When will Toyo stop referencing the manga?
Dragon Ball Super
Reminder that pic related is NOT from U11.
people with good ideas don't make a career out of other people's work
>a guy punching someone in the stomach is a reference
Toeishills are embarrassing
Friendly thread for non autistic people
panel looks exactly the same so it's not tracing but definitely a panel copy
>panel looks exactly the same
Why is Gohan such a failure in Super?
>exactly the same
Goku is doing exactly the same pose as Gohan (not only a punch, but also holding out his left arm that way) while Zamasu/Buu are propelled in front by the punch the exact same way, their mouth half open and eyes wide open due to the shock, their left arm hanging in the same angle/position
Even the fucking sound effect is at the same place and the scene is also in the same angle which was used exactly ONCE in Dragon Ball (I don't recall any other time where Toriyama went for a fighting game-like 2D perspective)
Not like Toei doesn't do it too
>you can't draw gut punches
fuck off
This, was Gohan punching Buu referencing this? Of course not.
this guy is right, Toyo wont ever be original since he is probably scared of people complaining about the series not being like the dragonball they remember, so all he does is rehash exactly what everyone remembers over and over again.
Not to mention his Xicor AF trash was awful
>stronger than 18
(citation needed)
you can but this gut punch not only looks the same as the old one but also worse because no speedlines
Toyotaro isn't bad but he isn't Toriyama
I miss Buuhan
Wait, I'm confused. Is this the right thread?
Pic related was short, but I liked it.
Yes, check the timestamps
Fat is comfy
>When will Toyo stop referencing the manga?
Why do you think that would/should happen?
So will Buu fatten up for the tourney? None of the promo pics show him slimmed down.
No, it's the other one.
Idk why they keep doing the same things. Like there's no way they're out of ideas to copy paste their own stuff so many damn times.
The father son gallic gun was too short lived
not even the same post
pathetic toyofag