask me.
God what a garbage fucking ending, at the very least we see best girl Atra fill out well.
>Good ending
The fuck did you watch?
>Lets use WMDs lol gonna really help my democratic election
>Now fight a load of grunts
>Oh a cool final battle? Nope sleepy time
>Time jump
>Everything is great now!
>Inexplicably everyone we wanted got achieved and pure god king Rustal has power
>You know Gali they really were the Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans Season 2 now released on Bluray and various streaming platforms
I feel like all the ideas were sound, but they really needed to do a better job pacing the show.
>give Mika some minor character development, so we actually feel something when he dies
>spend more time with Gaelio and give him more to do in the events leading up to the finale
>have a few more Gjallarhorn Ace pilots, that actually die in the final battle, so it doesn't feel like a total mook killing spree
I have no problem with Monkey being the one to give Mika the coup de grâce and getting credit for it as if she had actually defeated him in a fair fight.
That seemed pretty realistic when you look at how actual events get romanticized in comparison to how they actually play out.
>Okada, you can't give IBO an /u/ end-
what were the rating like overall for this series? I'm hoping there won't be anymore okaka gundams.
The absolute madwoman went and did it.
>Okay, listen up animators. For the last couple of episodes I want Kudelia's expression to convey that she can barely keep herself from licking Atra's pussy!
>But okada these characters have barely interacted outside of talking about how great Mika is
The weird thing is that I can buy Atra's bisexuality. I mean it's basically a running gag by now that she was building her harem, not Mika's.
But Kudelia just took a level in gay out of nowhere.
Honestly better than most of the show.
Issue is 49 eps of bullshit to get there. And wasted MS. And development.
>No tits for the milf
Why does God hate her so much?
>Worst Gundam series?
Naah, Reco still holds the title as the smelliest turd of gundumb show
>poorly handled season 2
Not as poorly as S1 was.
Only among braindevastated meme eaters though.
You can say both are as equal in their poor handling, but different aspects.
S1 had nothing much happening, poor MS diversity, poor fight scenes and shit with Kudelia being poorly done.
S2 had poor arc cohesion, continued with low character development and bad fight scenes while fixing issues like more MS, less Kudelia and more shit going on unlike brewers
Both Seasons also had teased you with much more interesting things going on, as per the norm.
Did you see her hips at the end of the scene, Atra is literally god tier baby making material.
At last I truly see, that Okada is a hack.
Not gonna lie, I fucking hate that Rustal Elion got to be a "good guy" in the end after continuously using highly illegal methods and shit to play through it. I felt fucking sick when he and Kudelia shook hands. Part of me was hoping he was going to be one of the people Ride killed in the last scene.
So was the whole mobile armor thing a wasted plot point?
Seems to me they could have used it as foreshadowing for a new calamity war as the mobile armors awaken from the increased usage of gundams. They would obliterate gjallarhorn and all the gundam pilots would commit sudoku to defeat them and bring about peace.
Instead it was straight up forgotton and wasn't even neccessary to introduce the FORBIDDEN WEAPON bit.
Hey, Idiok died.
I wish we got a MA during the final arc.
Maybe crazy mechanic chick makes one in some side plot.
Well the ideas behind all this shit could be transformed into something workable. While implementation was butchered completely.
But to do it right they would have needed to add some Rustal at the end of season 1. And actually show that he wants something besides spanking young upstarts. Also don't save explanation of McGillis retardation for the last moments of his life. Well and overall work with characters and pacing should be much better.
Then you can have a "MUH, BAEL" McGillis vs politician Rustal with Tekkadan trying to survive and carve a space for themselves while two forces inside of Gjallarhorn collide. Technically that's what we got it. But it was done poorly.
Noice I really wanted the vidar theme
Only good part was Rustal and company won. Everything else was shit. Especially Iok's death.
Mika's kid looks so fucking stupid. It's literally the same design except for Atra's hair. They're about the same height too.
IBO ended up being the "MUH REALISM" of Gundam series.
So if Kira is somehow transported to that universe, he'd lose his messiah status and plot armor.
>implying she's /u/ and not practicing /ss/ with mini mika whenever she's not working
Iok died though good riddance
>Iok died
I'm still mourning.
>ChocoChar succeeds in taking down the Seven Stars families
>all the crooked political power just goes to Rustal and his yakuza + pedo associates though
Mackey was just like Orga in his expectation that everything would be better if he could just get where he was going, without having any actual concrete plan. Just vague notions of "MUH BAEL" and "IF I WAS BAEL THINGS WOULD BE DIFFERENT AROUND HERE."
Rustal and Kudelia knew what they wanted to get done and they got it done. Julietta will continue to be a puppet of a corrupt masters, but has replaced Iok-sama as the morale-boosting leader of the common soldiers who enforce the establishment.
He had a plan, but gaelio asspulling hinself from the dead completely fucked it over.
After that he just went fuck it, get bael and kamikazee at Rustal.
I wonder how Gaelio still lives when his imouto is probably out for his life.
What's the name?
>tfw Dansleif theme
>Almira actually put on the mask and got in a robot
>Gaelio is crippled because he had to interface with Ein again to stop Almira's Rebellion
Simple, his imouto is a piece of shit.
I have no idea, but it played when vidar and Mackie met the first time during the MA arc and when Gali spoke about Mackie only knowing power inside Bael's chamber.
>I have no problem with Monkey being the one to give Mika the coup de grâce
She didn't even do that. The gundam had completely stopped moving and Mika had passed out and was about 5 seconds from bleeding to death. It was already over. She basically just stuck her sword in a corpse and declared herself the winner while everyone pretended they hadn't just watched Julietta fail to do anything to Barbatos and it largely ignoring her while it killed some more mooks in the last bit of the fight.
It's called Revenge of the Faithful, In the first disc, track 13 if that's what you mean.
>swoop in to killsteal after everyone else and danslaif did the damage
Maybe this is just personal preference but I thought season 2 was good. and the ending was very good.
Couldn't stand season 1 though. Very nearly dropped it multiple times.
To each of their own.
While I wasn't that much of a fan by the end, S2 was more interesting to me.
Muh bael, dansleif spam, MAs in general all were interesting to watch, even if execution was iffy. I skipped Dort anyway.
I feel that S2 peaked at the mobile armor fight. Everything after that was a downward slide that leaned too heavily on McGillis and Orga suddenly going full retard with no real plan.
>OST is out
Nice. I really like the main theme.
>the "MUH REALISM" of Gundam series.
Not with those stick thin waists.
The ending was pretty ok, except for that part. I can't believe that the fucking monkey was the one to kill Mikazuki. What a fucking load of shit.
At least he sucessfully impregnated Atra before dying.
Mika was already a deadman though.
Literally just took his head of a man who couldn't even walk at that point.
What's those Seven Stars faggots prostrating to Rustal? They were being tsundere to McGillis just a few episodes ago
>Dub Rustal is voiced by the guy who did Noctis
>tactic includes spamming projectiles (swords) to win
Julietta becoming a politician is such a fucking absurd concept.
The only reason they were doing that was the mech he got, no one wanted to go against him politically or militarily at that point except Rustal. When Rustal stepped up, all of them said the equivalent of fuck it you two have it out and we'll support whoever wins.
They simply didn't have the will to defy McG with his magic space jesus mech.
When will this meme die?
>dat feel dainsleaf song is titled the dignity of lords
I really don't understand why the hell the Dainslaf got outlawed to begin with.
>These highly efficient ranged weapons will revolutionize combat. They will also act as a detergent to limit bloodshed and end wars quicker.
>On second thought, let's not use them. We like hitting each other with swords, maces and giant wrenches that look like dinosaur heads.
You answered your own question. Because it would make mobile suits useless.
They were too good. If every faggot has a dainsleif Gjallarhorn can't be the strongest kid on the block anymore. Why waste the resources and time building fleets of space ships and mobile suits when they will just be raped by a handful of faggots with space spearguns?
That falls apart at the end though as after Rustal's rampant use of them there would be a massive arms race and Gjallarhorn would become entirely irrelevant.
Nobody knew Rustal used them he cut all communications afterwards
Thanks I have been waiting for it ever since I saw Vidar standing on that hill.
>tfw 1:25
I love this suit so much.
Kimaris Vidar was a mistake.
The space mafia knew and Nobliss as an arms dealer no doubt knew as well. That's all it would take as both parties would have no qualms about using them for their own violent and financial ends.
>demon slayer
It's unconfirmed whether Mika died or not. You should know by now that >implied doesn't necessarily mean >confirmed. Especially in anime.
>Julietta, better understanding her own humanity, destroys Barbatos but spares the now harmless Mika
>Mika recovered and now spends his days in an asylum being wheelchaired around by a hot cake that occasionally uses him as a sex toy
>He doesn't mind and isn't worried about his son because he knows Atra and Kudellia will make better parents than he could be
>But this is anticlimactic so it didn't get put into the ending
IBO was miles better than 00(Both seasons) and ZZ.
Didn't really expect this kind of ending. Had expected Turbines grils to show up but sadly didn't.
Also "Julietta, president of the world"
That's even worse, she did nothing to beat him but took all the credit.
The manlet is dead jim, it is time to let go.
No matter how painful it is to see him go.
>IBO was miles better than 00(Both seasons) and ZZ.
What a shit opinion.
Why would they pretend to kill him off in the last episode and not hint at it at all?
You might want to look again.
>Mika has no visible life threatening wounds
>Julietta remarks he's unconscious, not dead
>She severs the head of Barbatos - striking below the neck but leaves the cockpit intact
>This is the last anyone has seen, heard, or spoken of Mika
Open ended as fuck if you ask me.
Remember kids, don't fight your oppressors they will turn into good guys on their own anyway.
By your logic Shino, Orga and McGillis didn't die either
Okay your show is over, you can all go back to ANN now
Or better yet /m/, where they have 50+ threads about it.
If he didn't die from blood loss the gundam cooked his brain to the point of death
its the same thing as eating moths,right?
I wasn't expecting McGillis going full fucking retard when his plan consisted of taking over a gundam and suddenly acting like he's in charge. Plus, all those characters that died to gunshots instead of gundams.
Are you forgetting Fumitan? They were basically a couple.
>IBO was miles better than 00(Both seasons) and ZZ.
You must've put in that extra Z by mistake.
oh I get it, he became a gundam