Trump, ive called 1000 times war ing abput this 4q bull shit, yes i found the finacial coup against you...

Trump, ive called 1000 times war ing abput this 4q bull shit, yes i found the finacial coup against you, yes i found the civil war attempts and now you have a snake in your kitchen acting like me! let me fucking interogate that bastard myself! I know it is not assange, whoever it is they are deep state, do not trust the oath keepers their top guy was involved with getting the drama going at the bundy ranch just like at the "trump rallies" lol which i knew why, hence started calling it free speech till it caught on because how would they dis the constitution?


get ready to seriously see me mpissed as fuck, but hey rnc tha ks for giving into the fear tactics, you also did exactly what the rnc did and the fuck that Eskandari didnt tell me abbout where my papers went you little bastards. So now that you have also stolen my words, that word of divinity, you will now see the colllapsing of all political parties you qill also sed political organizations and party memberz loose millitary access as hillary clinton and politicians besides involved int military action zhould have no business talking, asking, or shit to do with any branch of military or law enforcement as this is the main espionage network!

Other urls found in this thread:

You have a medical disorder

Ought Is Uhhhmmmm

im ready to fucking war when ever! also hack eric garcetti fucking punk ass bitch...and maxine i said before what hood does she serve and where does she live? Tom fitton is the man!

Slick, Jason Chaffetz, very very slick! #JasonChaffetz4senate, fuckforeskinromney, what is mccains connection to santa barbara, where does the googls maps founder live, oprah? shall we continue? im not saying everyone is in this pedo ring but what i am saying is that thess people are in kahootz ight, finacial records, more importantly is disolving all their black money, what is bit coin, where did the bit coin start? what is japaneese animation? who from four chan spent time in japan? who is a fucking sexual sociopath not drugged by thw enemy? femaniats, nazis,

oh and if someone is pathetic, if im not mistake, it was aRyanNationalSpa that was in my domain searches you psycho fucking freaks and your invasion of privacy because i went to massage school and was trying to find names the whole aryanNationsPa woooooww...yea yall are fucking bizzare as fuck from the alt left but all Aryan "race" is welcome around me as is everyone else individually...

fuck gokgle burn they commie false flag ship down!

lol no you fucks need a polygraph stat!
fuck you motgervfuckers...everyone who acted like me for personal gain will be lined up and slaughtered...this is the end of times and we will not be fucking with ghis cuckery anymore.


people have heard my arguement about the triangle and the rainbow flag since 05, go fuck yourself! Stop acting like i didnt just sleep for 8 hours straight...your drug addict tactics dont sork as why am i not in prison for buying meth? dumb asses! yHope you know your self glory is treason, and you will be imprisoned for those low level imposters. see i cant got to prison faggs because i have to much in my head! so if you want to fake anothef false flag let ne know. You fucks need to let me pick my own foreign relations team for the middle east tgat can also fuction at analyzing the global spectrum. These f7cks are idiots i swear and literally just dumped their life and name in the toilet, hope they know they will be the red coats of this revolution, the national plantation niggers (again not by skin color)

i said follow the white rabbit not worship it.

>larping as a schitzo
The absolute state of shills rn

lol dont get but hurt deep state bots

florida getting snow hahaha

the entire swamp is about to sink...fucking idiots.

oh and how slick was my voting ballot? near perfect ;) dnc retards hahaha fuck all political parties. Restructure time!

boycott coachella...400 bucks a ticket? fucking idiots and you cant go have a free canp out with instruments? paying for the candy cavity programming epic! keep it up and see how it goes ;)

lol can someome explain this fucking bull shit yet? tell me who is impostering me? this shit is pissing me the fuck ofd, i dont trust people, and lets dk a lie detector bitches...

what is "get out" who directed it? upbringing? connections? looks like another sowed spew of division. Wake up people and fuck these pieces of fake shits. Joel olsteen anf his pedo ring is filth, dude looks like he is constantly flying out an airplane. Will he take a drug test? was he sad about Greg Locke getting more atte tion? did they infiltrate everyone? how strong is the demonic side?


1/4 we shall see, we shall see

stupid ass fucking femanists bitxhes so scared about the new era and the storm cleansing the world. lol now there...assange if the key was a test, its because they set me up in goleta for some fuckery but i assumed it was what it was lol hahahahha

are you finally seeing that they spun you all against me then played each other? ready to smoke these fucking commie nazis once and for all? #WeThePeople are ready for our 2a cxw and 3k tax write off ;) couch cough cofevvi


who is going to dc to stand strong? or you pussys?

what happens when you give mitt romney coffee and a viagra? he becomes a more hyper and bigger dick head.

Are you q


how was copper wire invented? two jews foubd the same penny!

what do you call a mexican babtism? does the pope think it tastes the same with chips?

again find me who spun renata and i will personally kill them. lol

sorry you guys fucked up for the last time! im done with the entire dnc shit! ohband what is hume lake? forest home? programming? mccain? war camp? is he bodie? were the amazon commies trying to eat our cake and rape us too?
no Kindred you wake up!

Bumping for Santa Barbara / Goleta references

>>hume lake
Since 1946 Hume Lake Christian Camps has existed for one purpose: to reach people for Jesus.
>>forest home
Forest Home has a rich and moving history. It is sometimes said that our history is HIS-Story, and we believe that to be true. Forest Home has become a movement of God that has seen the winds of revival blow throughout Southern California and into the farthest reaches of the world.

Since 1938, we have watched Him move in the lives of countless millions as each guest has been faced with life-changing decisions. Our chapel is filled with books–literally thousands of pages of personal history where guests write out their decisions, prayers, and cries to God.

>>war camp

fuck your day with a barbed wire cone! fuck all the fakes! fuck lonny corkedin! im getting tired of these games! put me on a fucking lie detector then if you want the truth! fucking plantation slave hive mind! No patriot is a nigger! and no mental nigger of any color is a fucking III! YOU FAKES ARE ABOUT TO GET DICKED DOWN BY THE BIGGEST COXK MEAT SANDWICH...DUMB FUCKING MOTHER FUCKERS. LOL BAHAJAJAJAHAHAHHAHA YALL WOKE UP NOW AY!? GET GET GET IT GOT GOT GOOOOOD!?! THE Q WAS A DISTRACTION A WAY TO WAKE PEOPLE UP, JOEL OLSTEEN IS A FUCKING FREAK AGAIN LOOM AT HIS ALTER AND WHY THE FLAME?! HOW OLD IS THAT DUDE?! DOESNT IT SAY A "CHILD" WHICH WAS PROBABLY A MISTRANSLATION...MAYBE YOU ALL SHOULD WAKE UP AND LISTEN TO Josh Gemmi and his motivations...oh cause it fucking coincides with reality...he wasnt as slixk as he needed to be but ask him about whats happening and if you dont you a fool. Ben Shappiro got played like a mother fucker by the radical kabbal fake jews. Curious what his upbringing is or was ;)

You are not wrong, just super drunk.

Youre obv. no shill but who are you? I think most of what you write is already known so I dont get the point of your rant

hmm lots of info and hand writing (finger prints), global vision (the sponsorship program, not the Church with Greg Loche) there a pattern between churches, youth groups, does it all looknlike the ticky tacky? be a sheep? lol be what? be docile? what is the comnection to boston (boston) who was william brattle? who was james allen of 1637? California just got federal aid to supply funds! that shit was a setup! and who is responsible for the thomas fire? do they plan on killing my dad and blaming me while bankrupting the corporation?

why was my case not a swatting call? because they were instructed to kill me?


who is drunk and why did the cuck steal my pictures? based failed hustle?

no retards im saying josh gemmi was right! fuck you fake ass PAYtriots! MAGAorDIE!

fuck your false narrative! and who tried to shoot Q? im going to enjoy watching you in the bmw chambers.


oh and the scientologists or followers of joel olsteen in the vcda?!?!?! hmmm reeeeeeee

That's what its sounding like, but this rant (rant) babble is all over the place. I'm not keyboard kat, I'm down for boots on the ground, in your face, wicked left hook of freedom if need be.

Wtf is this insane bullshit?

OP = faggot

lol im good the more you laugh the more i write...cause i like watching cucktastic loonytunes giggling from their own ignorance to their Intelligence Qualifications. Where does the money come from? who is brian hayes? what is going on in chicago? what is going on in their heads what lies do you believe? who really runs the chan boards? ehy. i blocked from all of them? are they all tied to google? what is google? what is open software? who is planning to destroy the global economy without any back up plan? who just controlled all the chaos? Who knows how to ride a horse? who just got hit by a fucking car and fine minus a tender spine from tje last accident that they put me in?

why is the nsa in a join naval task operation with the airforce and doj and will be raiding the barges soon in all the port and why will chris moot chris poole or anne moot be squealing like a pig?!?! hahaha whoops...who really rapped RD? why didnhe get away with it? why wouldnt they let me talk about it? rape culture is real! #VenturaStepford Goleta too!

why do they use thermal imaging for drug ops but not for human teafficking? is a drug dealer a priority over a human dealer? how does that feel?

ho is behind this shit acting and getting into my life? im going to let ny son decide about his mother but she will be behind bars for the rest of her life...what cocaine connections? who is sleeves? why and who was roxy ryan holding cocaine? why dide mcwaters back them? who is marcus' business partner why did my uncle get pissed about mybgrandpa telling me we were Jews?

funny inwent quiet cause inwas pissed now i see why...false walls.

nah he's totally shizo'ing off

are all religious organizations and nonprofits controlled by the same master elite? how? lol the crystal cathedral?

What the fuck, get some help

Remember friends to put sage in the options field

(they) can't have any competition now can they. Brian Hayes the scientist, blog writer?
Chicago..what isn't going down in Chicago...
chan is pysop, people know but come here anyway for tid-bits like this one here. This country is beyond brainwashed, beyond divided. It's much worse now. YES Google owns almost all entity's on the web. Google and cia and nsa. the doj is as crooked as hrc. Navy is superior to all other branches. Airforce is eyes, naval is ears, doj is boots on the ground. This is no new information.
California is in panic mode. Don't let it break you too

lol black jeep that is scared to go by and i sat on the fence watching it...hahaha come on. what isnt relative. this website is for human trafficing...its the silk road and that is what funds the mao commie dnc over throw...hahahaha storm just pouring right now ay!

I love schizoposting

you lost me.

>why did my uncle get pissed about mybgrandpa telling me we were Jews?
op confirmed schizokikel

this kat feels he is about to get swooped up at any moment. soo keep posing on this "human tafficing" site.. seems legit.

brian hayes the fucking weird ass creep that was always naked infront of the youth grpup tdying to break down the social break downs...does he have comnections to bill ayers, is he a democrat? wrestling back ground, ice hockey? bloodlines? why do palestinians here hide their hate for jews but the second they turn their head and see the coast is clear its just constant. Whay happens whrn Abu Dis is reunited as part of the original kingdom as it belongs?! ohhhh why would it be beneficial to keep me out of Turkey? what have i always done? asked to many questions?

hi im

lol yea cause hispanics are predominately "Jews" not catholics and what is the inquisition?? What are the "spanish people" who colonized california? California was never mexico! Who comes from both blood lines from both coasts? yea why cant either one fuck me? oh cause i learned how to connect with that upper wave with all sides. Who has been warning about all crime orginzations, yet can have them at my side? hahahaha fucking idiotas...see you thought this was a joke but we really have marked up on all those we know are get ready to have your shit pushed in for the reat of your lives. Seriously who the fuck is ceasar? and why am i supposed to kill him? is that obama!?!?!?!? wtf!? and when will Trump send me to Turkey to meet with the president and my brother to discuss Abu Dies?

nope im posting on here cause its the only way to get you fucks off here..not just humans but everything! see i dont need to hide, why is that? lmfao!

Trump here.
Fuck you M., I do what I want.

...rhey traffic go fuck yourself...and the reason i asked questioms too is because it will trigger me...when incant remember wjen its important.

Please see a professional about whatever mental disorder this is. I'm telling you this one user to another, friend.

Moron. He's insane, that's all. He took too many red pills and lost his shit. Let this be a warning to you Reddit niggers that this place ain't healthy for you sub humans. This is how you will end up if you follow the white rabbi

trump doesnt post on here lol idiots...trump is like me and has trouble with fucking twiter...baka. cofevvii same spelling bot i assume. wow are you serious they stole my cannabis veteran ranch school? wow and who got run out cause they own how much money would ibhave made with western care givers now? fuck saudia arabia! fuck marcus! acting like me!

hi Kim

anything with google verification pr fb dont use! Where is Putin? can yiu fucking send some cells in to wipe these saudi towell head out of the 805?

This is the infra-red pill.

who is kim?

no pussys you are the infiltraitors and when you said kill the white rabbit you sent out orders to kill Q! because Q is real you stupid fucking mental bottom bitch

sorry google you are fucked, yahoo also fucked, lets talk about hoq they go through and filter women for their its hilarious! and these sluts that went to go suck dick so theybcould have someone suck their ass one day...come on...fuck you all are sick with what you thought was powef but now it is just an anchor and when the storm raises the seas to just the right level you all will drown!


you act is up fuck sticks i would rub back to whatever coubtry you think you have carved out cause putin is going to well be a horseman that he is hahahaha and destroy the fuck out of that shit hole.

lol sorry fucker your act is up there is no more admin on here under your control! tictoc tictoc faggot! Slick Marcus and who put away how many "nazis" in jail in colussion with the santa barbara district attorney? through lies?

AND this kids is what happens when you OD on redpills, that's why you cut the asshole shit in this world with positive news once in a while to keep you in your mind firmly in place to where it needs to be and to not lose it.

i get it now cause i have family in all the dirt so you cant run from me and why Putin has been so relaxed!?! hahahaha foookn brutal!

I know, rite? I'm like pic related.

OP , tell me , do you see another world when you sleep ?
a kind of good but dangerous world filled with powerful people ?

>white rabbi
That was pretty fucking slick...

Nice larp, nobody.

haha someone is pissed! Marcus? ohhhh now it makes sense why anne thought i was racist?! cause its you and your saudi cuckery?

getmo just found its two next volunteers hahahhahaha...busted dam this is fun...i feel like brad pit in inglorious bastards...slow but evebtually i get there and the knife in my hand carves the 7 star at the top of the list adding my uncle's name right next to allen haddad! who is mission security?

This is the most interesting thread on Sup Forums today. It really is.

no i hardly sleep, constantly been trying to solve this...and yet again someone i protected stabbed me in the back...well burn in hell uncle Marcus burn in hell!

lol all these jealous liitle panssee ass pansie shills! lol

who is uncle Marcus ?

Go to bed buddy. You really seem like you need it. We'll all be here tomorrow and you can continue to tell us the story of how you single handedly saved the world.

haha so Marcus sold iut to the fucks for power and money, now you know why im Ryan Abundis and he is Marcus Abundis hahaha oh and now i get the constant physical tjreats...its ok Marcus, the truth is out and this entire fucking corruption is going to burn down! Lol what is "Citizen Rose"? psych op? and thats how you knew so much about my life? hahaha fucking punk ass bitch. Probablybon a motorcycle right now on his way to Belize lol.

A fucking tripcode?
please go and die.

Not even m8, just worried cause you seem like your running on shit for sleep and should take some time getting ur shit together to get ur thoughts in a cognizant manner instead of this stream of consciousness shit.

Look OP...if you know sooomuch, then why don't you print the evidence and the theory's to them and argue about it in DC in the supreme court.
Because right now you're fucking crazy. And ease up on your fucking keyboard.

Single handedly? no but fucl you guys and that is hoe my uncle Chris and my dad got played! FUCK MARCUS ABUNDIS...TALKN ABOUT LIKES THEM YOUNG SHIT...37 YEARS OLD FUCING 18 YEAR OLDS HAHAHA. DUMB FUCKING ANNE MAN YOU GUYS ARE SERIOUSLY retarded oh and so annie is tied to my uncle and rhe saudis...haha dumb marcus would sell us out fpr money! FagJew sucking saudi cock!

stream of what?! lol oh so are yiu the little long haires faggot that hired to mimic me? funny the obly thing i posted was you acting like you knew what you were talking about? go fuck yourself! Saudia arabia is not our friend period! Where dis dink go to school? why did i have a dream about him dying and tried warning? Is JD? why did Shantel not call me back? who randomly called her and what did they say?

Sooo you going to take it to the courts or are you going to waste your thoughts on this board???

hahahahhaa busted

the jury is in session

haha oh you dont get it? these people set me up but i just kept near their operations bahahahahahahaha tell me who doesnt have more money than God? and that is why you two were so nervous about me showing up from cpc...fucking busted! cause you saudis had counter intel in the church! fuck yiu guys!

where is dinkler? is he safe? is this why he got sent to the middle east? Why Walker was killed and why you attack anyone and say they are crazy so others dont speak out? who cares if one is wrong, how can they learn to be right?

lol why is this ostt getting bumped so quickly!? who hid my school records or azzumed my identity from sbcc...time to break california open

mia paper 0lanes visas in my name

take your meds ,man ... and go to bed , you need it.

who wrote the song? fuck man you guys are slower than a box of rocks! no not me (i dont think) see trying to make me out to be mr robot and who was living oyt their is what they will say...ehhh wrong again! who wrote paper planes and who chartered pdiddys jumbo jet flights? what are the private airlines in santa barbara and where do they fly? are the corporations secretly tied? awww #pedostargate


take your sins and own them you sick global fucls popping up all over the world to try and argue with me! why you tried to break up everything #WeThePeople were doing? so who is code named Ceasar? and did i just kill him? is it a code name? you thought you could fuck Renata? im going to literally cut your stomach open and spill your guts after due process. You fucked with my life for the last time bitch! Home yojr bike is running quick pussy! go die! take your crimes and own your time!

ironic thing is i was trying to wodk out an imnunity deal for him cause i knew he got played since hs looking for a "family"

Castillo Carbajal Ruiz Abundis bloodlines that owned the down town hiecenda! would have been easier to file a court case with the fed than plan some take over!

dam that was brutal but really fun, cricket cricket?! haha ohhhh ok and lonny morgan, are they both part of the white bunny coup? notice how i didnt take the files to the airfoce base?! REEEEEEE

nakes sense why these fucking people kept targeting me and how far deep their reach went...well people...thsre you go the real ""4Q" strikes again! lol hahahahahaha fucking psych ops...i still domt know what the fucking white rabbit is but paranoia is a bitch huh? cause it was just meant to be a metaphor hahahahhahahhaha holy hell. Boogie monsters! Hahaha the only way to get assanges real info out.

and i write this way cause the quaker taught me just to keep writing dont think about what to write just do it...all my bitches hate me! i say all my bitches hate me! reeeehehehehehe

shandilay im off this shit! coms still dowm, still not sending emails and im about to go dark dont believe any 4q post without my face or i dont verify and yea i got all them ukraines on lock too ;) dont worry it wasnt just commies it was all constitutional terrorists starting with the berkeley fucks!. only messages i get are from a few people, they obviouslybfilter and rese d shit.

sounds like they cannot keep up or just got wiped out! all the good agents get sent away why?

can someone please explain to me how i do this? if its not Adoni...fuck it hurts my neck!

This guy?

starts in the Maravilla projects of East Los Angeles. Second oldest in an Hispanic family of nine children (six sisters), I found initial success in LA's suburbs. Many years were later spent between LA and the SF Bay Area, but I also resided in Europe. I am a dual USA/EU (Netherlands) citizen; multi-lingual, single, no children.

Is this schizophrenia, meth induced psychosis or some other disorder entirely?

This kat is on to something

I really don't get this thread.

am i only allowed certain communication? how much is a regular phone line? we must not loose our telecom lines!