
Have we moved past bullying Chihaya?

Other urls found in this thread:

Chihaya peed in the pool


I want to drink the pool water.


My chest feels weird

Imai turns 40 next month

It's time for her to marry


Only loving bullying.

>you won't be there to console her when her nerves give in


I want to make love to Chihaya.



Best number

>Chihaya thread

Time to post Yayoi!

How glad were you that Makoto was the official mascot of /spa/?

I see one thread with her

Well, she's modest.

Post more Makoto


It's great how the world finally accepted Makkorin.


T-that's nice


Chihaya shouldn't be for bullying at all

Good ol' Makoto hijack!

>her reaction when you tell her that you love her.

B-but...I'm not...


Give a warning next time. That could kill a weakhearted individual!

It's a dogs eat dogs world for anons.

The years being a Xbox exclusive game was a mistake.

Also making that Xenoglossia fuckery with not even the original VAs.

Where would you take her?

my bed

To her brother's grave


What was the context of that line?


Sugoi~! Chihaya-chan is a Friend who takes good picture!

Why does she like bad jokes? Is she a dork?

Her bed.

>bad jokes

Drunken dork

The franchise's designated dork.


>Minako-centric movie and 2-cour TV anime

Time for hags

I was waiting for a fan art pic like this. Took Japan long enough.



>Amazing Cake, how sweet that sound

Chihaya is smart!

What a perfect body she has.


Can we post best trio now?

Delicious sugar heart

You failed

Excellent taste.

Would pay handsomely to be Chihaya in that scene.

>implying you didn't
She had a hard life


Is she a tsundere though?

No, just a seiyuu reference.

She kinda is, but it's hard to comprehend with Iori around.


Really? I thought Hibiki's dynamic was moreso with Takane.

dont bully chihaya, she'll get sad

But she's always sad.

sad girls turn me on


You're supposed to protect her smile.


>bullying Chihaya

That smile died years ago. Can't save what's already dead and buried.

No. Bullying.


Would Chihaya's problems be alleviated if she had a decent ass?


But she has a perfect body already.

Isn't one's waifu's body perfect by necessity?

This worries the Chihaya.

Why was the original crew so much better than the CG sluts?



Makoto is dating Yukiho? Cute!

>how Chihaya would look like now if the in-word characters aged at the same speed

Because it's easier to remember 13 girls (14 if you want to count Kotori as well) as oppose to the +50 CG has.

That said, CG does have a lot of top tier girls

CG has its merits if only for being the closest thing we'll ever get to a cake buffet.

Not bad.

CG is basically drawing a girl with gimmick and leave the rest to the fan artists.

Original crew had long outwritten storylines

Would ram like no tomorrow

>"my dead dog"

is her name yayoi because she likes to throw her arms up all the time like she's saying "yay?"

>CG is basically drawing a girl with gimmick and leave the rest to the fan artists.
Credit where credit is due; it worked a charm with Rin.

i really like the idolmaster series. do i watch xenoglosia?



They changed all their personalities so no