Megumin or Akko?
Megumin or Akko?
Did Japan just stop trying to be creative with characters? Is there a requirement over the last decade that all characters have to look bland and generic?
akko is looks pretty creative
megumeme just look like A-1 uggo shit
Akko. Megumin a shit.
Akko if you're Sup Forums
Megumin if you're a reddit scum
The one that can do magic.
Akko's design is pretty good
No lie I think Yoshinari is one of the best character designers out there.
I want to ____ this mouse!
>Akko if you're Sup Forums
>Megumin if you're a reddit scum
I don't think you've been following the news, friend.
>some retard put a literal nothing character with no personality as a rep
classic reddIt
> redditor circlejerk award
Lmao look at this nigga
An effort was made I guess?
Unlike the rest of Sup Forums, I'm not a hipster. I didn't suddenly start hating Megumin after S1 ended just for the sake of being contrarian.
I think her design is better than Ako's. Contrary to what this user claims , it actually has more defining features while being ever-so-slightly original, making it both archetypal and not at the same time.
I really like Akko's hair the most. It's not only straight but obviously properly shaped as well with the curving on the back which is rare from what I've seen. It just looks nice and neat compared to the messy hairstyles of most anime females with their stringy bangs and wild, unkempt length.
Akko, she actually has a personality, although its a little much. But season 1 megu > akko
Yeah, definitely not kirino with a non practical Halloween costume with generic final fantasy bandages really is the better design
That's not how it went. All the characters had to win preliminary rounds to become reps.
Besides, these polls were held on Sup Forums. Reddit wasn't involved.
It looks like you're completely out of touch with the current reality of this board.
I'm not even going to reply.
Read the light novel.
It was hold on Sup Forums bu redditors wanting their opinion to be validated somehow since there are no upvotes here
Not an argument
>season 1 megu > akko
>outing yourself as a seasonal waifufag this hard
Why would I waste my time on a discount, broken English translated ln when I could read an actual novel?
It looks like you're not just out of touch with the board. You're also pretty deluded; ironically, by classifying all the people who disagree with you as redditors, you're actively trying to validate your own opinion.
>no KF girls at all
I wonder who's behind this chart
I'm actually more surprised at the number of votes for KF. Proxyvoting was definitely involved.
Akko, at least she is funny.
Megameme is garbage, doesn't come close to Aqua.
Megumin is cute but Akko is more grounded and relatable because she sucks at everything and makes no progress
Akko is prettier
Both are good, but Megumin is the sexier one, and I'm a heterosexual male.
Magic Girl Team
Rurumo is better than all of these cum dumps
I actually want to know how many mental loops you had to go through to make Megumin look anything like Kirino
Never underestimate autism.
I'm upset Kaban didn't make the cut. Who is the second girl even?
>Reddit scum
Coming from a Newfag who completly embraces the contrarian Reddit culture.
Diana, followed by Hikari, then Satania and finally Kanna.
I mean kirito
Easy answer
Kaban was sixth, I think. She probably would have been in the top 5 if the poll didn't retardedly allow up to five votes.
Yeah, you lost me there.
I'm going with Akko. Seems like a actual good character design
That's a damn shame. She was a best girl not just for waifu factor but for being a great character as well as an ideal human being.
Because you have no right to pretend she has no personality without actually knowing her character.
This is fucking terrible, kill yourself.
I didn't even host the poll. Fuck you.
Huh. My first instinct was to say Akko but my mind is telling me that I should like Megumin more.
I think I may have a fetish for main heroines. I'll need to do further investigation on this.
Old and busted.
Megumin's hat itself is better than akko's design as a whole.
I laughed, good one.
I'm just waiting for that one user that'll objectively break down and criticize both characters. So far this thread has been shit, as expected.
>Rurumo is better than all of these cum dumps
No one remembers that show except you and I, user.
Never thought of this but I like it
Why assume the only thing to criticize and compare them with is the design? Theirs more to them then that.
I choose bestest of all time.
Sure, but there's no way to objectively judge characterization either. You either agree with character analyzes, or you don't.
Akko will disappoint you
Megumin won't
this, Akko was better in the OVA
They are both made for involuntary pooper pleasuring.
Way better
The characterization is mostly mediocre-to-bad in the TV version of LWA
OVA in general was better. Did a much better job at capturing the atmosphere and magical adventure of everything.
Its all but confirmed that somebody proxy'd it up there.
Like for fucks sakes its an honest to god childrens show made using blender tier CG modelling. Why its even on an AOTY list is revolting because it doesn't even feel like a classic all ages anime like Doraemon or Shin-chan it literally looks like shit they'd show to 6 year olds.
Neither. Konosuba designs are really fucking shit even if the show amuses me.
This guy knows it.
Both have more personality than megumeme
Nope, you don't know shit.
I find it hard to believe people like Akko over Megumin and have watched both anime, or somehow think Akko is better written or more unique character.
>idealistic dumb brat who is lacking skill but is super determined!
Is as old as coming-of-age stories themselves, and Akko is a pretty weak (and annoying) example, and can't almost never achieve anything without a deus ex machina to help her.
Megumin is a more unique and fun character, and anyone who thinks "explosion xD!" is her entire character is lying, that isn't even true in the anime.
Akko is already curvy with nice hips and show promise of growing tits.
Memegumin is older than Akko, flat as a board, and as smart as.
Also, the belt count is lower than Akko's.
Sup Forums started disliking Megumin as soon as she became popular on other websites. Truly a contrarian bunch.
>Megumin is not curvy
She is thin, with a nice butt and a flat chest. This is the perfect combination.
I never knew Sup Forums had such good taste.
Akko is not for sexual
>megumeme monday for over a year
>Sup Forums doesnt like megumin
Stop being so tsundere, you shithat.
>I find it hard to believe that different people have different tastes
>a circlejerk represents Sup Forums
Go back to your weekly general
Megumin, Hellow guys
>one character has a coming of age story
>one character likes explosions, that's it
Yeah Megu is so unique and deep
I never liked Megameme, always liked Aqua the most and I thought everyone on Sup Forums would hate Megameme too when she was introduced. I was honestly shocked when she was the most liked.
Akko is actually cute and likable.
The people who like Aqua are most likely going to pick Akko, not that hard to understand, megushit fag.
True words.
I like Aqua but can't stand Akko
Aqua's retardation comes off as comical and cute to me, whereas Akko's is just tiring and frustrating
>most likely
>Megumin is a more unique and fun character, and anyone who thinks "explosion xD!" is her entire character is lying, that isn't even true in the anime.
I'm really waiting to hear what makes Megumin "better written" and "unique". As far as I've seen in the anime, she's a chuuni who likes explosions for some unspecified reason. That's it. She's irrelevant in S2. She has no character arc to speak of. And I don't think anyone is watching the show for well written characters anyway.
>puts it on backwards because flat
Alright that's pretty funny
But I desire to fakko Akko.
You have the tastest taste of tastes!
>your shit opinion represents Sup Forums
Akko could literally be used as a lesson in strong design principles though.
All the characters in LWA wear essentially the same uniform, but the shapes completely change for all of them. It's great.
I'd love to hear some preliminary thoughts on that, if you have them, user. I've not watched the season of LWB yet, so it would be fun to watch for.
I like both, but for entirely different reasons.
First, Megumin isn't particularly a unique character. She is your average flat chested character with an average chuuni personality. The reason why she is interesting and fun is because the show she is in and the situations she is put in. She is in no way a vehicle that drives the show, but entertains while be driven by the vehicle that is the show. You could honestly switch her out with a totally different character and not change the pace of the show that much. The other girls have much more unique personalities than her, and their personalities lend themselves better to gags than Megumins do.
Akko's type of character actually has been seen less and less in anime. Generally with more recent anime we get MC's who are "average" but actually insanely amazing at something, or just willingly amazing at some thing and the entire show is about their marry sue adventures to win everything.
Akko on the other hand is extremely flawed. Her purpose isn't to be an amazing character who is great at everything, but a representation of the magic of the world, especially a world full of literal magic.
In that world magic has lost all of it's luster, and even it's practitioners seem to be losing interest in care in what they are doing beyond the traditions that dictate what they do (even though they cannot understand those traditions sometimes themselves.)
Diana seems to genuinely love magic and wants magic to return to form through rigorous study of it's traditions and preservation of those. Akko on the other hand just wants people to find their own joy in magic. Akko has, to this point, solved almost no problems even with the application of hardwork and guts alone, but she has inspired those around her to care again. That is why in the latest episode the principle allows her to continue even though she is not strictly following tradition. That is also why Diana, when confronted with the
soullessness of her own approach seems to be starting to realize that strict adherence to age old traditions may not be what she was looking for to revitalize magic, because even though she did her performance perfectly, there was nothing in it to inspire peoples hearts.
Cuteness: Megumin
Sexiness: Megumin
Coolness: Megumin
Intelligence: Megumin
Magic power: Megumin
Character design: Megumin
Personality: Megumin
Hard to decide. Megumin is super popular so I think I'll pick Akko.
Well to follow along google "little wtich academia character designs" and you should get all their character sheets. I'm going to write assuming you are looking at them.
When designing characters, especially for the purpose of animation, the best thing one can do is obtain a strong silhouette. Stupid chuuni designs with details everywhere are generally not good designs because they do nothing except distract the eye. Strong simple forms are usually the best, even in the context of "realistic" designs like armor. (For example look up the designs Tactics Ogre let us Cling Together)
Now the three main characters are Akko, Lotte, and Sucy.
Akko's shape and posture extrudes confidence. Her outfit has a short skirt because she is a slut and can be seen as more modern and trendy, and she stands in poses that keep her head high and optimistic feeling. Even the angle of the hat aids that.
Lotte on the other hand has a longer skirt and a much more neutral posture. Nothing about her pose is particularly confident, the end arm pieces of her shirt no longer are big shape that show confidence and just hang. It makes her, by design, seem plain and boring.
Sucy is the most unique because she is supposed to impose feelings of a classical style witch. The entire underside of her uniform changes into that classic "wide hip" shape and adams family style dress, and her posture is poor generally with a hunch back and lowered head.
Those are the three main characters. You can easily read them all from a distance. It extends to the side characters too.
The design philosophy of this show is just too good. Then again Yoh Yoshinari's designs always are on point so it's to be expected.