
>muh IQ

is there any worse argument for intellect? most East-asian countries score way higher than Europe, and yet they were nigger-tier civilizations before europe introduced their superior ways of governing, their inventions and philosophy.

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>*I* can't draw a direct line between IQ and iphones so therefore IQ is complete bullshit

you just disproved your theory that europeans are intellectually superior

There's a difference between true intelligence and just making your kids study to the point of near-suicide for the Japs and cheating for the chinks.

>and yet they were nigger-tier civilizations before europe introduced their superior ways of governing, their inventions and philosophy.
Not really. A lot of stuff was invented in China, and they've managed to sustain a continuous civilization for many millennia.
But there's something to be said about the European spirit that Asians lack.

Yep, they lack in creativity. It is genetic. Intellect without creativity will only gradually improve but not innovate.

Let's talk some history.
Barren and empty land in Africa is looked at and some white people get an idea: They'll make their own country out of literally nothing. After the country is established, it thrives and becomes one of the richest countries in the world. Niggers see shining haven in the distance from their mud and straw hut. Decide to overrun country for the gibs. Claim racism. Eventually 70 IQ leaders take control of the country. Now it is a 3rd world shithole. Even after everything is already built, niggers can't even maintain it. Things are given to them (and in this case, they stole it), and it gets destroyed. That is all the proof I need.

just like the arabs then, able to sustain massive empires, but inventing jack shit.

>muh creativity
Is Europoor still relevant?

pic related is what you would be without us, dumb jap.

>WE WUZ-ing
Stay mad albino nigger

Did it ever occur to you that you’re entirely subjective in judging other civilizations according to your own feelings? Nah, you’re right.

Now imagine if whites hadn’t forced their ideas on an entirely different culture. If they had never had to contend with an imposed culture, maybe they would have remained content in their own fucking society.

not an argument, savage.

would you rather live in a feudal medieval society?

they weren't nigger tier you fucking retard, nobody is nigger tier but actual niggers and aboriginals

and look at where they are now, they caught up to whites in like 5 mintues, nigger tier huh?

also LOL @ superior form of government

If it’s not a superior form of government how come they use european democracy?

>without us
Wow, this world would have been a much nicer place if you hadn't existed.

In the case of the japs, it's primarily because they live on an island that isolated itself from the world for 300 years.
Aside from IQ, the success of Europe is partially a result of the sharing of ideas, philosophy and technology between countries, something Japan didn't have the option to do until the Americans forced them to open up in the 1850s.
However, after that point, they modernized within decades, and they were the first country to reach European standards in the entire world, almost 150 years earlier than any other non-white country.

why does the filename say colorized when it isn't

who forced you to use the internet, own a computer and smartphone, speak English, use vaccines and western medicine, dress in white clothing styles, use indoor plumbing, drive cars, fly on planes, and use satellites? You can stop engaging in all these aspects of white culture today

>muh meme flag

Slide thread, 1 post by this ID.

Don't forget who gave you guns and the powder that operates them

stop responding to paid shills

they make these threads to slide the board

>muh creativity
It's hilarious because this is exactly niggers response to you guys whenever the iq gap is brought up

As I always say- Sup Forums has problems with history.

To be fair the numbers you use today are called arabic numerals

Not an arab in case you were to call me one

and now East Asian's are dominating the world in science and business. while western whites inbreed with blacks and don't value educations. *clap* all you retards saying that "IQ without creativity means nothing" you've never taken an IQ test in your life and you don't even know what it measures.

the first to discover something doesn't equal superiority. the people who take your discovery and beat you with it equals superiority.

>would you rather live in a feudal medieval society than get enslaved by banking elites?
That doesn't make much difference after all.


>they lack in creativity
Is that the go-to nigger-tier argument to use when confronted by IQ for both whites and blacks?

>Says they were nigger tier
>Shows photo of wall behind them that niggers never would have built

>arabic numerals are invented by Arabs

you do realize china was ahead of europe for 1000+ years

and now look at you, white people are getting worse and worse every year, while Asian's dominate every aspect of this world.

No now and always high iq jews and Asians have to leave their majority countries and live in white ones to experiance the highest living standards they can't offer their own people because iq is not the mark of superiority just a facet.

There is a shit skins run from. Home for a better life and not the other way around

Sup Forums has far too much influence from /x/ and /r9k/ to be remotely historically accurate.

Looks comfy.

>nigger tier

*shhhh* don't tell them that

SeeThe majority of your people love lesser lives.

do you even english?

>when you don't know Arabic numerals are actually poo numerals

Arabs had jack shit to do with them desu famalamilia

Not really, they certainly had higher populations than Greece and Rome but weren't more advanced

you do realize this is not even remotely true

and /his/ doesn't give a fuck about history

Maybe because we have half the world show up that can't even speak english? Public schools are filled with foreigners now.

You think maybe thats why are scores a lowered ?

Also if Asia is so smart why do they steal every fuckin invention?

They're called that because the West got them from the Arabs, but the Arabs got them from India.

World Battleground, 1000 years of war in 5 minutes


"dominate" by asian standards doesn't seem very impressive.

*Muh white superiority. Asians never did nothing in invention and civilization*

Do you even know when the Zhou dynasty was formed? 1046BC. That's right. 1000 years before the Roman Empire even was a glimmer. You Europeans lived in huts like niggers. You had no technology to speak of. You took shits in your own huts.

You say the East have no inventions? That they steal tech? What was the ONE THING that the white people stole from the East to start the rise of military power in the West? Gun powder. You fucking whites stole the most important invention from the East and you still think you're the *muh greatest eeeever...*

literally this
Capitalism is pretty much another form of slavery/feudal society except with materialism


Except small countries like Norway or Scotland have produced more inventors than the entirety of niggerdom.

I've never heard a nigger say that, i only ever hear muh dick, i'm fuck ya mama, whitey pay fo muh govmt check, smack lips. whyte all gon die.

>tfw someone fell for the "muh grand Chinese history" meme

Yeah i know i was just trying to attribute something to them that wasn't medicine because today's medicine was derived from the greeks

TL;DR yes i know that

since when is getting shot and having aids creative?

No now and always high iq jews and Asians have to leave their majority countries and live in white ones to experiance the highest living standards they can't offer their own people because iq is not the mark of superiority just a facet.

There is a shit skins run from. Home for a better life and not the other way around

Yes when I want to see something creative I shut off the anime and close up the manga and go down to Toho Cinema and put down 2,000¥ to watch the latest masterpiece of Star Nogs Episode XV directed by a Jew and bask in the creative genius of the white man.

He thinks because the jews have pushed their ass shaking culture to the for front it makes them creative while again the majority of blacks live in squalor and can't even write their own name properly

Japanese had the wheel and also had a great civilization, you argument is invalid, the samurai chose to stay with bows because of tradition, which is a very white characteristic


No but you sure as hell get on some derivative of white technology to do all of that

Motion pictures and film were invented by a white man for example

didnt they stop innovation because of some dumb monarch isolating japan from the rest of the world

Since when living in america was considered "high living standards"?



east asian living standards are far better than western societies. you're fucking delusional lol America is one of the worst countries while being the richest. all east asian countries are passing america. the highest skilled jobs in america go to immigrants because there are no american's that are skilled enough to take the position. white people are a shit stain on this planet just like the niggers you hate so much lol. your greed and narcissism cripple your society from making progress lol what fucking morons. your IQ is too low to understand the value of being humble.

It's higher than most Asians countries and the nations with the highest living standard are white... I think your missing the point here

A white man does not even leave America and go to a shit skin nationn for a better life but it happens to high iq jews and Asians daily


I think /x/ and /his/ have switched roles

in my opinion IQ tests require creativity to a large extent.
improving existing things is creativity, you have to figure out creative things to improve systems

Too bad they never actually managed to dominate the world.

There is not a single Asian country higher than America than Singapore but the point is there is not even a single one in the top 5 because they are all white

Your making shit up now and it's really sad

Asians have low IQ. They don't even know how to properly use a European designed sofa.

If Chinese are so smart why is China such a shithole?

china doesn't use it

and they might not in the future, it seems like a really good idea at first but then you get the tranny children and diversity

>China such a shithole?
> first economy in the world

The entire asian population, from the lowliest laborer to the chairman of the communist party, wakes up everyday and dresses up in ththe costume of a white man. What a bizarre thing it must be to be an asian and always be wearing the clothing of another race.

See>Ranks 90 in all nations standard of living

How much influence on the world economy and politics does Denmark have? Nearly zero.

Yet I and anyone who is being honest would rather live in those places and would by every measure have a better life......

>way higher
>only score 3-4 points higher on average in their native countries

you don't understand the significance advantage of having IQ testing on a small population compared to a much larger one, typical American moron.. don't even understand math.


>Yet I and anyone who is being honest would rather live in those places and would by every measure have a better life
Such thinking ruined the West.

incredulous till the very end

>wanting to live in shithole china because muh #1 world economy
Pic related

I don't get what your saying? Where did I mention IQ testing or are you saying click jews and Asians high iq is wrong.

And I hope your reading comp is good enough to see my point is IQ is not the only thing that makes superior people.

>Worrying about Standard of living ruined the west.

Yea I would rather have less income between people and higher infant mortality rates......

"you think maybe thats why are scores a lowered ?"

Saying that*

because you need a high IQ to understand what is going on

Intelligence science has been sabotaged by the fucking kikes on purpose

This the the EU Jew. He does D/C threads. Remember him

If brain draining their home countries while the majority of them live in Lower living standards and they get Americanized is domination that's to complex for me.

>have less income between people
You already have it. Factory jobs went to China.

>nigger tier
nope, sorry shill

Wow you must be really retarded

The average income between class's in the US is higher than China as the majority of wealth in China is exclusively in the hands of a minority. Most of China is low income peasants.

This is apart of the methodology that standard of living is calculated.

they were not nigger tier civilisations,
>large scale agriculture
>large administrational citys
>relativly strong central goverments(relative to other non europeans, and eve most european states)

the problem is that the extreme collectivism and honor culture hindered entrepreneurship and prvate enterprise, for example in japan not farmers but traders were the lowest social cast, while in europe the highers class of commoner were the traders, making it easier to be upwards mobile for them and so giving them incentive to actualy improve their buisnesses by investing to become rich enough to get into the ranks of nobility, which happened in europe quite a lot and in britain lead to the development of a somewhat meritocratic class society and so on,
also i germany during the late middleages the trading class overtook the city administrations (aka the patricians) in many towns,
so i would guess intelligent people in the west could use more of their intelligence to actualy do something
while high intelligence in east asia i guess was just needed for suvival in a very complicated society,