Why do you guys let your niggers act so entitled?

Why do you guys let your niggers act so entitled?
A good old lynching would solve their entitlement and attitude problems

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Is this nigger playing the opposite day?

I hold the door open for everybody. Black guys are about the same as white guys saying thank you. But black females almost never say thank you. And they especially never hold da doo open.

I literally never see a nigger do any of this shit. They might say "scuse YOU" at best. They are renowned for being the worst cashiers on earth. Their kids rarely misbehave in public when they're young, I'll give them that.


That's a google employee....

Google is a shadow CIA.

>hating white men: alright! Its even encouraged!
>saying anything remotely negative about non-whites: WTF RACIST

I'm gonna guess and say this nigger is trying to be ironic and sheeeit

>blacks are more civilised than whites

Also what's with this habit of niggers being allowed to address the entirety of white people in their tweets and shit? It's an overt double-standard.

>That's a google employee

>they don't report that
She's right. Hardworking niggers is news. Big if true.

I'm sure they report the inevitable ficki ficki

>belchy stinky nigger raised without a dad telling whites how to act

makes me think

>Its a Sup Forums false flags as a racist nigger to garner normie support episode

>Also what's with this habit of niggers being allowed to address the entirety of white people in their tweets and shit?
They wuz oppreshed and shiet so its okay for them to act like subhuman trash according to themselves and leftists.

Yes we do all those things already, would be nice if the niggers would too, especially tending to their kids. Hell, just have two parents in the home and you'll be doing 1000% better.

Jesus Christ guarantee most white ppl do the first 4 anyways

And kids are a nightmare whatever the colour of their skin.

how is any of this insulting?

>ur goin to do human things dat human do

like, yea nigga, you got that right. what of it?

Doubt it but a good idea regardless.

Black people in 2018 you are going to:
-Reduce murder and violent crime to reflect your percentile representation
-Raise your children
-Stop appropriating white culture (western clothing, housing, education etc.)
-Fuck off back to Bongobongoland.

How would this go down on Shitter?

Can confirm big if true, anyone got sources on this?

I always do that except the money. In our supermarkets we have special plates where consumers put money and cashiers a change.

Niggers in 2018 you are going to:

yeah i probably will

Your problem isn't black people, your problem is Muslims, pajeets and pakis mostly.

Black children rarely misbehave in public? Have you been around blacks in public?


You sir or maam would be the greatest villian since Hitler! But we would laugh our asses off!

Dyrus is in jail now

Everytime I reached a nig-nog family nigglets are screaming their lungs out. The female chimp glued to her niggerphone don't bother speaking even loudly.

African education is the worst ever, no wonder : it's a matriarcal one.

You clearly haven't been around many kid nigs in public.

You'd be banned from Twatter before you even know it. No hate speech allowed.

>No hate speech allowed
Not true, Twatter allows targeted hate speech.
Only as long as your target are white people, specifically heterosexual white men.

That would be reverse racism and it doesn't exist, only whites can be racist you bigot.

>That would be reverse racism and it doesn't exist
Yeah "reverse racism" doesn't exists, its just called racism you dumb mong
>only whites can be racist you bigot.
Whites are literally the least racist race around

>first person to help is a white girl

I always lose it when some guy tells them they account for 50% of murders and they go "Ayo boi don't pull dat shit you shoot up schools" but they still account for 50% of murders. Their only response is "much school shootings" and sassy black girl gifs

Black pipo in 2018 are you going to

Raise your kids

Not sell crack

Not kill each other over stupid shit

Take responsibility for your actions

I was LARPing a NPC twatter user, user.

>Black people doing any of those things
Holy kek. I have one for you
>Black people in 2018 you are going to say: I'm going out for some smokes, I'll be right back

In 2018 my goal is to avoid niggers altogether.
I use self-checkout exclusively. I would pick a non-nigger worker if those are unavailable.
>door held open
I don't get that close to niggers for that to happen.
>excuse me
Same thing. I don't get close enough to nigs for that to happen.

Don't support companies that employ niggers.
Don't give to charrities that give to niggers or are run by jews.
Avoid niggers at all costs.

That's a boy's locker room.

Schrodinger Nigger. Every black is a doctor engineer scientists. Until observed by a cop.

The ANC once complained. They said that local news outlets where showing all the wrongs that they did and not the good. In repsonce one of the news outlets pointed out that the good that they where doing was what they where suppose to be doing in the first place, and that I quote; "you don't praise a fish for swimming."

Niggers expect to be congratulated on being decent humans, as if its hard to be human, hmmmmmmmm.

Black people in 2018 you are going to:


My children in 2018 your are going to:
-hold da cellphone steady while yo mama twerkin
-stay outta da pool
-see me in 2019

Oh shit, the niggers are learning manners?

Who taught them trigger discipline?

Not their dad

>stop being niggers
>stop appropriating white culture
pick one

Next thing you know they will be holding the gun straight and aiming down the sights

I thought he said black people at first, it seemed weird that he wanted them to be responsible, assumed he must have been someone in the mold of Larry elder

>Whiy peepo
>y u do normal human things

*raises a black power fist*


>Cause we won't do all that shit, ya cracka ass white boy

I teach a kids martial class and the nigletts 6 or 7 are the best behaved kids. Single black women dont take any shit from the their kids and will put those nigletts in their place when they start acting up. Married white women defend their kid at all costs and will attack you if you tell them thier kid was bad. And if their kid is really bad, they'll just medicate him or get him consuling before just smacking him on his head.

The roles dont really switch until middle school years, when nigletts discover rap music and gang culture

Those are things white people do, though???

>imaginary gangs
The absolute state of the west. You lot deserve everything you've got coming to you.

You've clearly never been around UK niggers. Their crime rates are similar to those of US niggers.

Is ficki ficki litteraly a world from those negroes? When i worked in mcdonalds there was an erithrean immigrant aged about 27 there
He spoke broken english but he said alot of "ficki ficki" when talking about girls, lol

A word**

Lol you couldn't be more wrong or more of a cuck. Keep excusing the niggers, nigger.

It's tweets like these that make me think that we're past the point of no return. This nog is in all seriousness implying that whites do these things less often than niggers - how delusional. It's like he's living in another fantasy world, created by his severely limited frontal lobe.
It's either them or us.

Im gonna post that

Do you have no experience with little black kids? Here in the south they're pretty well behaved until they hit middle school. Evidently, if you get beat for misbehaving it works. Till they discover rap and ""culture"".

Maybe you're talking about northern chimps and we're talking about southern nogs. Different strains they are.

Kid tested, kek approved.

I do all this now. So basically this nigger is saying whites should carry on acting white?

wake up, white man, don't be cucked.
Prohibit affirmative action and gibs and let niggers starve.

Guess that excuses the absolute chaos we've recently seen in Melbourne where Sudanese born 'youths' are rioting, mass stealing and beating the shit out of random white strangers.

I wonder if Asher Wolf would feel safer in Dandenong (Ooga Booga town) than Caulfield (Kikeville- pretty sure she's a grabbler).

And don't let that photo fool you, she's a fucking massive fatass IRL.

>Niggers in 2018 are going to:
>• Hopefully disappear from earth

I'm on the coast in Mississippi and that's bullshit. Nigger's let their LITTLE niggers run wild. I was in the Dr's office last week and 2 little niggers were going crazy and mom nigger couldn't be fucked to look up from her iphone to say shit.

jesus fucking christ, if this dude was projecting any harder i'd use him to watch the IMAX version of Blade Runner 2049

Share the IMAX file nigger.

Black peoples ines 2018s youes tos..... ares's goings to's.........

Numbers to your mother yo!!!!

"control your kids when out in public"


I remember having black friends from kindergarten to forth grade. By around sixth we were no longer friends given how they started to change. By high school most were expelled or disruptive and in suspension of some kind.

This was a area that was middle class and white at the time so those early years for them weren't full on hood indoctrination.

Do white Americans really act like this?

¡Wydurr dem u mahmood!

Also all the replies
Either YAAAAS PREACH type shit or cucked whites kissing the feet of the niggers as much as possible
>yeah us white people are so bad soooo sorry


Business as usual?

I have never seen a white person not do these things but I'm a leaf so I don't know how it goes in burgerland.

all these things that he mentions, are things that white people actually do 99% of the time. the cognitive dissonance is real.

Yeah, that means "I will rape her"

Its genetic you fools. Once the T starts flowing through at puberty the MOAO R2 gene gets more salient and all hope is gone

>niggers not being worthless violent lazy pieces of shit should be newsworthy
well she's right about one thing

Black people in 2018 you are going to :
Stop screaming in theaters
Stop shouting at your phone, no, i don't care about how much of a bitch ass nigga your baby daddy is
Control your kids when out in public
Stop committing half the murders despite being 13% of the population
Put your trash in the fucking trash can


lmao, niggers don't do any of that shit, are you fucking kidding me, ahahahaha, niggers are the rudest people on the planet.

>imaginary gangs
hehehe she is in for a big surprise if this is whay she think reality is.

Niglets are fucking horrible in public

guy in the front left is letting the side down

To be fair, the nog was just saying what White people will actually do.

Gay flag in control of telling me what I should be doing

>The amount of likes and retweets shit like this gets

Yet western whites still believe that the alien races in their lands are their friends....

>He Doesn't Say "Fuck you Nigga"
>He Doesn't say "Imma rape you bitch"
>He Doesn't Take the cash out of the register with his gatt
>He Doesn't spit in crackaz faces
>He Doesn't teach his kids how to pick locks and stab a rob a convenience store.
shiiieeetttt niggaa


>Stop committing half the murders despite being 13% of the population
it's even worse when you consider it's mainly black men, so only 6% of the population is doing half the murders

look at this faggot.

I'm with the tropical fruits bubblegum.
You're letting niggers get so uppity it's hard to watch.

whats the point of this tweet? might as well say "in 2018 niggers will top the crime statistics again"

Basically this.

The world the jews have wrought is upside down in every respect. It's them or us.