>Eastern Europe
>Latin America
>Southeast Asia
Answer truthfully.
>Eastern Europe
>Latin America
>Southeast Asia
Answer truthfully.
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lmao eastern europe easily
obviously eastern europe
not even close
Eastern europe.
Its always been kinda shit, but unlike the others; hasnt gotten dramatically worse
I'd say they all are equal, with slavs being the most retarded.
Toss up between eastern Europe and southeast Asia.
Latin America
eastern Europe why is this a question?
Easteren europe
eastern europe consider themselves white, even that goes a long way for civility and safety.(they're not white)
Latin America
>Everything else:
Eastern Europe
>Humid bag of shite:
Off to the gas chamber with you.
Just look at these disgusting non-whites!
Eastern europe has a certain hopelessness of society that's quite depressing, plus, it's full of people who would have no qualms in knifing you for your belongings.
Latin america has much more positive and fun-loving people, but the widespread corruption and lack of civilization is a real issue.
SEA is decent in some areas but overall the worst.
I'd say Latin america is the least shit because it makes a great holiday visit as long as you stay in the safe areas.
t. visited colombia and russia
You fuckin racist!!! Wheres your negro?
From the bottom of my heart I wish death in fire for every European
Well wrong paysanno. Ive lived on both Continents..latinos. Rip.
>>Eastern Europe
>>Latin America
>>Southeast Asia
Anything else is a meme answer
If you ask this seriously you spend way too much time on pol. Eastern Europe by a loooooong stretch.
I think you mean Middle Easterner/African, it's Sweden after all
Eastern europe of course.
Everybody knows european is best.
Eastern Europe ez
>Eastern Europe
Safe, calm region. No gopniks since 2012. It's harder to die here than in Latin america or asia
>Latin America
Druglords, tropical illnesses, too hot
>Southeast Asia
Tough one. Eastern Europeans are some backwards motherfuckers, the southeast asian mongrels are short-sighted, self serving mongrels, and Latin America is a corrupt mixed bag that can't get it's shit together.
I think it's obvious
>no LADAs
They are not true slavs
I'd say Easter Europe because at least here we have nice weather all year long.
Latin America
> Latin America > Southeast Asia > Eastern Europe > Japan
t. ahmed
self-hating Slavs??
I don't know about the least shit but I can tell you which region is the most shit
On your designated shitting street?
true, you're the most experienced shit-connoisseurs of all time after all big bro.
Eastern Europe.
> Latin America > Southeast Asia > Eastern Europe > Japan
what is the criteria behind this ranking? Number of homicides per year?
Eastern Europe > SE Asia > Latin America. Look at the murder rates.
Eastern Europe easily if you don't count Russia. Otherwise America.
SEA and SA are shitholes that don't even come close to the first two.
I don't see ISIS militias or drug cartels running around here so I guess the eastern Europe
Least shit eastern-Europe, I think they also show a lot of promise seeing their work ethic.
Our only problem is that the gubment is corrupt and that we're slowly dying due to low birth rate.