Well, I guess that settles it. We're invading Iran soon. Hope europe is ready for a new flood of refugees!
Well, I guess that settles it. We're invading Iran soon. Hope europe is ready for a new flood of refugees!
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fucking sick of faggots on this board still supporting him like a cult leader
Iran is not like the other countries America has tried to destroy. They are much stronger, there will be massive resistance to US intervention from everywhere, Russia is a massive ally of Iran and will prevent another Syria scenario and lastly the US couldn't even win in Syria of Afghanistan. They have no chance in Iran. Lastly, Fuck Trump.
they need to put russian troops in iran, similar to how nato troops are in the baltics
Russia did put troops there, but then they were kicked out for being shit-tier people.
They temporarily used an air force base. It was supposed to remain a secret but then got leaked or was leaked on purpose. Google it.
You libshits are so fucking salty that everyone except you hive parasites made out on the tax cuts.
One more fuck you to you ivory tower commies, gift wrapped from Trump.
fucking kill yourself neocon boomer scum
Enjoy that tax cut when you are dying in Iran you FUCKING FAGGOT
Ha cucked britbong.
Isn't Muhammad waiting in bed for you, cuckboy?
das rite mayn we maga now
Meme flag
> Iran will happen.
Fuck off you cuck.
> Obama didn't bomb the shit out of middle east.
> Obama is any different than any other blood thirsty hound running your country.
absolutely no self awareness, very typical american post
bomb Iran to the stone age yeah!
America #1!
You guys, Trump is just the same, he's a neocon. We know because neocons make wars, so of there's a war it means Trump's a neocon. Oh my god you guys, I'm so upset I'm literally shaking that Trump is a neocon he's just the same we must resist Trump guys come on let's make memes to stop Trump please guys.
>Let me just string some words I heard Sup Forums say together
Look, a bot meme. Resist Trump guys, and post horrible bot memes guys. Please guys, do it. We are Sup Forums guys, come on.
wtf i love destabilising middle eastern countries so their people all migrate to the west now
the McCain song
bomb bomb bomb Iran
>Isn't Muhammad waiting in bed for you, cuckboy?
no you idiot he IS Muhammed
99.999% of our esteemed European "white nationalists" are actually mudlsimes LARPing
Oh yeah, you're right botnet, Trump is a neocon, he's just the same, thanks for guiding us botnet, we didn't realize we were inconsistently applying our Sup Forums beliefs until you cleverly highlighted the contradiction. Guys, we are inconsistent. We must resist Trump. Even a botnet can see it. Trump is a neocon guys. Resist guys, come on guys, we gotta.
I don't give a shit about Iran, especially since they've mostly genocided the aryan population and are basically Islamic fundamentalists at this point.
Do I hate them enough to want to go to war with them? No.
And it doesn't matter for me anyway cause compared to America my country will do jack shit if we go to war.
Top zozzle
>donald redditors falling for their own bait
Guys, our beliefs are
> if there's war, it's cuz neocon
> neocon bad
Okay guys, that's our beliefs. Don't forget and get it wrong because Trump. We hate Trump guys, he is neocon. Come on guys.
>he honestly, truly believes that the "refugees" have anything at fucking all to do with wars in the middle East
God, you just believe whatever the hell you're told, don't you, you god damn lemming.
i just want a fucking happening already.
he's desperately trying to find some justification for a war
Mueller must be getting close
>he thinks there is absolutely 0 cause and effect between the destruction of major cities and other effects such as drought and food shortages exacerbated by war
Protip: You have to *let them in*.
It's on the list.
We get it.
You don't have to keep posting the same thing reworded.
Mild worry, hard to say what he's up to.
we have more immigrants from iraq than from saudi arabia. you know why? because we fucked iraq and people don't want to live there any more
by destabilising the middle east you help liberals make europe less white
JIST DON'T TAKE THEM IN. how retarded are you? you are in charge of your own borders you fucking faggots. it's nobody's fault but yours when your countries start overflowing with brown people
Member when we thought trump was /our guy/? Feelstupidman.
he already won the goy of the year award in 2017 and by the looks of it he really wants to defend his title in 2018
>implying anyone ever wanted to live there
Wars do not increase the migration. Migrants are going to come in at the maximum rate that your countries let them, no matter if there's a war or not.
Because there countries are shitty either way.
>you help liberals make europe less white
if you can't fight off liberal suicidal tendencies and can't convince your fellow "white" britons that mass immigration is bad for your country then that's on you. you'll get fucked regardless of the mid easts situation
>Hope europe is ready for a new flood of refugees!
We did it leddit! Megapedes unite! #MAGA based Trump Based Ajit Pai
Please based Kim nuke the bugers already
>Wars do not increase the migration
>what is syria
>what is libya
>what are refugees
Sort of. Iraq, Syria and especially Lybia were barrier states.
The invasion is obviously wanted by the big banking, NGO and media cartels which are headquartered in the USA. Europe doesn't really have a say in it.
also had any of you trumpcuck faggots considered the fact that increasing us influence in the world empowers an anti white government thus being negative to the interests of free white people?
We all knew Kushner was pulling the strings. We kinda decided just to ignore it
Literal fuckin traitors people. Remember don't fuckin trust these damn lefty shills
Keep me updated
top kek
>muh it's only lefty shills who don't want to fuck up the middle east and empower anti white governments
ok hold on, why is helping our enemies a good thing? can you fucking explain that to me? retard
>I support Trump on everything he does like a fucking sheep
ITT: Kike shills wanting a new war
Different poster, What the fuck are you trying to say? We're doing whatever we can to save our country how the fuck should you not be responsible to do the same? We aren't perfect and we don't have complete control either but at least we can still think and say what we fucking want and at least we are TRYING.
Look at this salty little bitch bong. I hope we go to war in Iran and send em all your way. Stay mad and retarded.
Sure buddy, wrecking the sovereign governments twice in a couple of decades to impose your (((democracy))) and Bretton-Woods on the continent has nothing to do with it. Absolutely nothing.
Told you so. I said in December that the GOP would use Trump like a condom before throwing him away via impeachment or some other process following the November 2018 mid-term elections. They used him to get the tax cuts they wanted so badly, and now they are going to use him to "sell" the Iran war they've wanted since the 1990's. They know that the war will be expensive and unpopular, but that's fine, because Trump will take the blame, and they want him out anyway. If Trump falls for such an obvious trick, he deserves everything he gets.
F A K E. T W E E T
OUR enemies? You aren't on our fuckin side anymore Brit. You aren't the US's ally anymore you are literally turning into a socialist state and we don't owe you fucking anything. We helped you in both World Wars even though it was against our interests and then we've had to deal with your commie asses for the rest of the century. We are now protected US interests in other states around the world regardless of what impact it has on you. What do you expect us to do? Keep helping you as you undermine us and slander our government? Nah save yourselves but don't expect us to get dragged down with you and don't expect us to cuck to the inferior UK.
They deserve it.
According to Lindsey Graham and other NeoCons Trump needs to do more. Let me guess what his plan is.
Step 1. War with Iran
Step 2. Take refugees from Iran
Step 3. Inevitable terrorist attack from Iranian refugee.
Step 4. Pass legislation that limits rights of American citizens
Ha ha ha. It is fun to watch everything west of india burn.
Awesome! I hope BASED EU sends all of them here!
You're the fucking kike here Swede. We are literally screaming at you "PICK UP YOUR WEAPON AND FIGHT FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES" and you literally respond by taking further steps to distance yourself from our ideals and the truth. We can't run your governments or change your policies and expecting us to tie our hands in matters of our own security is practically retarded. I don't even agree with invading Iran or helping their regime but you guys don't deserve any fuckin special treatment.
how is empowering an anti white government a positive thing for white people? the only way to save america is to isolate and destabilise the country so a civil war can break out and whites can take their country back
yes i'm sure the thought of white people suffering makes your circumcised kike dick very hard
wtf i hate white people now
What do you think of the potential problem that all the semi-nationalist fevour Trump caught is going to dissipate with him?
Looks like the CIA/Mossad are willing to work with Trump.
Holy fuck
And none of you will do anything about it.
Get back to work slave.
After his masterful handling of the Syria trap, I'm not too worried.
I'm learning chinese and im leaving to asia. Beautiful chinese women are waiting for me. Europe will burn in time. It's going to be flooded with africans and middle easterns. It's only a matter of time
Zuckerberg went to nail priscilla chan for a reason
Cant cuck the zuck and cant screw the jew.
t. literal filth
Anti-white? Our hands our tied, its your democratically elected government.
You also obviously don't understand American politics.
Why should Americans even care about you? We'll take care of our own problems and kill the jew and push the non-whites out. We're all mutts to you anyway but we have more of a chance of survival than you ever will.
Holy fuck that's a good one(pic related). Western Europe and america will get the refugees, we're in this together user.
>he actually fell for Trump's bluff
We're talking about the policies of your country kraut. We'd literally have our economic interests secured and still be safe if you knew how borders worked.
>We'll take care of our own problems and kill the jew and push the non-whites out
that's not going to happen under your current system
Umm sweetie, you are non-white jews.
The absolute state of britbongs who can't even control their own state anymore. Didn't you guys used to rule the world or something? What happened?
Israel > Iran
Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and actually produces something of value. Iran is a mudslime hellhole and should be glassed.
The FRG's immigration policy has always been managed by the (((USA))), starting with the Turks. We're not a free country and you're incredibly ignorant if you think so.
I think that's the goal. And it will be very demoralizing to a lot of people - the "nationalist" they voted for turns out to be a puppet for other interests.
And to think that Iran's only crime was wanting to build a pipeline to the Mediterranean sea to sell its oil on the global market cheaply and construct nuclear power plants to free up domestic oil demands.
What the actual fuck? So now you're ignoring the main portion of the argument. We'll fix OUR problems and you fix YOURS. If the system needs to change so be it but that doesn't change the fact that you're still bitching about how we won't help you. You're too pathetic to be helped. There is insurmountable evidence pointing to the devastating effects of your policies and yet most of your people don't even bother to learn the truth.
>cherry picking pictures and data
>instead of actually formulating an argument
Why not defend your governments actions? Why not offer solutions? Why not do anything that'll improve the way of life of your country instead of shitting on everyone else till they are down to your level?
That shit's been going on in Europe for decades now, parties get elected for anti-immigration rhetoric and then it just amps up. I mean it makes sense for the politicians, if you can get a shit ton of money from special interests who is interested in muddying up the continents why not take it.
> can't even control their own state anymore
What happened to America first? No more needless wars?
Nice control there Juan jamalberg
You have sovereignty and the US is no longer interested in Germany so why not change the policies? Why not stand up for yourselves and change the laws?
I'm going to need citations before I believe any of that. The US may have controlled Germany following the war but it has since become an independent power of it's own.
the only way to fix your country's problems is a civil war
you don't control yours either
>Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and actually produces something of value.
Dead Americans soldiers are not a product.
>US no longer interested in germany
Holy fuck T_D was a mistake
The US is starting to boom again and it's slowly changing its policies even if there are some negatives ongoing. Is your only defense of the UK to attack the US? You literally keep throwing the argument back to "oh the US is so shit fuck them" but we're not talking about the US we're talking about the state of the UK. How do you justify the problems your government and people are perpetuating? How do you sleep at night?