>no gabriel dropout episode today
No gabriel dropout episode today
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How many of you are dropouts?
Just watch this instead, it's just as good
literally me
>no Gabriel dropout
>no other anime airing on monday
This season sucks,
Frame Arms Girl in an hour
I... I wrote a song for Gabu-chan
El ángel Gabriel fue enviado por dios
algo grande estaba por suceder
a una mujer llamada maría
de la cuidad de nazareth
le dijo: no temas
gracia has hallado en dios
un hijo darás a luz lo llamaras Jesús
sera grande hijo del altísimo
y reinara para siempre
el señor dios le dará el trono
y su reino no tendrá fin
ella pregunto: como puede ser
si no soy nada especial
pero se que para dios
no hay nada imposible
hágase en mi hoy su voluntad
el ángel le dijo: su espíritu esta sobre ti
y el fruto que llevas
santo sera
I hope she likes it.
I hate it
I want to dropout of life
Go see a therapist.
Satania is a debil.
Show may be over but, here's some content for those that may have missed out, fapservice.com
Checking those dubs, also, same.
An anime about model kits. Probably with a lot of CG. That's good enough.
Almost happened to me, I got by just on talent though, barely.
I had no investment in my education from middle school on up, I wonder if things would have been different if I was in AP at an earlier age and had been more involved/challenged.
I think you're challenged enough
how Catholic of you
I like it
>Satania will never use the portals to rim you while you bend her over
Why live?
based brasil
That's not portuguese.
Gabriel Dropout got me addicted to stupid, cute chuunis
It's all the same.
>no gabriel dropout episode ever