Americans, what’s happening in the Hillary timeline right now?
President Hillary Clinton 2018
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Currently has a 99% chance of winning in 2018. Exit polls are showing that 97% of Florida republicans are supporting Hillary. It’s over for Blumpf.
hello, fellow shariablue :^) you forgot your memeflag
literally no difference to this timeline except that the american presidential office is more respected by every other nation
>getting respect from a community of irrelevant countries
The Transgender equal rights amendment is going to be voted on and expected to pass in the mid term elections in 2018.
It will be illegal to criticize or question transgender persons the their sexuality, race, age, veteran status or occupation. Anyone can now be a 6 year old black school girl/vietnam vet.
The transgender equal rights amendment does not eliminate Affirmative Action, but actually expands it. Everyone can now apply for government jobs and college as African American women with veteran status.
The last cis white male was beheaded publicly at times square. Unfortunately Jose Jesus in the crowd picked a fight with Devorquon ibn Jackson, which escalated to over thirty thousand dead, but it was a fun gathering on a lazy evening, No to mention the rest of the crowd got to pick their bling n shiieeet.
jesus my sides this is amazing
tranny children and only gay marriage allowed.
The tax decrease for the top earners would have been made earlier. By now, there would be a general tax increase for public healthcare. Corporations are excluded from the tax raise.
this is fucking gold
Blanket amnesty for all illegal aliens, past, present, and future.
Finalizing abolishing the american dollar in a shift over to the new Amero currency which is standard in all countries who have major benefactors to the Clinton Foundation.
As the cost of gas increases due to a fracking ban, US tourism declines and the cost of good increases across the board due to transportation costs as control to oil returns to opec nations.
Tech companies continue to outsource work to india and the middle east at increasing rate to the point that most of silicon valley is primarily left to the homeless tent communities. CEOs begin relocating to the UAE and live on private man made islands.
House of Cards new season features Kevin Spacey, and Harvey Weinstein starts positioning himself for a run for governor.
Top BLM are hired as advisors to the president and push for the urban police to primarily hire "former" gang members and push early retirement and layoffs on less diverse (white) police. This is reinforce by massive federal grants to incentivise the program.
the LGBT community becomes the LBTP community as gay men are now considered privileged and misogynistic for rejecting women, and pedophile equality and rights becomes the next major social justice cause.
Increased immigration schedule, doubled in size, but anticipated to quadruple by year's end. Hillary has been using Putin's track record on homosexuality and feminism as a cudgel to attack him, and Israel has already funded a smattering of 'pussy riots', where the women sport the pink pussy hat from the USA. This led to 15 major cities having demonstrations in support of the Russian rebels, who Hillary calls 'the true revolutionaries of Russia'. Putin continues to crack down on them with extreme force, but this is utilized by the jewish media to portray him as a 'madman' and a 'dictator'.
Hillary has mandated the distribution of birth control in all schools. A new government contract with GSK, ensures a constant supply for any woman over 13 who wants it.
Small skirmishes between Trump supporters and leftists broke out in leftist cities like Berkeley, Charlottesville, and SanDiego.
post her ass
No trump protests from the left
Sup Forums would constantly be spammed with smug hillery pepes
nothing else really
Someone should write a story about a post-nuke world where some people manage to reopen Sup Forums-style chat rooms and people discuss the world as it happens.
>republicans are supporting Hillary
red rubber tube in rectum
iv antibiotics
increase klonopin dose
im haldol
check patient bed restraints
The far left is saying she isn't inclusive enough.
War is for profit instead of just for making ourselves feel big.
Race traitor whore
White male suicides are way up and so are nigger on white rapes. The government either covers these up or calls them "the new normal." Giddy white Liberals still have only token levels of diversity in their communities and taxes are up to 50% of your revenue.
Online hate-speech becomes a federal felony. Arrests start flowing to Americans on Sup Forums and twitter who didn't hide behind proxies, as the "War on Hate" begins.
ISIS still in control.
The "Dreamer" program expands, as more and more states get illegal immigrants causing crime rates to soar.
Trump drowns in lawsuits which threaten to take away his and his family's fortune.
The girl in your pic has a Mutt babby now.
This has nothing to do with your question, it's FACT.
Swarms of speeding Amazon delivery drones flow over the skies of every major American city.
Bezos' big gamble on using the WaPo to unquestioningly promote Hillary over Bernie and Trump has paid off big as he becomes the world's first trillionaire
It's beautiful
is this real?
After the Las Vegas shooting Hillary has ordered a ban and confiscation of all semi-automatic rifles. This executive order was upheld in a 5 to 4 supreme court decision, meaning that this is fully 100% constitutional. How does this make you feel drumpfkins?
dem tiddles. Post more you whore