Why do you hate Trigger, Sup Forums?
I don't, currently they're my favorite animation studio. With the exception of DBS and Hero Academia the only other show I'm following right now is Little Witch Academia.
I like Trigger.
I don't I only hate you studio war posters get the fuck off my board
Because Inou Battle is their only good show.
>shouting is drama
I don't hate them, but It like them best when they are doing shorts or ovas.
LWA ova 1 and 2, Infer Cop, Luluko, Turning Girls and Ninja Slayer are objectively their best works.
Exactly this. Trigger fucking sucks when they actually try to cook up their own original plot. KLK had alien asspulls for no good reason when it could have just been "Ragyo is taking over the world with lifefibers" and a garbage final fight. LWA wasted 10 goddamn episodes doing nothing and then tries to kick in a serious plot in the second half of the show.
I wish I could watch Luluco for the first time again
I like Little Witch Academia and S&V.
I like the people that work there.
Their shows are mediocre, though the shorts are decent. They can only be a one trick pony for so long.
I don't hate them, I just find it disappointing that with all the talented staff they have they still fuck up all the time.
I like them when they aren't trying to make Gurren Lagann 2.0
I like them a lot actually
Just anything long isn't great. KLK's start was fantastic
I had high hopes for this studio but it gets worse with every new show
>Their shows are mediocre, though the shorts are decent
Exactly this.
Got hyped because of the first few minutes of KlK then maybe about episode three realized "Oh wait this is going to suck."
I don't hate them.
>Ninja Slayer
>LWA 2
Opinion disregarded.
> alien asspulls
It wasn't an asspull.
>garbage final fight.
So you didn't get it.
Good thing they never tried then.
Even if KLK's episode 1 was fantastic it wasn't even remotely the best part of the show.
Don't bother replying if you have nothing to add to the discussion, retard.
But I love Tigger.
Kill La Kill is a Master Piece.
Even the name is good
>Kill La Kill
>Kiru la Kiru
>kiru means "cut" in Japanese
>Imaishi-sensei the studio
>Imaishi doesn't direct shit
What's the point?
What are you on about?
I love Trigger. I'm not gonna claim they made the best absolute GOAT anime of the past few years, but they made some damn good stuff nonetheless and I'll always give their work a chance.
All flash and no bang. And they still haven't made an anime better than Ninja Slayer.
Luluco is fucking garbage, most of it was a circlejerk about their own previous works and the main story was somehow even worse.
Inferno Cop and Ninja Slayer are literally indefensible, only memers and stoners pretend they are any good.
LWA 2 was very weak follow-up, the current show is better.
Basically what this user said. Studio war posters and stalker threads by extension are total cancer.
Normies like it
You do realize it's also refering to thread too right?
Cut the thread
>waaah why does an anniversary project that ends with the reveal that the protagonist was Trigger's mascot all along have references to previous shows!?
You're dumb.
It was literally a small celebration of Trigger for the 5 year aniversary
No fucking shit it's going to be about itself