Why is trump good president he talked about assaulting women,called women sexist slurs,called mexicans rapist,Disgraced veteran (McCain), And has 16 accusers accusing of sexual assault etc etc Explain how is he good
Why is trump good president he talked about assaulting women,called women sexist slurs,called mexicans rapist...
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do you like the taste of cock?
Mccain disgraced himself by losing the war.
Post pics of your underaged penis pls.
Mccain blabbed instead of dying for his country
Do you own a gun?
None of these things have anything to do with being a good president???
I call my dick pistol, do you want to suck it?
1) thats what women like you fucking virgin
2) Mexicans can be pretty cool but they need to integrate and not create their own ghettos. They are raping america by waving mexican flags, and wanting California back, which they don't deserve and couldn't handle. California is the most important state in the union, like it or not. So they deserve to get shit on and deported right now.
3) Mccain is a fucking faggot, see pic related
4) Sexual assault claims are them trying to blackmail him. Learn about Pizzagate. Learn about Hefner's Cia.
Fix your opinions before the day of the rake. Get right with jesus or die.
because he makes soyboys like you cry
If you're smart you shouldn't post L, you disgrace. You need to figure it out yourself.
>assaulting women,
Didn't happen.
>called women sexist slurs,
Some women simply are sluts.
>called mexicans rapist,
You're confusing talk of Mexican rapists for Mexicans in general.
>Disgraced veteran (McCain),
McCain is a disgrace. He's betrayed voters repeatedly while shitting all over veterans for decades now.
>And has 16 accusers accusing of sexual assault etc etc
Accusers who have never had any evidence to back up their claims.
Debate me on twitter instead of making stupid non arguments on here you pseudo intellectuals.
Stop making excuses, his a racist and islamaphobic sexist rapist
Women like being raped? Wow ur a disgusting misogynist just like trump
do you spit or swallow?
stopped reading here
Also fyi (not that its your business) but im not a virgin, i even tweeted about it
I spit on Nazis like you
Every single person, of both genders, has used sexist slurs for both their own and opposite gender. So I literally give zero fucks about how some billionaire playboy refers to women and the truth is the women he was interested in didn’t care either.
He never called Mexicans rapists. He said rapists are illegally crossing the us mexican border. Mexico does have rapists- just like every country. And just like every other country we don’t want Canadian rapists illegally crossing the border nor Mexican rapist crossing the border. Mexicans are just looking for a reason to be offended to gain sympathy because they’re going to have to enter legally, just like everyone else. McCain is a big boy and he can handle some bantz. As someone who actually lives in AZ I think he deserves to be called out for his shenanigans. As for the accusers, OP raped my dog!!!!! See now you’ve been accused. But how does that really mean anything? Guilt beyond an objective reasonable doubt is required in a civilized society. Otherwise that society will devolve into just anther shit hole with mobs of angry people beating the wrongly accused.
Im surprised a redneck retard like you can read in the first place xD
Hey CIA, what anime is that picture from?
Shows that you listen to MSM outlets all the time and your a brainwashed faggot that you believe anything you see.
Instead, of listening to the lies rich corporation's throw at you.Quit living in fantasy land faggot and learn to listen to the truth and do you own research.
Non of those are real arguments, learn to debate retard. Read a noam chomsky book
>Women have rights
>Mexicans are people
>McCain is worthy of praise.
thats where we disagree.
he didnt say mexicans are rapists he said mexican rapists are rapists. when people lie about what he said to make him sound racist it only makes them look bad, not him.
Youve been brainwashed by racists and fake news like alex jones xD
well, other than that he kept hillary from becoming presidents.
when you add that to your list it feels like a pretty good resume
Who said I watch Alex Jones faggot?
Thats not what he said go watch the clip idiot
He literally stole the presidency from her with the help of the russians. His evil and corrupt. Bernie still would have been the best president though
Of course the russian is an antisemite
excellent rebuttal, guess I want Dingbald Zumpf to be impeached now for hurting the precious feelings of cunts
There is not a day that goes by that I don't thank the donald for kicking hillary out.
If I feel depressed all I have to do is watch election night videos.
I realize that it is not enough, and that it will pass. but for now I feel blessed.
As a bonus I get to chat with losers like you about it. Did you cry faggot? are you still butthurt?
would you suck bill clintons dick?
Are you kidding? Every sane person hates juden, it's not about nation.
It doesnt matter if i convince you or not bc he will still be impeached
nothing about this has anything to do with politics lol
When the investigation is over Trump will be in jail and they will make hillary president when they prove electronic voter hacking by the russians made her lose tge rust belt.
why can't you write a coherent statement in your country's official language? explain that and i might tell you why you're a nigger
I dont hate jews because im a good person unlike you nazis
Excuse me i am dyslexic
>he talked about assaulting women,called women sexist slurs,called mexicans rapist,Disgraced veteran (McCain
free speech, not crime
>And has 16 accusers accusing of sexual assault
doesn't mean it actually happened, become somebody rich and relevant and then watch blackmails from people you never ever saw
Scope insensitivity: The Post
You are the reason feminism needs to exist.
You dont have because you are rabbi, shlomo.
Fucking slide thread again.
Yeah, I'm the Truth, the reason Lies exist.
Impeached maybe, but not convicted. The Democrats will never obtain such numbers in the Senate to reach 67 votes.
Im actually an artist not a rabbi and im not even Jewish. And Whats a slide thread?
then why are you trying to debate people on a senegalese basketweaving forum?
No everyone hates trump. Even the republicans do, they will send him to prison. Dont be delusional
Because all you nazis are wrong
Look at his twitter
says who? the dyslexic nigger?
Because he's not a power-hungry corrupt democrat.
That's enough to make him a good president, can you guess who's at fault for letting things get this out of hand?
Hes literally a corrupt russian operative and definately power hungry
I agree hes corrupt
Me too
the tears, they are delicious
How about you judge him by his policies rather than irrelevant shit he said like a normal educated voter.
Like you losers can talk. Im very mature for my age unlike you
We can see you agreeing with yourself via the same ID. You're not fooling anyone.
He got rid of health care and hates the poor and minorities which is clear enough through his politics
Keep changing that flag retard
That wasnt me
>rappels down to your window
L Lawliet from Death Note.
>gets pulled away via helicopter
Shitty bait autism the threD
fucking newfag fuck off
He is still fucking doing it. Ahhhh thanks for laugh faggot kys
Alright now I really need to go live in the mountains
Just kill yourself retard
You didn't even crack a smile.
Why is Sup Forums even engaging in this shit?
Trump treat women how you should treat them.
It's honestly very funny how right wingers defend Trump making fun of McCain for being a fucking POW lmao, if Obama said that someone would have fucking shot him by now.
Damn nigga they paid you to get on the clock 5 minutes early?
Cause it shows how dumb liberals and man-children are.
Don't try to defend him please don't. I am begging you user not to defend him. It will only make you look like a complete retard. please please please don't. user PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T DEFEND HIM.
This is some top-tier shitposting. Thanks for the laughs, m8
fuck off, melbourne
great bait thread m8,all of you newfags giving op yous should be ashamed.
I... i do