"Democrats R da Real Raycists!! Hispanics R natural conservatives!!!1111"
Why did Trump go full cuckservative on immigration?
"Democrats R da Real Raycists!! Hispanics R natural conservatives!!!1111"
Why did Trump go full cuckservative on immigration?
Praise my president, he always have our best interests in mind.
Did you not see how the DACA crowd treated Warren (or was it Pelosi?) a while ago when they were confronted with each other? She had to walk out on them.
Trump is a master manipulator. He is trying to exacerbate the dissatisfaction that DACA recipients feel towards the DNC for "not doing enough for them". This, of course, is completely moronic since the DNC is the ONLY ally they have.
Divide and conquer. Trump is using Sun Tzu's tactics straight out of his book.
DACAfags hate being used as a bargaining chip by the dems bc they demand full amnesty for all. Hopefully hes trying to prod dems into taking an even more absurd stance on illegals to help republicans in november.
Tl;dr hes either suiciding the dems or himself on the daca hill
Muh 4D chess
>Tl;dr hes either suiciding the dems or himself on the daca hill
He's a race traitor nigger spic faggot just like you r/the Donald faggots.
You all deserve THE ROPE
when the race war starts the nigger lovers are the first to go.
>will starting "falling in love" with republicans
can they get any more deluded? this is reagan all over again
You're not wrong. And, just like Reagan, he'll grant blanket amnesty with "promises" from the left which never get enforced.
Good sooner the GOP goes extinct sooner the race war can start. I hope Trump and GOP gone so we can start arming for the coming war
>ally to hispanics
lol no, they only lead hispanics to the polls with the proverbial carrot of "FREE CITIZENSHIP" that mysteriously vanishes after the voter fraud is over, and doesn't seem to reappear until the next two year interval
Send them all back Dahnald.
They are all anti-white Dahnald.
They hate us more than the blacks do Dahnald.
They are not immigrants Dahnald.
They are invaders Dahnald.
Look up the Reconquista and Laraza, Dahnald.
There will never be a race war, dummy. You people don't have the numbers.
The 80's was your last chance. People are too tolerant now.
We'll form a indepdent state outside of the US for only whites, I just want a white only enthonstate for me and other whites, no non-white allowed.
we need to buy as much time as possible, deportations and immigration reform would've given that
whites stand a better chance as 60% of the population rather than 40%
that's where you're wrong, whites are becoming increasingly ethnocentric and america is becoming more and more polarised
Hey guys, the botnet wants us to resist Trump. Do what the botnet says Sup Forums. Ninety threads a day? Then we better do what the botnet says. Thanks for telling us what to believe and feel botnet, and for seeming so much like humans. Kek.
>reddit spacing
Rational people do not give out amnesty. If hes bluffing the dems will kill themselves over it, if hes serious then he will (politically) be killed over it. Its impossible to tell at this point but I really hope hes bluffing
>I really hope hes bluffing
His retarded base will forget in a week and say le 4 d chess deal maker.
>whites stand a better chance as 60% of the population rather than 40%
Banning abortion is something whites seem to be ok with even though it brings in millions of little nigger and spic and asian babies to replace us.
One major implication of Q being fake is that the (spacex + NK) shit is also fake. Which means...new all white planet is in the works!
Elon Musk = the second coming?
Shilling for DACA, no wall. Forces all his children to marry only Jews/convert. Fuck this pathetic grovel before the Jew kike puppet.
I believe that this post is probably bait. Is it the aura of self-righteousness? Perhaps it’s the hyperbolic nature of a couple of the sentences. It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly what is said that brings up suspicions of cowardly disingenuousness. There is probably a number of things in this post one could call inaccurate. I’ll posit here that the mentality of the person behind the post is that of a childish, irresponsible middle-aged man that could be described as feeling inadequate in comparison to his peers. The events in the global realm of politics that have recently transpired might well be causing feelings of not just hatred, but of rage. We are probably talking about a very low quality and below average psyche here. Rather than focus on self improvement, this individual feels and desires to tear down other people, belief systems, and ideologies out of a purely spiteful emotional origin. Any reconciliation or attempted venture to educate this poster will be done in vain. In the end, there are things said, I believe, that can actually help to educate and inform us about the cold and brutal tendencies of our fellow forum users. However, I am skeptical about the scope and quality of too much of what was said on a purely ethical framework.
Anybody who still supports this kike puppet is a enemy of Sup Forums
Those events are mutually exclusive. If is 4d chess (bluff) then we will certainly not forget a great moment of triumph.
It will be remembered as the 54222722847329226459th time big don outsmarted the libtards.
Reminder that shareblue larps as racists.
lol you're so easy to spot in every thread you touch
Good morning shareblue, did you wipe David Brock’s cum off you lips before posting this D&C shit.
Wanting illegals to like you is the same as wanting to be liked by murderers and rapists. The only way you get their favor is by condoning and thus encouraging their shitty behaviour thus replicating it even further.
lol at all of you cuckolds in denial
Top kek at that pic
>/r/the_donald migrants calling Sup Forums oldfags shareblue
it doesn't get any better than this
Kys cultist. Shilling for DACA criminals/the Jew at every opportunity = Kike puppet. Hes had to spend his life kneeling before the kikes in Jewyork, I had hopes he would actually get shit done with the power he now has, yet continues to shill for Israel/Jews over MAGA agenda.
living under the irnian regime is not cucked
tits or gtfo
THIS. By pushing to get people documented and on the track to citizenry, he robs the Democrats of their tactic of voter fraud motivated by that ole' carrot on a stick. The Democrats are NEVER going to want these people to become citizens, and they are NEVER going to want to end chain migration. They are at a point where they must use population replacement to remain in power. They are going to vote a straight no on anything the Republicans put forward regarding immigration reform, and the "Dreamers" who are not completely braindead will see the Dems throwing them under the bus over politics. Trump has been trying to deliver what he promises. It seems clear to me that he is going to consider putting dreamers on a path to citizenship ONLY and ONLY if there is an end to chain migration, the lottery almost completely done away with, and a wall built. Democrats are never going to agree to that. They want Hispanics to remain frightened victims who will vote Democrat out of fear. They've done the same thing to blacks since forever, only more and more black people are growing wise to it and are sick of it (i.e., mass import of illegal voters).
why didnt they give him money
why didnt they vote for him
why do they continue to harangue them in their media
Cool fake tweet, shariablew.
But they do know it is not about democracy? They dont protest for licking democrat's shitter for decades to come
The UK has penis envy.
why do trolls use meme flags opposite of shit they type?
>donaldfag imminently resorts to flagposting after getting called out
just kill yourself my man
I'm afraid that Trump is going to cave on DACA and subject us to a lifetime of supporting a group of which 25% can't speak english (after living in the US for their lifetime), 75% are on welfare or getting our (public) money.
We should accept only DACA kids who have jobs, speak english, and have IQs over 100, the average. As I think about it, we don't need to accept any of them -- they're foreigners hiding in our country.
Foreigners. Illegal foreigners. Lets call them what they are, no?
I agree OP is low caliber faggot.
Disagree with standing up for ones country being classified as cold. The mexicans have been indoctrinated with the fallacy that the “northern territories” are rightfully theirs and have come to reclaim them. They forget, however, that the only land you have a right to is that which you have the ability to defend. We got it from them just like they got it from someone even less militarily adept. They need to get over it and focus on making mexico not totally suck for the first time ever.
>I’ll posit here that the mentality of the person behind the post is that of a childish, irresponsible middle-ag
Oh please, Freud. You have no idea who posted this, their character and their mental state.
Take the words at face value. That's what Sup Forums does for us -- it forces us to look at the content of the words and images, and not peek behind those words to the person who created them.
In this way, Sup Forums is profoundly contrary to current academe. Academics try to reduce all ideas to the personalities who create those ideas. In part, they do this because they don't have the intellectual capacity and learning to critique, thus they revert to a shallow character analysis based on gender, sexuality, etc.
We, at Sup Forums, aren't afraid of actual ideas.The entire framework of this site, with it's coerced anonymity from thread to thread, allows us to discuss real ideas, sans personalities.
Because of our ability to detach ideas from personality, we're stronger thinkers; we're preparing ourselves, intellectually, for the fight beyond at the same time our liberal opponents are stuck in the same ol' gender/race/ethicity/sexual orientation roundabout.
Pity them.
I am sorry that you live in such a shithole.
because they are in Canada.
trumpniggers have a complete lack of self awareness, they go round calling people mohammed but forget that their country is literally 60% white
I agree with this. I've had this thought many times and it always turns out to have been a strategic statement instead of selling out or losing. You can't have blind faith, but I do trust that he's doing the right thing
That's because they picture a white baby in a white mother. You want abortion expanded? Sell it as eugenics. You'll have it in one cycle
Theyre invaders. Everything you said plus they never get to vote, in exchange for Wall, I would shake on.
I'm glad Trump realizes the importance of pandering to the Mexican vote. We remember how much Mexicans appreciated the Republican party after Reagan, right?
Its true tho.
Hispanics are conservative Catholics who hate niggers mostly.
Wtf I hate Drumphf now and love Clinton and Marxism and George Soros now!
>strawman: the post
Its not like the few pragmatic socialists that exist told you he would do this kind of stuff. Social liberal values benefit the capitalist, he will never turn down cheap labour and more consumers. Dont ask me for a solution tho, all the mainstream "socialists" are political beggars. We dont need more benefits, we need the capitalist elites and their jewish friends to burn at the stake, literally.
>Faggot: the poster
Its depressing to see britain not only not learn from our brownification but instead actively seek it for themselves. Once proud rulers of the earth have now been convinced they will sink into the sea w/o good brexit deal from EU. Fuck the EU. Go Adm Nelson all over their asses
>just like Reagan, he'll grant blanket amnesty with "promises" from the left which never get enforced.
not much surprise there, at his heart Trump is a democrat, his entire fortune was made importing dark skinned peoples into NYC so they could live at one of Fred Trump's section 8 housing projects
never forget Trump is the man who made NYC brown
k, fuck off it explains its self.
Obama has it ending in march.
Is obama a cuckservative?
No you dumb ass. It's not 5D chess. It's not even 2D chess. It's just a simple plan of getting DACA recipients and Democrats to start fighting with each other. Make the Hispanics feel betrayed by the DNC.
Let's face it. There's no way in hell the blacks will EVER vote in significant amount for Republicans. There's just too much "we need free shit" mentality ingrained in to them.
Hispanics, on the other hand, are not a futile effort to convert to the GOP. Most of them are hard working and have jobs. They pay taxes.
Promise them tax relief and better working conditions and you have their votes. You don't need to bribe them with entitlements like you do with blacks.
do you think i'm not aware of this? we are all in the same fucking boat. so calling someone "mohammed" while pretending that your country isn't just as cucked is fucking stupid
This. Liberals and leftists mistook our silence for their victory. They use -ist accusations and social aggression to end the conversation, but they mistook their maneuvering for an argument. Now that we've retreated into anonymity, we are forced to forge arguments and weigh them intellectually without an identity to cloud the conversation.
They grow soft in their temporary cultural victory while we harden and get stronger and better out in the wilderness. Their atrophy is our victory.
when is the last time you debated a liberal on ideas? They have no ability to examine their ideology or philosophy. None whatsoever. They were never forced to learn critical thinking in their hug box indoctrination centers. There won't be some climactic cartoonish race war, but their institutions will weaken and fail over time because of the weakness of their members. Ours will strengthen because of the strength of our members. Simple as that. Keep pushing.
Exactly. Plus a million fuckin puerto ricans just set up shop in florida. If hes serious about this amnesty shit it will be the downfall of himself, his party, his country and the west.
Russia loves to sow discord amongst it's enemies
they're doing us a favour by destabilising the usa
In spite of this they are dumb enough to beleive leftist race baiting and will vote D as faithful members of democrat plantation
>"Democrats R da Real Raycists!! Hispanics R natural conservatives!!!1111"
Race war meme dead over a year ago you fucking sperg what are you even doing if youre gonna try to shill at least do it properly christ
The polticians are all the same (except for Trump) but the voters are polar opposite. Thats all that matters
>There's no way in hell the blacks will EVER vote in significant amount for Republicans.
not even after they are reminded that it was republicans who abolished slavery and fought to criminalize lynching?
>If hes serious about this amnesty shit it will be the downfall of himself
the Trump made their entire fortune off section 8 tenants, they were importing them from Puerto Rico and the south into NYC in the 40s
Trump has always been a civic nationalist. Good luck being a white nationalist in a country where every single major city is >50% white
Yes I know my alligator is facing the wrong direction
I think you are confusing me with another poster rn.
Sagging turban and copious unibrow currently obscuring your vision, Mr. Definetly Not Mohammed?
Why did Trump go full cuckservative on immigration?
pic related
It don't matter. Free shit wins over freedom every fucking time.
I can't believe how many newfags are falling for your copypasta
Have you ever seen one Trump property? If you think hes got to import anyone to fill up apartments that make versailles look like the days inn, youre out of your mind (or reading from the (((script)))
>Free shit wins over freedom every fucking time.
Yeah because "freedom" means letting kikes fuck you over.
Trump is just playing regular chess but like everything in our society, it's disintegrated or devolved. So the DNC is playing checkers and getting wiped the fuck out.
Hispanic immigrant from Chile that voted for Obama twice after I was granted amnesty by Clinton, now moved to Germany to work for a tech company. You guys realize that practically everyone except for his base has turned on Trump, right? Learn to read the tea leaves. Bama and Virginia.
you idiot, he's clearly undermining the relationship between the dems and the illegals. it's not about getting large numbers of them to vote republican as it is getting less mexicans to vote democrat
Yours was a like-minded comment.
Yes, keep pushing, whereever you are. I will do the same.
How and why would shareblue or whatever the latest boogeyman pretend to be ultra racists on a board known for being extremely racist?
>proud of being a leech on white society
Except he's right, the DNC leaves breadcrumbs for them while saying "Vote for us! We'll save you from the alt-right!"
Dreamers/immigrants are dem’s strongest voting front. Makes sense to drive a wedge in there.
>muh day of the rope
Any day now faggot.
dnc is not their only ally. Trump will make them citizens if we stop illegal immigration. If we don't stop illegal immigration, we end up right back at this point.
Read my reply. Legalizing DACA is a good trade for a permanent solution to illegal immigration and chain migration. Trump knows this.
It's simple math. Give the 700k DACA recipients legal status and have millions of Hispanics vote GOP. All this while using the permanent resident status of DACA recipients as a bargaining tool to make DNC agree to stop chain immigration and amnesty.
The Democrats are in a lose-lose situation right now. If they don't agree to strict immigration reform, Trump will deport DACA. And who will the Hispanics be mad at? Not the Republicans, but the Democrats for failing to protect their children. If Trump grants permanent amnesty to DACA recipients in return for end of chain immigration, who would be the loser? The Democrats again. They just gave up millions and millions of future votes in exchange to make 700k people legal residents.
All Trump needs to do is keep fueling the fire between DACA people and DNC heads.
I don't like them here, but I hope trump knows what he's doing. Will he make immigration much stricter to avoid any more coming in?
Ive seen reports that H1B visas will drop down by 70%. Which is great bc they are mostly issued to supremecist dotIndians who somehow think they are here bc Americans dont know how to work on technology that Americans invented (rather than bc of lower wages which is actually the case)