~Fuwa Fuwa time~
8 years anniversary
~Fuwa Fuwa time~
I'm just finishing up my third watch of it. Still owns, such a special show to me.
>anime was killed 8 years ago
>K-ON is my favorite anime
>Today is my birthday
I know what I'll be rewatching today.
How sad that, while the other VAs have become quite popular, Satomi's career has almost all but died. She hasn't been in much lately.
>8 years
I've been here too long
You mean it peaked 8 years ago.
I still miss K-On Tuesdays.
Yui is a christmas cake now.
We are married though
>buying a gibson guitar in the 21st century
not wife material, makes bad financial decisions because of a famous brand name
Implying anime characters get older
Kimi wo miteru to itsumo HAATO doki doki
>8 years
>still no CGDCT anime as good as K-On has come out.
It's one of those shows that'll never be topped. I have no doubt in my mind that it'll be considered a "classic" twenty years down the road.
>captcha road road
it's OK, Yui would uy a used custom shop Relic Les Paul R8 model - like the 1958 originals with the worn finish - at an affordable price from a cute music store owner....
giita kawaii
Yui loves you
is this Yui in 3D form?
Mio version or Yui version?
I personally prefer the Mio version.
mio with husky yui
Somebody get that grandma-voice off the stage.
Yui easily.
But this is my favorite
Yui should be Sup Forums's poster girl.
But Yotsuba
Yui is shit.
>you will never be Yui
>you will never be inside Yui
She gave arguably the best overall voice performance in K-On! too
Do you accept Bang Dream into your hearts as K-On's spiritual successor?
Not at all. It's a fine show and the game is fun but it doesn't compare to K-ON in the least.
I would
In terms of singing ability it's
And you'll be here for a lot longer still.
I'd fuwafuwa their times
How can I appreciate K-On? Serious question. I watched both seasons and the movie and liked them, but at times they were boring and I don't really see all the hype. It's a nice show, but what makes it the masterpiece that a lot of people claim it is?
You need to have autism to even consider K-ON to be a master piece or anything near it
Have a shit life. Had a shit high school experience. Then watch it.
It's a landmark in terms of modern anime production, as in, the average level of quality is remarkably high. Horiguchi's character designs and approach to animation were likewise influential. It's the first anime ever to have all key staff positions filled by women. It took the fairly tacky moe aesthetic / girls in a club pattern and rolled with it in a more artistic way than we're normally used to. There's a very serious attention to detail throughout, and the whole show does a good job orienting itself around its themes. It's cute and funny, but at the same time emotionally moving and inspiring. I don't know what makes a masterpiece to you, but it's just one of those rare shows which succeeds as well narratively as it does formally and technically. I don't think you have to love it or anything, but it's worth respecting.
but GochiUsa S2 already aired
Gochiusa is buttmoe
not an argument. GochiUsa is the best post-keion slice of life
i think non non biyori comes close as a slice of life
k-on is still legendary though
Buttmoe is bad.
Gochiusa is buttmoe.
Therefore, Gochiusa is bad.
It may very well be the case that Gochiusa is the best post-Keion slice of life, but that does not imply it's good.
>GochiUsa is bad
What's it like going through life with the shittest taste on the planet?
I have no real opinion on it, I just feel that it is below me. My massive intellect doesn't register paltry buttmoe as something worthwhile. If you enjoy it, then I'm glad for you.
>An autist poster girl for an autistic board
It blends perfectly.
still one of the greatest shows of all time
Does anyone else thing pure pure heart has a, melancholic murder, feel to it?
Well K-on is the show that made me appreciate anime
It feels like a good song to go behind someone wandering aimlessly while stabbing people.
Superior band/anime coming through.
That's fucked
I still love you Azusa
>that scene where they fuck up the apartment
That whole show was gold.
What would we get for in 10 years anniversary?
yureru omoi wa MASHUMARO mitai ni fuwa fuwa
Pure Pure heart is shit tier HTT
Honey Sweet Tea Time still the best HTT song
Don't mind me, just posting the best opening to a second season of anime ever.
My love is a stapler is the best
Time for a rewatch.
I actually bought this show
> It's the first anime ever to have all key staff positions filled by women.
How's this relevant in any way?
I was just trying to show that beyond being just a good show, it has relevance in the greater scheme of the industry and surrounding culture. I mean, it's possible that it didn't matter at all, but I think it's an interesting fact nonetheless and it's a cool representative of the diversification of the industry.
Fuck off with your political crap.
Dude, are you serious?
Why the fuck is she wearing a dog food bowl?
anime girls are dumb and need to be guided by a man (you)
so if i don't like moeshit am i going to enjoy K-ON? (nichichou had some funny moments tho)
Put aside the whole concept of "moeshit" and just give it a try.
I really like Ohayou, Mata Ashita
Actually though, this was amazing
That's my favourite b-side, really cool song. Pretty unique in their discography.
>Watches K-on
>Literally the most feminine anime ever made
>Hates women
How did you get that I hate women from what I wrote? Are you retarded?
This show made me pick up guitar 7 years ago. I've had some long stretches since where I haven't played but this song is one of the few I can still remember how to play. Can't play it all to well anymore though.
I just wish there was a really good song with Ritsu doing vocals. Mugi and Yui's character songs are so superior and it makes me sad
Please don't remind me I've done nothing with my life in those 8 years
i can't moeshit is ruining the anime industry
>inb4 "My wife _____ is so cute."
My wife Ritsu is so cute.
You probably won't like it then, I suggest growing up
My wife Yui is so cute
Is Ritsu... cheating on me?
My wife Azusa is so cute
same desu