It's always been in my mind, but I never discussed it with anyone worth of it. By god I don't necesarrily mean a religious one, and by defy I don't mean it in a satanic way. The devil and god are the same in my point of view. My own personal definition of god is that, he/she/it is everything. Energy, matter, even the biggest shit. We all are god, and our perception is created in his image. That's why we can create sophisticated worlds like no other animal in this planet. What do you think, Sup Forums?
Is the human being born to defy god?
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Human is far from a divine creation, we are the epitome of chaos itself contradictory and hypocrite in every way possible, if god created us then he is the worst god of all.
To can't define 'God' "non-religiously" without ending up with no reason for calling the thing this defined "God".
People need to think more carefully about the logical properties of divinity concepts.
Stop the fake blackpill moaning faggotry, bot.
I don't think that god created us. What I'm saying is that, we are a representation of god. God doesn't ''create'', it isn't like us, or he. He just is what there is. I understand why god has always been seen as a father figure, it is in our own human nature
>everything is god I am god meme
>never logic
>fake blackpill
got it, also, CHECKED
I only's pray's to the Black's god.
The white's god is the devils.
Whatever this post is will define god
What do you mean? I know that the word ''God'' has always been used in a religious way but, in my opinion, even religiously speaking, it is like I said in a way. Omnipotent, ''he'' is everywhere
Gnosticism is what you are searching for brother.
There is no multiple definitions of God. There is but One God and One definition for it. Read Walter Russell - Divine Illiad vol 1 and learn about the Law of One. Also Nietczche, Kierkegaard, Schopenhauer
I do agree that all ideas, emotions and the perception of the human being is all an illusion, something that isn't real and doesn't have any real value. Even all of that is true, the beuty of our own nature to make it ''real'' is what we are. That's what I mean with defying god, in a glorious and human tone.
I pretty much agree with you. But this is this chanllenge of the human that destroy himself. Human shall not seek material and physical stimulation, human shall seek the stillness of the dwelling light within them spiritually and in love. Our ability to seek for physical and hallucinogenic stimulation is our ability to destroy ourself because then man began to think of him as material, he also began to think of the universe and everything as physical, forgetting himself: The One Single Mind of God capable of altering this reality of illusion and that, only exists.
We're slightly clever social animals with delusions of grandeur so deeply etched in our brains that we managed to pull off some amazing shit.
God is a projection of our own narcissism. We've just gotten to a point now that the idea is becoming real tricky to reconcile.
Could you introduce me a little bit in those kinds of thinking? I will read it but, it's always interesting seeing the way someone explains something
God is a just a concept we made up many years ago to explain the world and create social control mechanisms.
I think the greeks had a faith tuned with human nature.
Though it was still challenged but faggots like Socrates.
Yes, humans like to defy the order in general.
Sometime it would be better not to.
by faggots*
A delusion that I think that could be healthy in the right point of view. Not as something personal, or some type of identity shit like these days with everything.
Anyone that can’t see that reality was designed by a superior being is an idiot that thinks they are smart. Sorry to break it to you.
If you take a closer look at humans themselves you can see that humans like to defy things, doens't have to make sense, if someone finds a reason to fight against something they will do till death, unless something stops them, like fear of a heavy punishment in the case of the dark age religion or just knowing that it's a tottaly futile effort in the case of someone being bullied by a stronger person and never making a stand, it goes much deeper than this but asnwering your question, yes and no, while humans naturally defy things it doens't have to be god especifically.
The example you gave is not universal.
Dionysus is the god of irrationality and chaos and philosophers like Socrates challenged them with only the Apollonian. Leading to a separation between the idea of virtuous and the Greek gods. Eventually the same mindset lead to the acceptance of Christianity. The Greek virtuous are indeed linked with the christian morality.
God was invented to control populations by priests and kings.
And unlike Christianity.
"The Greeks did not consider the two gods to be opposites or rivals"
The greeks didn't have the opposition between evil and good.
The gods were all one and different, each of them reflecting a part of human nature.
I believe the idea of God will have a new type of impact in the human mind in the future, but I do agree with you.
I think that the only thing the human being should not defy is its own nature, but, we don't have really a clue of what does it mean. It's really ambigous.
I don't ignore the possibilty, and I think that it would make sense, but, who ''created'' our ''creators''? My statement tries to go a little bit deeply.
>not the demiurge
didn't have a clear opposition.*
They would fucked up things a time.
Things that challenged the idea of virtuous.
Eg. "Cronus was the ruling Titan who came to power by castrating his father Uranus"
Forgive my anglo
I said that god it's everything in my point of view, so, defying whatever it is, it's defying ''god'' in a way. But, that doesn't have really any value. The best way to defy god is embracing our own nature.
And thanks, it seems very interesting. Unfortunately I never took a good research in that type of knowlegde, but now I am more motivated to do it. And my anglo is much worse. Being a spaniard is hard
Humans are the children of Angels and demons. We are capable of the noblest deeds and the most evil.
Is there really a difference? Life isn't white and black
Sure i guess, if you're christian (or posses some baisc knowelge of christianity) than you know that god created angles and men. The difference between the two is that we have a choice. Free will.
We don't have free will. No one choses how, where and when is born. You didn't even chosed your name. Luck choses, ''god'' does.
That's something you won't find out until you die. Stop overthinking before you become a delusional spastic.
So after birth? What happens then? Are you meaning to say (i dont mean to straw man you) that life is predestined, than that is a different coversation in it's self.
Sure you don't choose how you start, but everything from there is up to you, think of it like a roguelike game or minecraft, you don't choose where you start and what is at your disposition, but you choose what to do from there.
Also, im trying to answ er your origanl comment.
>is the human born to defy god
Yes we are. Our questioning of reality and life is good. It makes us grow as people. Thats why you see many of us mad at leftists because they seem to only live in an echo chamber. But that critism is also not invalid towards consevatives.
I'm guessing this all sounded more reasonable to you before you said it out loud.
Probably there will be nothing. But, i don't know. Maybe
After birth, if you are a man or a woman, or live in a first world country or in a third one, and other factors that would define your development as a person, all of that will tellwhat are you going to do in your future. Every single decision, emotion and though comes from there. There isn't a real ''free will'', there isn't real value in what we think is our thinking in the moment, we are just there in the bingo of life. But, that doesn't mean that trying to make a difference it's stupid. It's in our nature, and it's beautiful. That's what I mean with defying god
Well OP was honest and said he never discussed this before
Our souls are naturally opposed to the demiurge for trapping us in this material prison. We're not born to defy the God Most High.
Than you're not really defying god. But that depends on yours and others perception of "god". Because the whole relativism idea of nothing is true life is meaningless notion is contradictory because proclaiming the idea invalidates it.
Think of it this way if i were to say "langue has no meaning" i have invalidated the statment by saying it out loud and typing.
What if it was a little more specific, what if God was this all powerful being. And we are products of his own ability to create a world and experience billions of lives so he can experience every possible outcome and thought. We are all god, just used to his ability to experience everything.
Also i would recomend not using "God" in further discussions because you trap your self in a box of religon when you are trying to talk about something different
If i could suggest, maybe "cosmic chance" or some such.
Let's use this burger as an example and I'll keep it in terms of faith.
The belief that you are responsible for your act and will be judged upon them on a good/evil duality is a part of the christian morality. Christianity without a god to believe in lead to the belief in free will as we know today, which leads to all the "freedoms" it gives today.
Another thing that we could compare would be the idea of having a god of madness as opposed to having a god who judge you on a good/evil premise. How it influences your belief in your actions as rational acts and therefore free of foreign influences.
Which is bullshit. Human can be programmed via various means, psychology is basically about that really. I don't even believe that the end of that science is to help. Psychoanalysis is a form of cultural subversion in itself. Do no harm does not apply to psychology.
Humans have no free will in the sense that they are limited by their society. Today more than ever our comfort leads us to be so dependent of the state that most people would hard
Well, I think that you didn't invalidated it. Langue has no meaning, and has. We create the meaning of words, there is meaning because we learned and can perceive it. It's in our nature. It is false, and true at the same time.
hardly survive without it*
Actually I am wrong.
A good leader with an understanding of the human mind can go a long way and even do things in the interest of his people.
I meant help in the clinical sense
Also, *they are limited by their society and themselves*
If that is the case, which would be interesting, god is the most evil being that you could imagine.
I like giving to the word ''God'' this type of meaning. It feels good, even if it is confusing to others.
I think that humans never had free will, but now we have less in other aspects, and a lot more in others. I do agree with you in that with science, and psychology. I think that science should be explored in the good of science itself. It's a type of art that deserves it. Science is one of the few that cannot be false, just wrong or innaccurate
Thats a conradiction. While in humans to say that we can both be good and bad is true because there is evidence to support the claim. While saying language has no meaning i couldn't have said it better than you. We give words meaning, thus language has meaning. It can't be both at the same time. Wich is my point with realtivsm. By taking a position that says there are no positions in life invalidates the claim.
We are equal parts divine and evil. That's why we rage within
Yes but look at you and your choice to "defy god". It ultimatley comes down to situations in which choice is important. In keeping faith with relagion lets use martin luther.
Despite the culture or "soceity" at the time, he defied it. And people followed his lead. Again, choice.
Well, that's true in a way. I don't have any clue that says langue is a invention, something that doesn't exist. Maybe it is much more. Objectively speaking, you are right, but, my ''reason'' says that it is an ilusion. It's like the belief of nothing after death. Maybe there is, but... my human logic says there will be not. Probably because I know what happens when someone dies, there is nothing in his eyes. But, yeah, that isn't enought evidence
>I like giving to the word ''God'' this type of meaning. It feels good, even if it is confusing to others.
Than you are going to have gard time debating people because the premise is misleading. You will end up talking about something else other than what you meant. (I mean verbally, in text it's much easier to understand)
Yes, thats my point. Objectivity.
Now it's fine to use your logic to reach such conclusions but even i or anybody can say what happens after death, because i have not experienced it yet.
I think that it would be funny kek Of course I would not speak of god like this to someone who believes in god in a religious way, because it would lead to nothing. Faith in this cannot be ''debated''. Do you believe in the christian god?
*i or anybody can't
Grammar error
Yes, but i understand what your claim is about. And was looking (atleast trying) to be objective.
How does it feel? It must be recomforting. Are you catholic or protestant? And thanks. I didn't mean any offense. I do belive that the choise of being part of a religion is something great, and I don't think that it means ''stupidity''. The majority of the great inventors and thinkers were believers.
Sure, it's fine. My faith story happens to be an odd one. My faith was never really imposed on me as a child and is just something i happen to have gravitated towards. Yes my parents are religous especially my dad, but his approach was to teach me lessons. Kinda like a children's book. I also do not go to chruch at all.(except on holidays to vist cousins) So i can't speak for how it is socially. That's more of a question for my father.
He also came up with a term to describe people who go to church but don't mean it in their heart. "Churchianity." Same concept of virtue signallin.
I know religon gives people meaning and purpose to just be apart of a community, but all my friends i have met outside of the chuch buble.
If we are (and if we were made by an all knowing god) then we don't have free will and therefore can't be held responsible, because god created us knowing that he made us to rebel against him. Example: Christianity.
Basically he made us to make all the decisions he designed us to make.
Faith brings happiness. It's not just the idea of a bigger family, it's the relief of knowing. And at the same time, it sure can be even pure attachment because other factors. My faith is what I said. It's more crude and sad, but it does reconfort me. To me, faith is healthy.
Maybe because it makes it more fun. He probably loves watching us suffer, trying to be more and fooling ourselves. If we were made by an all knowing and all powerful god, he is evil, and I like to think like that. Personifying a bad enviroment makes it easier to confront, it's human.
How many times does he laugh a day? Countless surely kek
Agree 100%. That's why if I were religious I would be a Satanist.
But Satan is God. There is not a difference. I know what the idea of Lucifer represents but, at the end, it's all the same. The best way of defying god is embracing your own nature
God want to be defied and usurped
why god created human in the first place? lonely? sad? bored?
nah, God is waiting so human can take over and make civilization at God's realm
If you mean that metaphorically then I'm with you. I don't think either actually exist, but Satan's struggle is a great metaphor.
And, maybe it sounds cuckly but, I believe women are destined to defy god even more. Eva took the first bite
God is the cause of everything, but not everything itself.
In fact He is greater than "everything" combined, by virtue of being its cause.
But returning to your reasoning.
>Man is destined to defy God
>God is everything
>We are all God
Does that mean that we're meant to defy ourselves? And not in a way that we defy other persons, but as individual defies himself?
What is your point?
Also what is with Spaniards and heterodoxy? Are you compensating for 300 years of Inquisition?
Your mind is a big pile of shit
we are born with the original sin. Hope that answers your question.
god left, we all leave this planet by going into the sweet arms of death. there, it makes enough sense for countless wars about disagreeing how much we hate our own existence
Yeah, we are all meant to defy ourselves too in a way. My point is that, I belive, as humans, we are destined to defy the enviroment in which we are put by simple casuality. Because in my perspective God is everything, doing it means defying God. In a Christian point of view, it is different. But even in the christian point of view, I believe that God isn't someone or something to sanctify. He is letting to happen horrible things that I can't imagine. He did beautiful things too, but, It seems that he made it all just to watch it burn.
And, we spaniards are opportunists and traitors. Does it really surprise you?
Look up Sophia and the demiurge. In a way you are correct. We are here to defy the demiurge, who wants to keep us away from Sophia.
or don't
and not be retarded for the rest of your life
And Eva will finish what she started.
How do you defy that which you created?
You don't understand what you are really asking.
What you're trying to ask is, is a human born to fall from living with integrity? Integrity being a continual search for understanding with the highest standard as being the abstract concept of Truth.
What your expressing is a warped world view built in in an attempt, like every other human, to avoid the facts of how terrible and half heartedly humans go about living their lives and implicitly faking relationships as much as they are faking being genuine.
If everything is god then where is the contrast? How do we know what god isn't? We know that good implies evil exist, in the same way that if the sea exists, there must be land. So if god is everything, where is the else?
>Is the human being born to defy god?
Naw man. We create gods all the time. Then when we get bored with them, we create new gods. That never changes.
>Whatever this post is will define god
Great. An abortion post. But I agree with it.
I have faith in the human nature and his integrity. Maybe humanity is lost, but I do have faith in what being a human really means, even if it's abstract and ambigous. I would love to classify with detail what does it mean to be a human being someday.
Maybe there is more, but it is so uselessly deep that, well, it doesn't deverse the time to think about it. Maybe with imagination and a lot of drugs
Yes we exist as animals for the first objective of life, which is reproduction.
When the awareness of ourselves came (u can call that event "eating off the tree of good and evil", I'd prefer to call it "getting enough cubic centimeters on the brain and developing a language") then a LOT of questions came with it.
Not knowing why we exist, and how our material world works is our biggest pain, the thing to avoid unless you have things clear and fight on, which seperates you from a sheep.
The utter objective of life, specifically mankind is resolving the puzzle. And coming back to god/ascending into so. Everything else is manmade artificial bullsit to get us distracted, while some rules of cohesion are needed and have their importance since it programs the way we follow this objective.
[ √ ] >I don't think that god created us.
[ √ ] >I understand why god has always been seen as a father figure
[ √ ] > it is in our own human nature
[ √ ] > to create father gods
You should read Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung. A lot of what is now "religion" stems from symbolism that predates time, and man's unconscious mind creates them. It's an interesting read, and it draws correlations between modern "religions" and aboriginal ideas (because as much as it pisses of the (((Christcunts))), their motifs are far older than their (((God)))).
I agree with you, but I would not say that the main objective of the human being is reproduction. To me, it is leaving a legacy, which is the same but, not as concrete. It gives us as people some type of inmortality.
no we are genious by design, there is litteraly nothing like us, god did create us and we are exactly how he wanted us to be, without it life and everything would be fundementaly boring and meaningless
We are born to create god. AI messiah: ETA 5 years
Por supuesto, también de acuerdo. Me refiero a que el primer objetivo que tuvimos como cualquier forma de vida fue la supervivencia y la reproducción.
Una vez cubiertas estas necesidades el objetivo pasa a ser la búsqueda de la inmortalidad, la transcendencia del ser humano más allá del tiempo.
Para esto hace falta el consenso entre todas las comunidades respecto a la búsqueda de ésta meta en común (Una moral social pulida, un marco legal y un sistema correcto para guiar a la gente hacia ese verdadero fin), y el avance científico que no es más que encajar esas piezas del puzzle antes mencionado.
No se por qué, pero las élites de hoy en día buscan todo lo contrario. El control demográfico, el control de lo social, la implantación de la avaricia, de pensamientos religiosos, políticos... Esos lastres que nos ponen en el camino deberán ser nuestra lanzadera, lo que nos de fuerzas para conseguirlo. Y como tú, confío en ello.
Como dato curioso, en la simbología egipcia ya se concebían dioses que poseían respectivamente en cada mano un Ankh (vida) y un cetro Uas (poder)
nonono you cant embrace your nature compleatly, you are a creature of chaos and order, chaos is fundamentaly destructive and you can not have it amongs social structures that people depend on to survive, we have to attune our selves to both chaos and order so that we know what to let loose and when not to so that we can maintain being happy, but also tat we ceep building and stay united and strong and safe witch ceeps us alive and also brings happines
Socrates is literally the father of Western thought. You're being a disrespectful little shit to him.
There is order in the chaos. Embracing our own chaos give us control. That's the way of doing it fully.
Cuidado que aquí nos apedrean. La verdad yo creo que, dentro de lo más probable, el sistema actual va a tener que caer de una forma brusca creando un montón de sufrimiento y caos, para que la humanidad tenga una segunda oportunidad en ese sentido durante el proceso de restablecimiento del orden. Y aún así difícil veo que consiga ir por el buen camino. De todas formas, no voy a abandonar mi fe en la pureza humana y su naturaleza. Y gracias por la recomendación, me lo apunto.
Balance is the true path, agree
U can't pretend being anything like a god without fully knowing both sides of the scale.
In our material world, in our morality, knowing how a side affects and influences the other is the true knowedgle. I shit on the idea of destiny, but sometimes I think people is born to side with one of them, in a massive reciprocal way.
I also think in the world of today there is way too much evil, and we the good people NEED to compensate that if we don't want to fall in chaos forever. Our little actions, and the sum of them, means everything. An inert rock can stay watching, we just can't.
What is the evil of humanity in comparation with the idea of god? We aren't good, we aren't evil, we are nothing. We don't chose, we don't have true control with anything.
understanding our chaos, defeating and thus so that is submits to you gives you both controll and power, embracin is but the first step, we need to defeat ourselves so that we know ourselves and know what it is to live
Well I don't think like that. That kind of thought just limitates us as potential gods, which seed we already have in ourselves.
Individual action is everything. Think in big and you will be able to do big things. Think in little, conform.. And u'll be part of the herd.
we are both good and evil at the same time (not everyone in the same way) it depends on you expiriences, how where you born and everything that happens around you that molds the thing that you in the end choose to be, both good and evil is important for without it there would not be annything worth living for.
Dark Matter.