I got banned on Twitch for an "offensive username." How is this offensive?
I got banned on Twitch for an "offensive username." How is this offensive?
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I want to post on twitter. Who should I tag for media coverage? Or hashtags?
not sure. Possibly be more subtle? I would suggest "White_Genocide_Resistor" or something to that effect. I am on the Korea directory when I stream. My username is innocuous, but I advocate the racewar, JQ, all that shit.
OK what's your username?
Why do u stream on Korean directory
Few reasons
I am a semi-attractive foreigner
I can get away with saying a lot
Now try with its ok to be black, and see if you get banned aswell
Dude you have me for a loss. I still don't get why you'd do that. Also the directories are shared unless you are limiting our stream to the Korean directory. If Koreans want to see an American they'll just watch an English stream???
They know you're not white.
No thanks.
i get some interesting honest conversations from time to time. I spam my links in certain places, but nothing too much.
someone make a "It's not ok to be white" and see if they accept that account... If they do, you got your talking point ten fold
Its not and you should fight it.
Fight it how? People keep saying I should sue them. Idk the first thing about seuing anybody. But more I think about it. This is really pretty fucked up they did this. I mean. It's not fucking offensive. If I was banned for something else that'd make sense
Send that shit to tucker other not totally anti-white media.
>names himself dr disrepect
>visit his stream once
>he's raging about dying to somebody
>say "u mad bro?" once
>get instantly banned
>visit another stramer
>one of the top overwatch players
>he's playing widow and missing
>say "7 shots, no kills" 1 time
>get permanently banned
>visit another twich streamer
>he's ranting about racism
>say "I can't be racist, some of my best slaves are black"
>get instantly banned
When did this generation become some whiney little fucking faggot niggers? Holy shit.
You can't sue them. Twitch is a private company and can decide not to grant you access to its product (which I assume is free?) at any time, for no reason.
You have no legal recourse.
Anybody else u can think of ? I tweeted Alex, Paul soy boy Watson, and some other ppl. But I sick at twitter. I feel like I'm doing it wrong. Like I want it to go viral. I feel like I'm lacking #'s or something
Maybe sue them under different arguments? Like idc about being banned from the service. But the reason and guideline that i supposedly broke ?
The bakery that was sure for $135,000 for not baking a gay wedding cake was a private company
>>say "I can't be racist, some of my best slaves are black"
First you need to explain why the fuck you were on Twitch in the first place.
That sounds like a norm mcdonald joke.
Retweet to people guys like Tucker I want to see media coverage and see SJWs at Twitch btfo
Link pls
>people dont like my 4chanesque low-effort trolling attempts
>get butthurt
That's appalling
>"Although we accept that the Kleins imbue each wedding cake with their own aesthetic choices, they have made no showing that other people will necessarily experience any wedding cake that the Kleins create predominantly as 'expression' rather than as food," the court wrote in its opinion.
Okay, so therefore if it's just food, they can refuse service point blank, right? Fuck me, I thought our nanny state was worse than yours. Maybe it isn't.
You must be 18 to post
Twitter stock is a Ponzi scheme
Also it's okay to be white
The twitter ID is in the image, Carlos
make "its_okay_to_be_black_" and if it doesn't get the same suspension just claim racism
File a civil suit claim at a court house
You need money to file a civil suit.
Both dr.duke and Richard Spencer have filed civil suits against twitter to get their accounts reinstated.
yea good idea. someone do this and see. Actually, you should do it. And with other variants, too. OMG keep taking it further like, "its_ok_to_be_in_ISIS" and all that sorta shit.
Out of respect for other Sup Forums users you really should follow the rules here. You're completely welcome back @ age 18 or maybe try the boards known as NSFW "not safe for work". There shouldn't be any adult content in them and they're denoted by a light blue background (Yotsuba B). Since you Twitch the site known as reddit may also be better suited for you as well.
Peace, love and nationalism.
>based on reports of your activity or content
You sure you weren't doing anything else OP?
T. Hitler_wasn't_wrong
I'm obviously a meet I have no money's. Idk about any of that kinda shit. I would. Do u think o could win a civil lawsuit?
I don't want the account I want Monnies.
Yes I was saying borderline racist shit. And a couple times I said nigger but I misspelled nigger to make it seem like I'm not.
But I've been banned for racist comments before and that's not the same email they send for that. They send an email with a different reason
so what you're saying is, you're fucking retarded?
>You know, Conan, not many people know that African Canadians have a long, proud history of service in uniform. From the days before Canada was even its own country to the current efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq, the sacrifices and achievements of African Canadians have shone through. Their struggle for acceptance and equality has been hard won, you know? They persevered to make their mark and stuff.
>Anywho, African Canadians simply refused to be sidelined in World War I. Essex and Kent Counties were full of enthusiastic young blacks impatient to fight against tyranny. Seeing themselves as loyal British subjects they refused to be robbed of their opportunity to stand up and fight for the freedom. This guy, Arthur Alexander from North Buxton, Ontario, wrote the Canadian military demanding answers. He questioned denying and deliberately snubbing black involvement in the First World War, you know.
>Alexander wrote to the Canadian Minister of Militia & Defence in Ottawa. "Dear Sir, The Colored people of Canada" - that's what they called blacks way back then, by the way - "want to know why they are not allowed to enlist in the Canadian militia. I am informed that several who have applied for enlistment in the Canadian Expeditionary Forces have been refused for no other reason than their colour as they are physically and mentally fit. Thank you in advance for any information that you can will give in regard to this matter. - Arthur Alexander North Buxton, Ont."
>The Minister wrote back: "What? Are you calling me a racist? I'll have you know that my best slaves are black."
>See, Conan? They were black. And Canadian. But the Minister called them slaves to, you know, be funny. I love that story.
>7 shots, 1 kill
Moon moon?
wtf i love twitch now
>EU Teeth haaHAA
>I said n1gger so there not allowed to ban me
Were you born this retarded or was it developmental?
Sounds like Kephri
What the hell is twitch? I'm too old for this shit
Being Anti censorship n exposing anti white bias is really important even if u think watching tv like a good lil boomer is the future