Why are there people who are still not Christian even when there have been independently verified miracles that prove Mary Magdaline regularly visits and influences our world
Why are there people who are still not Christian even when there have been independently verified miracles that prove...
Yes, yes! I agree! Christianity is based!
Damn those scientists and their infernal lies.
Pic related is me.
Science isn't opposed to religion.
We ought to always remember the two things that (((they))) do not want us to remember above all else:
1. That who and what we all really are is Pure Consciousness, which is infinite and eternal, experiencing life in temporary human forms.
2. That what we call 'reality' is illusory and therefore malleable, which means that nothing is impossible (indeed, even the word 'impossible' itself literally says "I'm possible!").
I also often suffer from a high amount of anxiety, but I always get through my anxiety no matter what because I always remember the words of Bill Hicks: "Don't worry, don't be afraid - ever. Because this is just a ride. And we can change it any time we want." And yes, the ride never ends, but that's only because WE never end. And the ride has pause buttons - meditation and the dreamless state of deep sleep. We can also pause the ride for as long as we want if we know how. And even though the ride never ends, we can still permanently get off the never-ending ride (while other souls remain on the never-ending ride) by achieving liberation from the cycle of birth and death. I also always remember the words "This too shall pass". This means that no matter what we experience, our experiences are always impermanent (and that includes BOTH our 'bad' experiences AND our 'good' experiences).
>independently verified miracles
Ha, when I was younger, I prayed and asked if God is real, that I wanted an xbox since my other one broke down. I specifically said that this would be the only thing I needed to verify God's existence. I also said that I wanted the xbox within a week. Coincidentally, on the last day, someone at a garage sale gave me an xbox for free (with the controller, video games, etc.), because their son was going into the army and the son wanted to get rid of it.
somebody got crippled in war for your stupid xbox, good job
>a brave patriot gave his son's life for the glory of israel
Yeah religion is just opposed to:
-not enslaving people
-not raping your own children
So, basically christians are edgelords.
Not my fault they wanted to fight for israel. Also, they didn't want it.
>Yeah religion is just opposed to:
Why do atheists always seem to place this so high on their priorities? It's like they think the ability to legally stick your dick in another mans ass in the most important aspect of society or something. Who gives a shit about the fags? They're degenerates.
You aren't fooling anyone satan.
So many lies/(willful?)ignorance in such a short post.
There are a lot of infographics explaining how gays spread diseases, besides anal sex doesn't make children. It is a perversion.
>not enslaving people
>Sublimis Deus (English: The sublime God;[1] erroneously cited as Sublimus Dei) is a papal encyclical promulgated by Pope Paul III on June 2, 1537, which forbids the enslavement of the indigenous peoples of the Americas (called Indians of the West and the South) and all other people.[2]
>not raping your own children
>Incest ...corrupts family relationships and marks a regression toward animality."[41]\
>Rape ...is the forcible violation of the sexual intimacy of another person. It does injury to justice and charity. Rape wounds the respect, freedom, and physical and moral integrity to which every person has a right. It causes grave damage that can mark the victim for life.[53]
People prefer the comfortable believe that they can be enlightened by their own thought.
The question is why should anyone be Christian if it is way easier just to do whatever you want?
Oh, and before you respond, anal(and oral) sex is sinful for both homo and hetero sex.
Do you have a source of some oficial church statement on two women rubbing their pussies on each other for sexual pleasure?
Seems legit. Belief in god is literally nigger tier.
>Homosexual actions "Among the sins gravely contrary to chastity are masturbation, fornication, pornography, and homosexual practices."[40]
>Chastity and homosexuality
>2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,141 tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered."142 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.
>2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.
>2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.
>2396 Among the sins gravely contrary to chastity are masturbation, fornication, pornography, and homosexual practices.
>Believing in scientifically proven fact is nigger tier
Padre I commited sins.
I masturbated to porn and I don't believe that I will ever be strong enough to withhold my lower desires.
Can their be even heavon for such a weak minded dude as me?
>no-one ITT knows and understand the Problem of Evil.
Either an all loving god sends millions of innocent kids to death via malaria or he doesn't exist.
You decide.
As long as you genuinely try you will be forgiven.
You mean more like:
Either there is also good in the world or it doesn't exist.
Fuck off Satan
>Problem of Evil
Doesn't exist. Brainlet tier atheists think it's an issue because they have zero knowledge of theology. "What if God was a big hamburger? Wouldn't someone have eaten him by now? Checkmate Christians", literally the same argument. Nonsensical and irrelevant.
You're sure it's not cuz of 1 billion Christians all hoping for miracles and some of them hallucinating or some shit?
For real though, I don't care if 3000 independent nubs verified that Caesar bent over and shat out fertilizer for the entire empire. It's ridiculous and I'm gonna need some scientific evidence first.
No it isn't, you have a deity which you claim to be omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent and omnibeneviolent yet natural evil still exists, so eod made a world full of malaria, hurricanes and volcanoes (which kill millions of innocents a year)
Besides, if you believe in determinism then technically god is responsible for all evil, not just natural evil, since he knew before hand (omniscient) what the events that would turn out would be, yet he made them any way..
Honestly, he should have just made a perfect
>comparing all the good in the world is all the bad
Not even a fair contest,not by a long shot, 99.9999999% of all known space in the universe is incompatible with life, and on the small bit it is, it is filled with horrors unknown and a light source that gives you cancer.
i want to marry christ-chan
Well seems like you are convinced for the absence of good.
What is your plan now?
If you're not a creationist and think things actually evolved and the universe is 13.7 billion years old and all the rest, then sure. Science wouldn't be opposed to your religion as it says nothing about a non-testable entity or god. It only describes things that exist in our reality. So you can make up whatever else you want and science has no problems with it.
You had the opportunity but you decided to follow some weird dude who was too impatient and self entitled to learn about christ and insteed made a book with butchered phrases of the bible and lots of lots self worship.
Don't know, I'm probably gonna head to bed now and help my grand father with the garden tomorrow, wbu man?
You're a brainlet who has a lifespan of 0.00000001% of the time the universe has existed. How do you have the perspective to judge whether things are truly good or evil? You're like a toddler who thinks their parents are "evil" for not letting it eat ice cream for breakfast. The parent knows better than it's child, it's actions are in the childs best interest even though the child doesn't have the perspective or the understanding to know why the parent is correct.
Basically your problem comes down to arrogance. You think your perspective is equal to Gods. It isn't. You think your logic is the same as Gods logic. It isn't. Once you accept those facts your entire argument breaks down because you don't have any good footing to judge a being that is infinitely older, wiser and knows far more than you ever will. You said it yourself, God is omnipotent and omniscient, how do you think you have enough knowledge to pass any judgement on a being like that?
Sit down and stop crying about God being evil for not allowing you to eat ice cream for breakfast.
eating chocolate and taking a bath.
Looking what to do my last days off.
Maybe going for some trash movie night in Nürnberg.
nope, if i had to choose between being muslim and marrying a qt christian girl, i'll go with option one.
I don't really understand how anyone can be a Muslim after the whole "Allah said I can fuck your wives, because I am the prophet" and "Allah says when you come visit don't saty too long because the prophet is shy and awkward and doesn't want to tell you to bugger off" stuff. It's pretty much L Ron Hubbard "If you want to become rich, create a religion" level of transparency of what his real motives were.
I'll judge god all I want, if someone allowed a kid to get malaria and die and could have prevented it, but didn't, they're a bad person, same goes with god, except that he's responsible for every innocent child who has ever died of natural causes, you don't need to be a million years old to have a sense of scale to that. He's a douche, nothing else to it.
Would you tell sick and dying kids to 'sit down and stop crying'? If you would, I'd say you lack empathy my friend.
Islam is based on the ignorance of a dude that wasn't able to read and write.
That's why god never blessed our prophet.
Sounds good, I hear German chocolate is good, ours is alright, better than American chocolate, not as good as British chocolate
What's your job man.
>the Lord works in mysterious ways!
I'm a simple mechanic.
Do you have a job?
So you don't see any problem at all with you deciding that death is an incredible and unforgivable moral evil to a being that is well outside the scope of such things? A being that rewards people after death with ETERNAL paradise? You don't think your earthly perspective might be a teensy bit irrelevant for a being that knows what happens after you die and metes out justice accordingly?
As an aside according to your own logic if you have EVER killed another living thing. Ant, bug, plant, whatever. That makes you just as evil as God. If your measuring stick is the lives of things that are as insignificant to you as human lives are to an omnipotent, eternal being then you're much more evil. Isn't that self defeating?
cute bfs are forbidden
no women can really be christian
>As an aside according to your own logic
It teaches actually that natural riches are made for us to live from.
The other user for sure doesn't have nioce argumentation skills but his very right depicting your ignorance on that matter.
The purpose of god is to overcome moral relativism and replace it with one morality that is above human thought. You can't achieve this ever on scientific level since you will always end up with an oppinion open for discussion. God is not open for discussion. There is or there is not.
Show me even ONE scientifically proven fact that god exists.
>pro tip
>you cant
Technically no, God put me there full knowing that I would step on that ant, god put that rabbit full knowing infront of the hunter, he created the starting conditions of the entire universe, and since everything is a consequence of previous factors the starting conditions dictate the future actions of all.
He knew perfectly that the universe would turn out this way, yet he still made it so.
He's an omnipotent being, he could have made a better world and yet he consciously decided that this was the one he would make. The world where kids die of malaria, ants get stepped on and the Sun gives you cancer.
Cabinet maker/tradesmen.
>It teaches actually that natural riches are made for us to live from.
That's the biblical position. The other user is clearly not basing his morality on the Bible. His stance is "God lets people die, therefore God is evil". My point was that if your stance is that the goodness of a being that created the universe hinges on whether he lets humans die or not then by that logic every single human who lets creatures who are similarly insignificant to us die by either deliberate act or refusal to act, is also evil.
It's impossible to judge the morality of a being that has so much more perspective and knowledge than you, simply put. Is it really so absurd that an eternal being could allow death for a greater purpose that is more important? Is it crazy to assume that when eternal bliss is on the line mortal sufferings on Earth are ultimately irrelevant?
>God put me there full knowing that I would step on that ant, god put that rabbit full knowing infront of the hunter
We go to determinism. I have to take my bath now. But in specially because of determiniam I fell for the believe in god. So could give here a whole thought where it leads to but sadly I don't have the time.
Natural law is the primary dictate of moral science and religion.
Science is the (how)
Religion is the (who)
Morality/Code of Ethics is the (why)
All good religions lead to similar conclusions because the natural world shows us the optimal ways to live, and God dwells in our hearts and minds at a subconscious level.
Why do you undermine the faith by presenting Christianity as something that doesn't need faith?
1. The universe is not deterministic
2. Free will is important. A world without evil means a world where your will is restricted. Your actions have zero meaning if you have no choice but to perform them.
>He's an omnipotent being, he could have made a better world
How do you know this isn't the best world that could possibly be created? Bad things happening could ultimately enhance the tapestry of life. In fact I think Pope Benedict put out an encyclical arguing the point that suffering is the catalyst which allows the greatest good to come forth. For in a world without poverty, without anyone wanting for anything how would a person display charity?
Kk, see you friend.
Prove it, prove free will exists and determinism is false
And yes he could have made a better world, he's omnipotent he can do anything, if he couldn't make a better world than he wouldn't be omnipotent.
Alternatively you could simply take any event which involved many deaths and simply had god prevent it, therefore making the world a better place.
>. For in a world without poverty, without anyone wanting for anything how would a person display charity?
That sounds like god just made a shitty place so he could stroke himself and say "look at all the virtue" when in reality he's still killing innocents
A world with no poverty is better than a world with charity
And there are some evils which no good arises from.
Somewhere, right now, someone just died, they had no friends, no family, their body will never be found, no-one will miss them.
What good comes from that, that is worth the cost of a life.
>What good comes from that, that is worth the cost of a life.
Now that person is in Heaven, in the exalted presence of God. I'm baffled by your continual insistence on judging God through the lens of an atheistic morality that places the experiences of earthly life as above all other concerns. It's so disingenuous. You're assuming God exists for this argument so why are you not taking into account there is also life after death? You claim to have the perspective to be able to impose judgement on God but at the same time you simply cannot seem to change your perspective from one that places physical existence as the be all end all of reality.
>Mary Magdaline
Magdalene. Those are both etas in Greek. Nobody in this thread has called out OP for conflating Mary Magdalene with BMV/Theotokos.
It was so stupid I thought someone else would call him out on it.