
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

>It's the most wonderful time in 8 years
>Joe is Joe Christmas Songs pastebin.com/0znNg4MM

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>WH Vid: Important moments for Pres Trump in 2017 1/1/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania/Barron arrive in DC 1/1/18
youtu.be/mi2oVgaxj1k (JBA)
youtu.be/nJWe8Z-Dazs (WH)
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania/Barron depart Mar-A-Lago 1/1/18
>Pres Trump NYE Speech @Mar-A-Lago 1/1/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Mar-A-Lago 1/1/18
>Pres Trump New Year statement 12/31/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #44 12/30/17
>This Year @State 12/29/17
>Pres Trump golfing w/Coast Guard members 12/29/17
>Pres Trump speaks to firefighters in FL 12/27/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania 2017 Christmas Message 12/25/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Midnight Mass 12/24/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania taking kids calls to NORAD 12/24/17
>Pres Trump Christmas Eve messages to the troops 12/24/17
>Pres Trump motorcade en route to Mar-A-Lago 12/22/17

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:





Were there any great bakers that could take over baking? If so then I would toss it off to them.


>at work
>remember this tweet that got shadowed by the nuke button tweet
>can't stop laughing now

Checked and thanks, OP

pls say this is real



weev is a jew lmfao

It's real.

I find this offensive as an Asian man with a huge dick.


I can respect that. Even Jews know that Jews are evil.

Yes we know.

Oh it's real, brother! Can't wait

I am so fucking hyped for Monday.

Last night was a blast
>Trump bantz
>Intelfags absolutely BTFO

Funny how libs didn't mind Obama threataning to kil Kim and destroy his country with nukes.

Fake awards from a fake president.

Wew lad. He better self terminate.

Do you have to prove it to women before they'll give you a chance?

So cute


Watch'a doin' rabbi?

The US would save a lot of money if they gutted foreign aid.

According to USAid.gov, which catalogs all country-by-country financial obligations the U.S. holds with the rest of the world, Trump’s threat would save the United States more than $24 billion — in just one year.

Here are some weird and high payments from the US to other countries:

Afghanistan — $5,060,306,050
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) — $2,142,161
Egypt — $1,239,291,240
Ethiopia — $1,111,152,703
France — $4,660,356
Germany — $5,484,317
Ghana — $724,133,065
Iraq — $5,280,379,380
Japan — $20,804,795
Jordan — $1,214,093,785
Russia — $17,195,004
South Africa — $597,218,298
Syria — $916,426,147
Turkey — $154,594,512

Fake flag on a real faggot.

I like you guys

Trump's winning. NK blinked already

Why did people automatically assume that this was a dick joke? Trump was clearly referencing how the US' nuclear arsenal dwarfed anything NK could come up with.

>I find this offensive as an Asian man with a huge dick.
stop lying to yourself

Reminds me how Jews in Canada got scared of a leaf version of the KKK forming so they created a honey pot. Weird how they were worried about the leaves forming their own version of a freemason offshoot.


>this is a real article

Dick joke is just the layman's double entendre

Sounds like the DHS head has bent the knee on the wall. Unfortunately, I think she is still a shill for amnesty and the refugee program.

For all the shit Bannon gets on here, Breitbart still drives the news for a large portion of Trump's base. He has been hitting her non-stop on DACA and amnesty, and I think she finally go the message.

T-minus 16 days until Trump either becomes a one term president and cucks on DACA, or he decides to send them home. Looks like he's cucking on DACA as a favor to Orrin Hatch and Mitch McConnell since they got taxes passed for him.

No chance of winning 2020 if he cucks on DACA, guaranteed to win 2020 if he doesn't. Let's just hope understands that.

Its just thailand. Leave him be.

>Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) — $2,142,161

you don't consider the money to Israel weird or high?

It's trump. He brought up his dick during the debates.

>runs stock windows xp
Fucking Kek. We stand no chance to win against the mighty and powerful Best Korea

What is "huge" for Asians, about 5 1/2?

That very Jewish-looking golem is a Jew? And he’s false flagging to make white people look bad? Wow, you don’t say.

Enlist now for your chance to bring back an Iranian bride.

We'd have to get a bill passed for Trump to sign to end that aid.

I like it. This is good comic strip although it's fake news.

This is about countries voting against America's measure to recognize Jerusalem as Israels capital. Israel voted for the measure, that's why they are not on the list.


Yes, kikebart, please tell us about how Trump doesn't know what he's doing.

>The US would save a lot of money if they gutted foreign aid.
You don’t say? You’re kidding me.

He blinks on DACA and he won't last the qtr.

won't happen any time soon, but hopefully that happens before I die

Okay, but most would acknowledge that Von Bismarck was very egotistical, belligerent and brash. Similar qualities to a sociopath. I respect the man immensely for what he achieved. No one else - no other mindset - could have united the German peoples at the time.

Pic somewhat related.

Daily reminder that Bannon is an (((economic nationalist))); he worships money more than blood and land

DACA recipients who can show that they are productive members of society with no criminal background will be given the green light for either amnesty or put on a fast track to citizenship.
AS long as they're adding to the workforce and not being a drain, what is the issue here?

Yeah, we have been giving them extortion money for decades. That’s the “diplomatic” thing to do.

good morning /ptg/.
I woke up to lots of snow.
maybe I should go ski?

Still no wall which means there would be no wall at all because Republicans will lose the midterm elections

>tfw no snow
gib snow

>AS long as they're adding to the workforce and not being a drain, what is the issue here?

I just want them to count against that yearly quota
Freeze any other admissions nutil we get them sorted through

>mfw loses to a pedo

Wtf bigots

>AS long as they're adding to the workforce and not being a drain, what is the issue here?
wtf! I love illegal immigrants and big business now!

Yeah, go be a retard about it. No need to reply if you act like a toddler.

We need to demand signs of life


kys neocon shill. This is the anti-Bannon crowd btw. Make sure to vote Mitt Romney all my Utah pedes!!!


>what is the issue here
Do you think these people like you, or America?

>tfw bomb cyclone tomorrow
We are all going to die.

>wake up at 5:30 in the morning
>see this tweet
>can't stop laughing
It's so visual and funny

Fun fact about Meghan McCain, "MM" are her initials, cup size and favorite candy.

>Looks like he's cucking on DACA as a favor to Orrin Hatch and Mitch McConnell since they got taxes passed for him.
Wait, I thought Trump did that for them? How the fuck does Trump benefit from neocon donor tax cuts. Trump signing that bill was supposed to give him goodwill with these swamp rats like McConnell

Those are incumbents, not polls. There's a very real chance the GOP could increase their majority in the senate this year, assuming you fags go out and actually vote.

What did he mean by this?

AMD-Chan a cute but how did Intel get btfo?

The Randy Quaid Tweet is the greatest thing of 2018 so far. Holy shit this timeline is amazing.

it's crazy to think that we've let in over 1 million spics a year for several decades now
and those are the legal ones

even if it means legalizing some DACAfags we need to change how the system is set-up to keep millions more from pouring in legally

I'll give you that on Bismarck, and Jackson well he was a little unhinged since he had a rough upbringing. He really hated you.

FL winter storm is not comfy.


> neocon donor tax cuts

I demand to speak with your manager. This low quality bait is offensive.

Damn, he got btfo in the replies

Look at that idiot responding, send him to Gitmo for treason.

>Trump will never brofist you and your nigger friends

Is it fucking impossible for neocohens to show support for whites in SA?

bombaclat genesis

It means that the year of Joe has ended on day 3 just for being mentioned in this cancerous tweet.

You're a swamp German why would you get snow?


They didn't fall for the scam that was Vista,they're also wise

Cut the shit and deal with my point. The tax cuts (which mostly benefited Mitch’s GOPe donors) were supposed to give Trump goodwill with the GOPe, not the other way around. This tax cut was supposed to be in exchange for RAISE.

Why the fuck would the average Trump voter care that Wall St is doing great?

Glenn Simpson worked for Russian gov’t interests trying to repeal Magnitsky Act at the same time as he was working on the dossier.

just come up here for a visit, we'll play together.
germanics should all be very close frens.

>the $3200 tax cut I just got is actually for Wall Street

What nonsense. Why don't you just stop lying and tell the truth?


Hahaha ya no but seriously we cant let this guy have the nuclear codes

>the nuclear button tweet was real,not a dream


which one?