Why do right wingers think alcohol is fine but not weed?
History is not gonna look well upon you guys.
Why do right wingers think alcohol is fine but not weed?
History is not gonna look well upon you guys.
>Why do right wingers think alcohol is fine but not weed?
I’m not fine with either. Clean living only my dude. Wanna get high? Learn to meditate.
Because conseravashits are all for personal freedoms until their dude Bible lmao says something about it.
Consider too it is much more safely produced and monitored out the wazoo. Alcohol and tobacco can’t claim the levels of care and carefulness in regards to the production of their products. It’s gonna be awesome to watch state rights versus Federal play out- I hope it’s a radius fight.
Because weed makes you think freely and consider alternative realities and viewpoints. It also makes you love people which is the antithesis of being right wing which is about narrow mindedness and hatred of others.
Alcohol turns you into a violent blundering retard. Now which current US president does that remind me of?
Everybody wants things they like to be freedoms and things they dislike to be illegal
Don't talk about history when you junkies don't even have short term memory anymore.
Racaus not radius ffs
Pikey fucks in the UK smoke such piss-poor ineffectual weed that when they get something that's a fraction of California chronic they chop their cocks off and stab their mums.
This kind of shit makes me indifferent to your Muslim invasion.
I'm a libertarian so actually I want people to be able to do what they want
You can drink alcohol in small doses and you will still be conscious/sober. Can't do that with weed.
That's cool, I want to bulldoze your house and steal your wife.
>being right wing means you hate others
But that’s fundamentally wrong, kiddo
>they chop their cocks off and stab their mums
That's 100% JWH or MDPV sprayed (((spice)))
>be lolbertarian
>be closet leftist wanting to fit in
Alcohol has been a part of white culture for millenia, so much so in fact, white men have developed an enzyme in their stomach to process alcohol making them much less likely to develop cirrhosis. Weed is just a meme by whores, losers, and niggers.
Yes you can retard. I have a small spliff before work and it helps me think better
I'm a conservative and I smoke/sell tons of pot. Fuck alcohol.
There are a few reasons:
>Because nu-pol are retarded neocons in disguise, who basically align with boomer faux news talking points
>Some just hate it because libtards are in favor of it
>A few are actually ideologically consistent and also hate alcohol
I'm fine with either, everything in moderation my guy.
>beer was first invented by Sumerians, was literally the cause of agricultural revolution
>white people invented it
You sound worse than hotep niggas, learn your history
both are shit nig nog
You can function perfectly the next day if you have a beer or two, hell, most of my yard work at home is completed while having a beer.
Tried weed three times, all it did was bring my intelligence down to the level of a nigger, then the next day, that feeling of not wanting to do anything but sit around and eat chips while watching TV.
It is detrimental to your wellbeing and work ethic to consume marijuana.
However, Medical Use should be perfectly fine as long as it isn't "Muh Cataracts but i'm only 18".
>tl;dr weed makes you a lazy nigger
>Alcohol has been a part of white culture for millenia
this retarded meme again
>white men have developed an enzyme in their stomach to process alcohol making them much less likely to develop cirrhosis
Also weed has been smoked by humans long before alcohol came along.
Weed completely destroys your ability to think. Also destroys most functionality of your sleep cycle.
It was first popularized by the cia in hippie culture due to cia's new realization of psychic powers n shiet. They marketed it as something that opens your mind through agents pretending to be hippies. When it did the exact opposite. It's not good for your brain. Or the rest of your body.
Where should one first look to learn to meditate?
Look at kratom. The FDA wants to schedule or ban this because they want more control of what people have access to. They use false science and out right lies to push their agenda. But on here, idiots will ignore similar issues of government over reach because they're not memeable. Saying weed is degenerate isn't correct, but it sure is memeable. So many things on her boil down to this.
Didn't claim we invented it. It's been in Europe for around 5,000 years.
everyone who smokes the niggerherb will get a free bullet in his skull one day
read the protocols and you'll understand why jews are normalizing this filthy drug
If by humans you mean subhumans, then sure.
>drug dealer
Because weed smokers are extremely obnoxious, anyone who ever encounters a weed smoker either comes to the conclusion that weed destroys your brain or they want to ban weed just to fuck with weed smokers.
I've not seen any evidence that weed is bad, or at least worse than alcohol, but I will never be pro-weed because of all the weed smokers I've met and talked to online. Fuck these people.
I can't tell if weed fucks their brain or people with fucked up brains are attracted to weed, either way, fuck these ''people.''
It's kind of like vegans. Sure, maybe there are merits to plant based diets and ethical treatment of animals, but have you ever spoken to a vegan?
Alcohol is a drug. Are you going to send Tesco checkout ladies to the gulag for being drug dealers?
Pretty much
The internet
Here's a simple guided meditation by classic boddhisatva Alan Watts
Lol at euros having opinions on weed. Your weed fucking sucks. It's shit. Or shite. Your opinion is void. You don't know what you are talking about. Don't speak on weed ever again if you live in Europe.
Especially you cunts. I can't imagine how piss poor your ditchweed is down there.
Why do potheads think that smoking a plant is some sort of righteous cause?
You sound insecure. What you people dont realise is most problems in society stem back to alcohol.
I dunno about that depends what right wingers you talk to, my clan and friends are the vast majority conservative and they've smoked pot within these past 10 years, and they supported decriminalization...
I would like to point out how the US is the 1st to stop giving a fuck about another innocuous intoxicant, meanwhile globally only Uruguay has done it before us. So y'all foreign fags are just butt hurt we get to puff on chronic legally.
LMAO sure thing you lowlife weed addict. Your brain is obviously too fried to realize how pathetic you sound.
The Trump card will be played.
Legalization of weed will secure the 2020 ticket. and 2024 will be all Don Jr.'s
And yet despite that, alcohol rose to prominence in the halls of our forefathers. Herodotus actually mentions the Scythians using marijuana, but the Greeks avoided it in favor of wine mixed with water.
Marijuana, the drug of useless steppe niggers.
American weed is considered low quality and artificially potent here. Amsterdam has the best weeds in the world
Meditate, nice poo in the loo eastern shitlord philosophy, nigger.
>History is not gonna look well upon you guys.
That's ridiculous. Just like when some idiot proclaims "you are on the wrong/right side of history".
There is only history. Your perception of it is meaningless.
Fucking stoners.
Because it's a human right to cure boredom with agriculture.
>You sound insecure
What the fuck does that even mean? Noticing that weed smokers are obnoxious is ''insecure?''
I see no problem with weed providing it is imbibed in moderation. It causes less trouble than alcohol. Look at the amount spent policing towns because of binge drinking culture. Weed does not make folk violently lose control of their faculties, nor is it physically addictive.
An unpopular opinion on Sup Forums maybe, but I see nothing wrong with a toke.
weed focuses you into a razor sharp assassin
of course the govt does not want you to have assassin powers
>Smoke/sell tons of pot
Sorry, Neoconanon. You're going to the work camp or you will be shot.
Funny cuz to me the most angry hate filled people i have ever met are all left wing? and they usually hate me because of my skin color. Maybe weed makes you racist and hate filled after all.
>weed focuses you into a razor sharp assassin
t. razor sharp assasin
Amsterdam is in Europe retard, i've heard they have the best in the world, if you're into that shit. Ours is mostly grown in cheaply rented houses full of UV lights, apparently it's alright.
Are you suggesting I should be a degenerate before I have an opinion on doing degenerate things? What kind of backwards fucking pageantry is that?
maybe fermented cannabis beverage
Cool larp, you should stop now faggot
You guys are literally shit tier.
And alcohlics are not? You sound really dumb in the first sentence, did not read the rest. Alcoholics are as bad as crackheads, they are the worsts, you are either 12 or fucking retarded. Movin on...
I sure felt like assassinating the fuck out of a packet of doritoes when I tried it.
Tobacco is more dangerous than weed yet shops can sell it whilst young black men get gunned down on the street by cops for smoking some weed, this is hypocrisy
Where have you been and what did you smoke while you were in europe?
When I was in the states, the weed we bought from blacks/spics was the worst garbage I ever smoked. Quality weed was fine tho. You can get amazing weed in europe if you know where to look.
But I guess you might be a bit too narrow minded to really consider you're not a hundred percent right about this.
I actually don't consume marijuana. I only utilize kava and kratom to maintain well-being. I do so quite successfully. You sound angry, friend.
If weed were legal niggers would just resort to to selling harder drugs.
The real problem is self medicating. You can do it with alcohol, you can do it with weed, you can do it with zoloft. But most drug users share this same weakness.
I think that only applies if you take large amounts before 25 or whenever your brain is finished developing.
dude weed cures fucking cnacer. did u even think about ur post.
Because the war hawks know weed makes people docile and weak. Alcohol breeds aggression
So you want to ban alcohol instead of legalizing weed?
Both are degenerate escapism.
Escapism is suicidal for the white race
Why the fuck would we ever want to go to Europe?
Is WW3 about to start and you guys need us to wipe your ass again?
You assume people think alcohol is okay. I don't drink, or do drugs. But when I used to do drugs, I used heroin, which was far less debilitating than good weed. Weed fucks you up so hard you are a waste of space, heroin takes less of a toll on your psyche and doesn't alter your thought. Stop using pot, start smoking heroin instead. Weak cunt.
>human right
are we really so hopeless as a society that getting high is something we think of as a "right" now?
there are people in this world who are going to starve to death in the next five minutes but self-righteous stoner kids are crying about plants that make you feel funny.
Props to you for the Letterkenny quote, dude
I think you'll find even more problems stem back to niggers.
>my boyfriend butt fucks me with hemp condoms so I don't get cancer
I'm just using alcohol to expose conservatives on their hypocrisy regarding weed
you ever try gassing oven dodgers on weed??
No it isn't. You're a stupid fucking Millwall fan.
Reading this in one of your shitty accents was pretty funny. Amsterdam is not the best weed in the world, Mateusz. It may have been in 1995 but it's the current year now.
They're clearly not. We do not have daily threads with alcohol drinking degenerates pushing their shit and going on about alcohol all day.
Alcoholics are ashamed of what they're doing and they want to quit. Meanwhile weed smokers are proud of what they're doing, they shove that shit in your face 24/7. Their entire life revolves around weed and they want you to know about it. All of the internet is their blog, life is a documentary about them and their weed habit.
Weed smokers are exactly live vegans. If you understand why people hate vegans, but you can't comprehend why people hate weed smokers for the same exact reasons, you're an idiot.
meme propaganda, hemp is decent for some things which is why it's always been legal to use hemp rope, hemp protein, etc. your chart is gay like you.
You seem very angry and upset, do you think we cant see you changing your flag?
Is my actual face in any of the memes?
>here are people in this world who are going to starve to death...
Anorexia and poor planning isn't my problem boss. Sounds like a shit skin issue.
weed caused the first humans to think differently , nigga
without weed man would never made the fire, or invested the whell
Whatever mutt, you're most likely the classic example for the degenerates we laugh about.
He said weed in europe was shit, so i just asked what that opinion is based on
Nope, not larping. Pot is bad for society. I would legalize steroids for the masses before I encouraged people to become useless potheads.
inb4 "muh Michael Phelps" Of course there are successful people who smoke, but the majority of potheads are weak minded timid centrist losers with the "I stand for nothing, just leave me alone" mentality. There would be no room for that nonsense in my utopia.
Consider buying it from a legal dispensary, Fritz. Pretty funny that a few hood niggers took you for a ride and ripped you off because they knew you were tourist ducks.
Exactly, never leave the USA please, you make the worst tourists, other than Chinese.
>You sound insecure
you sound autistic
Well nationality is important in that context, so I always go, pirate flag-US flag- pirate flag- ect...
keep crying bitch nigger
>weed caused the first humans to think differently , nigga
>without weed man would never made the fire, or invested the whell
actually it was shrooms
>he doesn’t know the original Hindus were aryan
Poos didn’t come up with shit, newfag.
>He doesn't know about the gold bongs
I pity you user
>creativity is impossible without drugs
Weedcucks are fucking intolerable. Go to Christiania or any place they gather and see how they live. Their type of creativity and uniqueness is literally just copying the other low-skill drug-inspired art that all looks the same. They jew each other by diluting and cutting their drugs too, sometimes poisoning people without them knowing. Horrible society.