Name a better scene in the entire Fate franchise

name a better scene in the entire Fate franchise.

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Literally any other since it was stupid as fuck.




When Archer sniped Saber on the bridge and revealed his true power level

The entire Shirou vs. Archer fight is the pinnacle of the franchise to me. It was perfect.



>mobage shit
Opinion discarded.


>mobage shit
>America to Solomon is better than most of F/SN

Anything in Fate Zero

Nasu is a fucking hack

>fencing with a spear

This really triggers me even though I love Fate. Even the VN says that the main purpose of a lance is slashing, which is completely false.

this scene

When will Nasu finally die?

When people stop feeding his essence with currency.

Sieg vs Karna.

This scene was fucking stupid.

>Nasu claims it's because the teacher has more battle experience than Saber.


But if we're talking non-Saber scenes then it's the smalltalk Rider and Gilgamesh have before their fight.

Came here to post that, then came again.

You can't listen to Nasu's explanations, they constantly contradict his own works and he is a self admitted compulsive liar.

Saber, plain and simply, is a weak fighter. She is a "strong" servant because of Avalon and Excaliblast. Without those, she's below average and gets beaten by everyone who isn't handicapped in some way.

My fucking sides.
>A high school teacher has more battle experience than a King who always fought in the front lines in an era where war was rampant

the twist here is that king arthur never actually existed so she has no experience

Nine lives

>Hand can't even grasp around the hilt

Can't wait to see it in anime form.

Broskandar vs Assassin

or anything from F/Z really


The sequel gave him a backstory. He was trained from birth to be an assassin and nothing else. He became a teacher once he assassinated his target and the organization kicks him to the curb.

Still doesn't make sense for a Servant with A rank Instinct to be caught off guard by a human with magic enhanced fists.

>Nasu claims it's because the teacher has more battle experience than Saber.
Where did he claim this?

Oh, that scene would be so great if not for "I won only because Bers was distracted" bullshit. Instantly drops whole scene from "badass" to "why I even bothered".

It would have been more bullshit if it was a fair victory for Shirou.

Most of Camelot.


Saber at max power lost a sword fight to Shirou

Yes, the realism and consistent plot is why I read shonen novels.

Not really because Berserker was already gimped as much as possible, the fact shirou couldn't beat him even under those conditions show how shit-tier he is instead of making him look awesome like the scene intended.

Instinct is shit (at least in FGO) and doesn't always work. She already avoided Gae Bolg and Tsubame Gaeshi with it so she can't be that lucky to avoid something for the nth time.

Yes, Instinct is shit in the FGO game, but in lore, Saber's instinct is close to precognition. If she could dodge a two-slash Tsubame Gaeshi, then I don't see why she can't dodge Kuzuki's attack. Also, avoiding Gae Bolg was purely luck and was not about instinct.

>he actually believes that

praise the king.

Not even the best scene in that show

>Not really because Berserker was already gimped as much as possible
>as possible
It's still Hercules. A gimped Hercules is still really powerful. There are very few magi who can match servants even at their prime. Even DAAs can have bad times against servants if it is a bad compatibility match up.

>If she could dodge a two-slash Tsubame Gaeshi, then I don't see why she can't dodge Kuzuki's attack
Because the technique was some obscure mountain assassin school's technique purposely created to be deceptive. That in combination with him moving unexpectedly fast from Caster buffs makes it perfectly reasonable that Saber gets caught off guard by Kuzuki. Even more so when Saber is having to work off of Shirou.


Heracles with Mad Enhancement is still much more durable than Saber. Maybe Shirou could have beaten Heracles properly but he would probably still die.

How has anyone not posted the best scene in all of Fate yet?

I've always been a sucker for Crazy Train II.



It doesn't matter if it's deceptive or not, Instinct will automatically alert Saber just like how it did when Kojiro was about to use Tsubame Gaeshi. Her body would have moved automatically to increase the distance between them the moment she felt danger. But she didn't feel danger, because Nasu completely forgot about it.



>because Nasu completely forgot about it.
Except he didn't.

But it misses.
A surprise attack is useless on her, as she has instincts bordering on precognition.
The snake-like fist grazes past her neck.
Seeing that, she tries to step in to attack, but at that moment…


>Instinct will automatically alert Saber just like how it did when Kojiro was about to use Tsubame Gaeshi
Then why didn't it alert her to the nature of the shadow in HF before it was too late? Or Caster's magic when it was used to mind control Shirou into showing up? Or when Lancer used Gae Bolg in the prologue?
Your explanation doesn't hold up with its own internal logic. It doesn't work all the time. Especially against really foreign elements like the Shadow or a never before seen fighting technique.
Also, even if she feels danger, it doesn't mean she can respond in a way that ensures her safety all the time.

>Not the version with the close up of a single tear being shed by him
Why would anyone cut that out

Nasu is a fucking hack and the only good parts of Fate are Zero (LN>anime) and Strange fake.
Take off your nostalgia goggles.

Because no one cries when the K-ons die.

Why is Saber the weakest Servant?

Also, let's not forget Gil and Enkidu's initial reunion in Strange Fake.

Even if Kuzuki blocking saber was a pretty "what the fuck holy shit" moment, there were many other "WHAT THE FUCK HOLY SHIT" moments like that, and in addition they actually had emotional value.

You fucking secondary OP

That scene where they were cooking.

Caster was a shit midboss which wasn't threatening at all. Her legitimacy relied on Saber jobbing when she could easily dispatch Servants even if she was empty of mana a route ago. All to make Shirou competent as a match for Servants. It took ufotable to shill her a little and tweak her to be an actual threat. She was just a laughable in the VN. Failed to convey Herakles' unmatched strength of obstacle or Zouken 'he never dies and manipulates the fuck of us' Matou's creepiness.

Gilgamesh fighting Shirou was the biggest mistake of a climax. Neither character had a connection or gave much of a shit for each others. Kotomine is the ultimate Nemesis vs Shirou. It's even in Shirou's fucking CM profile. Gilgamesh is Saber's Nemesis while Kotomine is Shirou's, so their battle was completely dumb and empty. And just devised to wow autistic powerlevelfags.

I fucking hate when Masters get involved in a Servant's battle outside of support. I'm glad Nasu dropped that shit in other works. UBW route was the definition of cancerous Master fighting Servant shit and getting away with it I fucking hate it. Not just Shirou, but also Rin and Kuzuki. It was just completely out of place now in Fate franchise where Masters stay behind Servants like they should. Or fight other Masters.

The endings were pretty bad too. That's why Nasu had to rewrite it for the anime. Originally, it lacked any actual touching sense of conclusion than HF or Fate endings did.

Iksander, Gil, and Arthur drinking together and talking about what it takes to be a good king. Concluding with Ionioi Hetairoi.

Iksander and Waver are better than any character Nasu has written as well as any master servant relationship.

Also, in Fate/Zero there was a scene where Saber's Instinct was animated to show how she will defeat Lancer but when she went with it, Lancer countered it and gave Saber a wound.

when's tsukihime

>then why didn't it alert her to the nature of the shadow in HF before it was too late
I'll give you that, but that was a whole different entity, not a human who's merely being reinforced with magic.
>Or Caster's magic when it was used to mind control Shirou into showing up?
Her instincts won't act on that since she's not the one being targeted.
>Or when Lancer used Gae Bolg in the prologue
But it did, she was able to redirect the attack to her feet which would have been able to lessen the damage she would get if only Gae Bolg was a normal lance and didn't reverse cause and effect.
>Also, even if she feels danger, it doesn't mean she can respond in a way that ensures her safety all the time.
But she can, that's the point of instinct.

My dad works at a bar in Shinjuku, and Nasu and Takeuchi where having dinner and talking. He overheard them saying that Tsukihime 2 will be coming out in 2033.

Gil vs Shirou was just to address the "real vs fake" theme of the story. Shirou is a fake but he can still achieve his goals.

I'm not a powerlevelfag and I thought the fight was pretty intense and fun. We get our Shirou vs his ultimas nemesis Kirei in HF, no need to have it in UBW.

I do agree that masters getting involved directly in servant battles tends to get a bit bullshitty. They spend so much time hammering into our heads that humans do not even stand a chance against servants, then throw some "OMGEEE THE MASTER JUST BEAT A SERVANT!!!" bullshit. Except for Gil vs Shirou because Shirou and EMIYA are literally the perfect and only (excluding Enkidu) counter to him.

Is Apocrypha LN any good? Almost done reading volume 3 of Strange Fake and it was fucking great.




>But she can, that's the point of instinct.
I think what you said just here is contradictory to this
>I'll give you that, but that was a whole different entity, not a human who's merely being reinforced with magic.
and this
>But it did, she was able to redirect the attack to her feet which would have been able to lessen the damage she would get if only Gae Bolg was a normal lance and didn't reverse cause and effect.
What you seem to be saying is that she should be able to block most ordinary attacks so long as she is physically capable which is for the most part true.
It doesn't work when fighting against someone who doesn't fight like a human should. Kuzuki was being buffed by magic from the Age of Gods which isn't something Saber is likely to be used to because she came from the Age of Heroes over a thousand years after. Kuzuki's technique is also one that she wouldn't be used to so even with instincts she doesn't know how to counter it.

>B-but UTW!!!

He's actually right. America through Solomon's temple had some really nice moments and good fights. Most of what came before those chapters was of very questionable quality, but coming from a mobage does not inherently make it bad, especially since Nasu is trying to tell a serious story that adds to the lore of the Nasuverse through it.

Caladbolg in S1
Tsubame Gaeshi in S1
Rho Aias scene in S2
Excalibur BD version in S2
Archer vs Shirou in VN
HA bridge battle
Everything in Mahou
HanDs and SvsS
Dogfight in F/Z
Kiri vs Kirei sound drama version
Nine lives and "sparks liner high"
True Assassin scenes in F/SF

Ah and this

Sieg versus Karna was bullshit because Karna had to act out of character to let Sieg win. His whole deal is making people go the extra mile if to prove they have what it takes to succeed and then he ends up letting Sieg get away with making a risky maneuver that would've gotten him killed had Karna taken the chance to capitalize on it. Sieg was getting thrashed almost the entire length of the fight and then it ends with a copout. It'll still look gorgeous animated though.

That's because Shirou is shit tier. He's a human up against the most famous hero in the world bar none. Even a gimped Hercules should mop the floor with most people.

>It doesn't work when fighting against someone who doesn't fight like a human should.
Kuzuki fights like a human, it's just a different fighting style.
>Kuzuki was being buffed by magic from the Age of Gods which isn't something Saber is likely to be used to because she came from the Age of Heroes over a thousand years after.
What are you talking about? Saber's magical resistance was so strong that even Caster's spells didn't do shit against Saber. IIRC, that was the reason why Kuzuki voluntered to fight against Saber instead of Caster fighting Saber.
>Kuzuki's technique is also one that she wouldn't be used to so even with instincts she doesn't know how to counter it
She could have easily increased the distance between them and use Invisible Air

>Kuzuki fights like a human, it's just a different fighting style.
Then why are his fists described as moving like a snake, twisting and winding mid punch?
>What are you talking about? Saber's magical resistance was so strong that even Caster's spells didn't do shit against Saber. IIRC, that was the reason why Kuzuki voluntered to fight against Saber instead of Caster fighting Saber.
I meant used to on a cognitive level. There are a lot of magics that were lost from the Age of Gods. Not only that, the level of strength of the spells is far higher. Even if they can't touch her directly, the buffs are far greater than they would have been when she was alive.
>She could have easily increased the distance between them and use Invisible Air
Not after her instincts have already failed and she got punched out. He could keep up with her physically and she wasn't able to block his punches because his fighting style was so bizarre. So no she couldn't just walk away because he would follow her and even if she could, he would go after Shirou or Caster would blow up Shirou if she created too much distance. Or Caster could block Invisible Air and then Kuzuki could follow up..


>88 Posts
>Not one mention of "You don't mind if I kick his ass, right?"

>reading VN first time
>actually thought he was going to win
>mfw he actually dies

That whole bit was perhaps the most retarded fight in FSN.

I don't even like either of these characters all that much, but I can see that the scene was good.

How could he trace Nine Lives if the rock slab didn't have Nine Lives in its history?

The Banquet of Kings was a fantastic scene

Crazy Train

What did he mean by this?

>Gilgamesh fighting Shirou was the biggest mistake of a climax. Neither character had a connection or gave much of a shit for each others. Kotomine is the ultimate Nemesis vs Shirou. It's even in Shirou's fucking CM profile. Gilgamesh is Saber's Nemesis while Kotomine is Shirou's, so their battle was completely dumb and empty. And just devised to wow autistic powerlevelfags.

Fighting Archer was the real climax. Gilgamesh felt like wrapping up loose ends


>Merlin tossing Primate Murder out a window
>Ozymandias crashing his Pyramid-temple on the tower of the end of the world
>Agravain telling Lancelot to fuck off
>Bedivere vanishing after returning Excalibur to the Lion King
>Agravain dying happily on Artoria's lap as the world crumbled around them
>Tiamat held down by Kingu's chains
>The bombardment of Uruk by Ishtar to bring Tiamat down the underworld
>King Hassan and Merlin appearances against Tiamat
>the climax of FGO part one with every Heroic Spirit fighting against the 72 pillars, with Mashu and Solomon standing up Goetia along with the self-insert Master
>EMIYA Alter and Saber Alter destroying an asteroid that was going to destroy Earth

Ozymandias is OC do not steal tier
Fuck Sakurai