Do you trust the German media?

> 104%

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wow, is that shopped?

They do shit like this in the Swedish media all the time, where they claim our media is the most free in the world according to some random study

The 100% is your arab population, the remaining 4% is you and your countrymen


the lügenpresse tells you that people trust them...
what does this tell you about the lügenpresse lol

Precision German engineering right there I see. Guess all the competent krauts died at ww2.

At least you tried once... all us anglo niggers actually helped the juden secure world supremacy. GAS THE ANGLOS!

Is this real?

It's dumb to trust any media. All media is owned, all media is regulated by the dictates of its owner.

>Calls Americans stupid and mutt
>Blindly believe media
stell dir meinen Schock vor

are you retarded

Hey man, anything is possible these days.

"This video contains content from NBC universal, who has blocked it in you country on copyright grounds."

Is Merkel still the richtige chancellor?

Are you retarded

Replace YouTube with hooktube in the url

>feminist math

87% agree

>believing fake polls


Are you a Jew?

the german establishment will fight to the death this time. Huge fines from disseminating hate included.

I talked to germans in real life, they swallow the TV like it's the word of God.

They asked me why I'm supporting a nazi, fascist anti immigrant regime in Poland.

I really wanted to kill these people, and I'm convinced germany should be nuked in order to save this dying continent.

Germans are fucking mindless robots that so everything daddy government tells them. It seems they have no opinion on anything.

>I really wanted to kill these people


Doesn't matter. Just a big fat war will solve this mess. Burn it down.

>I really wanted to kill these people
You don't need to, they're killing themselves.

Send help :(

You Germans are literally nigger tier. You need a foreign white man to rule over you in order to be succesful.

weaklings don't get help, weaklings get more enemies. >=D

Dumb fucking germans spelt nine wrong.

>no culture, history, or heritage


>> 104%

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... oh lord, thats hilarious.

4% more than 100%

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>its not like only the braindead would be calling them either way

You guys sure have sympathy...

This thread is such a fucking meme.

the absolute state of German (((media)))


Same in Finland :D blatant lies, but sheeple will buy it.

You're right.


When the lambs is lost in the mountain, he said. They is cry.
Sometime come the mother.
Sometime the wolf.

Leftists tend to publicly state that media is bad while agreeing with it extensively in private. I had a conversation with a liberal Canadian who would talk shit to me about Trudeau for being an idiot but would worship him when he was with other leftists. When I was a leftist in high school, I hated the media publicly, it was bad for the people. I watched CNN every night though.

oh man I love posting shopped photos from NTV polls

Don't you get arrested for saying anything disparaging about the media in Germany? Or at the very least, get put on a watchlist?

It's funny because the same thing happened here. They said that more than 60% of the population believes in the media.

To be fair.
This is what you get with the USA butchering Germany with Comrade Stalin, then chewing on its dead body for 70 years.

What were you expecting? People suddenly magically wake up and dare to make demands? With Mufti Merkel's Sharia Police busting your home based on fucking Facebook comments, dont expect thing changing soon. Or at all.

The sad part is that Germany has the industry and raw materials to make nukes with ICBMs in under a day. Thats why you probably have the propaganda machine going. If Germany chimps out again it WILL have the arsenal to defend itself against anyone.

(Please, just one more time. Pretty please.)

I am assuming that saying yes and no gets you on both lists, correct?

This is so amazing to me. I recently moved to Berlin from Italy and when I started talking with locals about the media and politics I couldn't believe my ears.
Even the most boor einfaltspinsel Italian troglodite knows that the media is just a mass of state-founded political brainwashing game. Here everyone trusts the government so much it's ridiculous, why the fuck is that??

Why won't you pollocks release the Kraken and correct the Holohocaust story. Germany would be grateful for the honesty and then proceed to clean out Europe. It's a win-win situation for Poland.

why would poland do business with iraq?

Lmao after all the rape and murder. Fuckin Germans deserve what they get

German tv is aimed at weak minded trash that is the majority of german people. They do not have the willpower to break their own conditioning.
Hitler was right, the germans are the inferior race.

Ze television is big and wear nice costumes and speakz zeriously. How would they lie?

Have some friends there. Bluepilled af.

>le fake polls
The presidental polls were accurate. They just didn't account for the electoral college, which let's an unpopular candidate win anyway.

Western Europeans are raised in the principles of obedience and service to social authority. This is why they managed to create great states with stability and wealth, but this is also why they don't control what their elite is doing and they don't question it. They only start to question it once the situation gets so bad that basic human instincts kick in

Germans have a tradition of complete obedience to the state.

>The presidental polls were accurate
No they weren't. Clinton was given +10 in places like PA, WI, and MI. Polls had OH neck and neck when Trump won that state by 10 points. The polls were ridiculously off.

>...racists treated like the scum of the earth
And they aren't in Europe?
In America you won't go to jail for being a "raycist", but you might be a pariah (depending where you live)
In Europe, you'll get both no matter where you live (outside of Slavia)

The average ended up being accurate, not necessarily individual polls themselves with wide spreads. Plus the state polls which mattered were way off. Plus they assumed all the illegals voting in their calculations. Plus that says nothing about the polls before Election Day that were even more off, but somehow a mass of people decide to go from Hillary to Donald in the last three days, im not buying it.

Yup, that's a thing that pollsters will do. Since the only prediction that will ever need to be validated is the final prediction before the election, all the other polls they perform in the preceding weeks/months/etc can be totally fabricated with no way to actually assess validity. And then at the very end they might try to not skew them AS MUCH in order to make sure they don't lose any credibility. That's why you often see polls converge at the last second.

>No they weren't. Clinton was given +10 in places like PA, WI, and MI. Polls had OH neck and neck when Trump won that state by 10 points. The polls were ridiculously off.
Fake News


the little text beneath says the inquiry is not representative. i guess they just phoned 30 people, 20 immediately hung up and a few grannys did answer the question and thats what they showed on tv.

>German dude at my uni
>Has a sterotypical angry German look about him
>Befriend him
>"Man this immigration shit is killing our countries man. At this rate there won't be an England or Germany in a few years"
>Guy flips out calling me a racist and how it doesn't matter if theres a few immigrants in our countries as they don't hurt us personally so let people do what they want!

Its already over for Europe.

germans get drilled into their minds from a very young age on that everything right wing, conservative and patriotic is evil nazi stuff.

It's strange seeing press from Europe and how over there "right wing" is used as a demonized dirty word. Not even just "far right" but apparently being "right wing" in general is a big no-no.

Did anyone in Austria care about the fact Kurz wanted to give Austrian passports to German-speaking SudTiroleans? The media in Italy was having a field day with it, despite the fact Italy does the same with people of Italian descent.

that's only in western europe

eastern europe is rightwing, mediterranean is conservative and the balkans literally had a muslim genocide 20 years ago (in which we joined)

Well sure, that's what I was referring to. Obviously there's a cultural divide and less of the bullshit liberal propaganda because the former eastern bloc nations were cut off and didn't have that shit.

if you arent a globalist you are a nazi

Reminds me that to this day many people in my area are denied access to their stasi documents. Guess they won

ironically enough goymmunism saved those countries as no migrant wants to stay there because they cut welfare (and we never had welfare in the first place due to constant wars)

>Do you trust the (((German))) media?

> German dude at my uni
Problem is that those studying outside Germany are vast-majority Lefties. As in actual Green/Left voters. It's not as bad within the country, where you will find some redpilled students in STEM subjects at least.

this. The amount of "remember your sins" rhetoric fed to Germans from the day they enter Kindergarten is atrocious. If things didn't change since i finished school, they're probably still getting the topic "3rd Reich [and Guitt]" in 3 different years in school (i had it in 6th, 8th and 10th grade. Almost the exact same content, for fucks sake). Pretty much all of the media are openly left-leaning, glorify criminal acts by Antifa and other violent Leftwing-Cells while demonizing everything even remotely right wing. The general idea is: "Right is bad. Right is opposite from Left. Whatever isn't Left must be bad!!!!".

The Normies are not yet lost, though. They are just too lazy to get their information from any other sources than the abundantly available left wing-outlets which are still using double speak and trickery to make their Leftwing-Ideas seem "good". I can grantee you though, if you somehow brought a program depicting the actual insanity of Cultural Marxism (Gender Studies), African "culture" and the Refugees actual impact on innocent people into Mainstream-TV, they would not stand for it. Unfortunately that chance will never come.

True. Calling someone "Right Wing" is a surefire way to get all of the conditioned Europeans to disagree with or dislike him/her. An instant "(((win))) the debate"-button, if you want. The socially conditioned aversion to "the right" is so large that most people will not even question wether the label even fits whoever was labeled right, if not due to the fear of getting called "right winger" themselves if they don't join the "obviously just fight against the evil right winger".

That and focusing on standard economic communism means no room to push for cultural/social communism instead. And people only fall for this cultmarx bullshit when they're fat and happy and live comfortable lives, as we do in the west. People that are struggling aren't going to put up with homo tranny nigger bullshit.


They are Austrians and everybody knows this. Italian isn't a nation state and everybody knows this. However, there are leftists that are assblasted about this since they see it as hypocrisy when you deny turks dual citizenships.

No, you have to pay to "vote" in this "survey"

A complete farce.

What does this study on rats have to do with anything?

what said. People that don't have to worry or struggle about anything selfdestroy.
Just look at Germany or Sweden. Virtually perfect systems, except they're far from perfect for the people themselves.


Pls no bully

People thinking that their media is free and objective is far more dangerous than censorship. And this is what's happening now.

Same thing regarding Russia and Putin in Poland, btw ;)
