Japan should accept immigrants
agree or disagree?
I will prove you wrong
Japan should accept immigrants
agree or disagree?
I will prove you wrong
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no, sage
we had this thread yesterday and I can tell you are the same one
fuck off to reddit
no one is taking your baits pajeet
Are you that one who completely rekted by my points?
Only if it’s BBC
>Japan should accept immigrants
>agree or disagree?
>I will prove you wrong
I agree, prove me wrong.
you didn't even answer my fucking points, you just said that diversity of niggers that don't work brings innovation to the economy which is nothing but absolute nonsense
You have no points and luckily no power to decide, let your japanese people decide and stop wasting fucking space on eskimo igloo building board you honorary chinese.
u were conquered by whites. so u should let whites in and let them fertilize your women to improve your genepool. but no shitskins.
Dont you get bored of doing the same threads over and over again user?
You make this garbage thread atleast every week,stop it, fk off, sage.
Do you know cultural enrichment?
Look at rap-music. Many young japanese LOVE rap-music and I think we can get cultural innovation as well.
30 minutes ago a jap was killed by a syrian here, so I would have to disagree with you buddy.
>People still responding to this loser
Fucking newfags, he’s been parroting this shit for years now. Ignore him, he’s not even worth a (you).
yeah do it faggot, 120+ million people on a small shitty island, why not increase that number yeah good plan OP saged
Nice proxy faggot
I agree.
Now prove me wrong like you said you would.
>people love rap-music
you mean retards and cryptoniggers do
well, within 20years, Japan will face and deal with declining economy and population problem with seriousness.
guess what will happen
and such music generate ton of money.
nothing wrong with it.
Deal with it.
Fuck off LARPer.
you get to watch as the western civilization crumbles to dust while your homogenous society thrives
also sage
you either get your shit together and start fucking or you allow immigration but unlike Europe cease to exist because you won't be able to handle it
>your homogenous society thrives
also sage
lowest gdp growth for two decade in OECD
consumer tax will be 30% from 8% to maintain welfare in 2050
debt/GDP ratio is WORST in the world
YES. Japan is THIS great
why destroy your culture/tourism to have costly immigrants who destroy your economy by not working and committing crime?
Obv bait nigger.
You are not welcome here
Fucking tired of this expat english nigger, larper son of a whore that keeps spamming this shit fucking thread every fucking day.
Nigger, fuck you. Even if trolling youre just ruining this already fucking shit board.
sources or gtfo
importing a bunch of 3rd world niggers won't fix any of those problems, sage
Fuck off proxy faggot
Your threads are always dumb, and you keep posting them even though everyone tells your to stop. Are you autistic or something?
source of what point?
you can go to OECD website and can see statistics
Consumer tax 1%= almost 2兆円 in Japanese, so in order to blance current expense/gain, we need to increase 20% consumer tax. you can also confirm this by visiting Japan's government website
last one is fact.
Are you even trying?
They should ban anime and abortions.
Cut the working hours on the same pay.
And encourage their young 16-20 to FUCK WITH NO PROTECTION.
Kids from marriage or not, still kids.
Subsidize poor family with 3+ kids.
Ban fashion and lifestyle consumerist shaming BULLSHIT and tell everybody how it's ok to be poor and with kids.
That's how you solve it,not how the EU tried to before and after migrants.
hello romanian.
your policy is dumbst since people simple abandon that child.
>saging your own thread
Jesus fuck you're pathetic.
GDP growth might be low but it's still the on of the highest on the world.
Predictions for 32 years from now are about as accurate as a wild guess.
Also provide sources for your shitty fucking claims.
>I'm a master puppeteer for posting the same retarded thread each day hurrr durrr
>people can not refute me
>simply personal attack rather than proving me wrong
I don't think they want immigrants.
you can estimate our tax revenue in 2050 simply by population size and tax rate.
are you THIS dumb?
read this fucking moron. you can use google translate or something to understand compornent of expense.
Well then the government should step up and raise them however it wants, like a working army.
>Platoon of abandoned kids
Look what I've done!
Now you're going to be busy making an anime of that shit.
How did you guess, you a mod or something?!
so you encorage people to destory family value and family life by causing further problems?
sounds nice.
Japan should take that policy for sure
Who said anything about that?
I only said take the abandoned kids into the gov's military.