Are normies the biggest problem in society?
Even in death one cannot escape the normie
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No, Jews are.
Nobody cares about your stupid fucking youtube channel retard.
What exactly did he say?
That's a very normie thing to say.
He didn’t make it
Jews only have the power they do because of the normie.
Have the link for the video? cant seem to find it amidst this shitstorm
People with autism who think we care about your stupid youtube videos are the biggest issue in society
Actually you can, in death, providing you're not fucking retarded.
That man killed himself within visual distance of the parking lot of what looks to be a massive forest. His fault for going to a meme suicide spot and walking two minutes in.
exactly this, even in death he fucked up
its on the liveleak
Would it be morally wrong to steal his coat?
I mean he is dead and has no use for it anyways.
Yet again, a normie talking about people being "normies"
So how come japs keep offing themselves?
Normies and bugmen keep society stunted and unable to get into a new age of enlightenment.
He might have family who cares
Individualists caught in a collectivist anthill.
No one wants to settle down and start a family, they all want to work to their graves. Marriages are often out of convenience rather than anything emotional.
/r/equesting the virgin-chad meme of this
I wish it wasnt blurred. What a faggot.
This. Jap marriages are often loveless and even sexless after children are both. Its just business after that.
I was more pissed off about how this guy acts in the whole video. he is a fuckwit
marriages have been like that for thousands of years. it's only the past 100 years or so that love was supposed to be a part of it. you get married, have children and because you are both helping each other you come to care about your partner. the shit pushed as love by the jew is just instinct and lust. why do you think things are so fucked now?
I don't know why but this picture upsets me, his clothes are baggy and looks so lost and innocent, imagine how much he must have suffered to resort to this.
Fuck this world.
Is this an exotic sight for gaijin? I see about three of these every day.
you see three people hung every day?
the fuck?
I dont give a fucj about niggers or jews or any other subhumans but disrespecting a dead body is on another level.
In the video above their guide is like "oh yeah my friend from high school hung himself last week" they seem really desensitized to it over there unless it was someone they were super close with.
The CIA is in the process of hunting down and destroying all autistic people as they realize that they are unaffected by social programming. They are trying to ensure all normies turn against autistic people so that they suicide themselves at an even higher rate. Then the world will be under the complete control of the deep state.
I just made that up.
thats pretty fucked m8
they need to quarantine the sad shits lest they infect the non suicidies
explain yerself yellerboy
I like this one better, simpler.
It's okay as long as you're a proud Jew
Thanks for the disclaimer
nice digits
>the shit pushed as love by the jew is just instinct and lust
this user knows
Goddamnit achmed, stop it
oh boohoo let me play a song for you on the world's smallest violin
Did he died ?
some shit like "that's a dope ass body" Then started poking around his dick with a stick and jiggling it, laughing the entire time.
its like some sick and twisted version of memento mori, where artists leave scenes of death in idyllic settings to remind people it always there. death lurks everywhere, even in arcadia. likewise even in death you will never escape the normie
>they never played poke the body
neither will you. :^)
this is why the poof marriage love is love shit is bullshit. it's a fucking contract, has nothing to do with (((love))) it's about money. two men don't have children and form a bond unless they are both fucking their kid and the bong is secrecy
damn, had no idea the zuck was this woke.
who else here /normiesarenpcs/?
Go be edgy somewhere else.
>"Man fuck niggers and brown people but if they're dead I suddenly respect and hold the body in regard"
What the fuck.
wrong flag
Relevant documentary.
I've been seeing this dopey cunt's face everywhere the last few days. Who the fuck is he and why am I supposed to give a fuck?