Can Amerisharts explain to me why you haven't banned this shit yet?
What is it about Walmarts that drives Amerishits wild?
Can Amerisharts explain to me why you haven't banned this shit yet?
What is it about Walmarts that drives Amerishits wild?
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You can buy everything at one location.
Where else would Americans go to the toilet if there was no Walmart?
My vote is for Tesco.
The fuck is Tesco
I don't want to be buying my meat from the same place I buy my guitar from
Walmart blew up because it cut out supplying its own stock. Walmart builds a building, puts in some infrastructure for shipping/receiving but almost everything found inside a walmart is owned by other companies or individiuals paying walmart for the privilege of using the shelf space.
Then buy your guitar from a guitar center. Wal-Mart in my area has the best ribeyes. Better than publix and rouses
only walmart has a meat guitar
I've always wanted to see what goes on in a 24 hour walmart at 3am
Because a lot of wal-marts across the US have installed small living quarters. You'd be throwing thousands of people on the street
>Help, I'm being oppressed by sweet deals and entry level jobs
Everything you could possibly need at affordable prices in one place. Being a penal colony and all, I realize the concept of such luxury is beyond your comprehension, but it's real and it's wonderful. If the price I pay to have Walmart is to be called a mart sharter by anonymous trolls online, so be it, enjoy your Vegemite.
Only an American would ever say this
Fuck off I know what they sell there, only the very bottom rung of society shop at Walsharts
roleplaying faggot
if we banned wal mart, where in the fuck would we shart? Costco? Fuck that.
Walmart doesn't drive us wild. The products are all junk, the food is unhealthy, and the prices are mediocre. However, when you need to buy a random item at a random time, you'll more than likely be able to find it at Walmart.
So, you get in your car, drive there, walk past 99.99999% of the stuff you do not want or need, pickup the 2 pack of garage door batteries that will outlast your garage door, go to self-checkout, swipe your card, and go home.
We don't make going to Walmart some sort of family outing/entertainment. It's a utilitarian experience and that's it.
>tastes like sadness
Where else would our niggers load up on junk food and steak paid for by EBT?
i have no walmart and I must shart
wanna see my meat guitar?
I buy beer there on the cheap.
Regular market sells 30 pack for $25 - $27.
Walmart sells them for $18.
Never buy food or milk there, just random shit like car batteries or audio wire.
Walmart is state funded
>pays employees too little (government fills the gap)
>government then gives food stamps (which people use at walmart because their prices are cheaper ((see above)))
Basically it is a state sponsored store. The government pays the employees and pays for the merchandise bought.
walmart is great if you're poor
tip: a lot of people are poor
> (OP)
30 for 25?
What tiny cans are those? and have some dignity and buy bottles.
Why does it matter if the quality is there? Walmart has good quality meat but I'm guessing their guitars suck. Not sure though, I'm not a faggot guitar player
You would buy a walmart guitar? LMAO
Not to mention the 7.8billion a year they get in tax breaks and subsidies.
Why is there government subsidies for the richest corperation in america? Isnt that kinda like corperate welfare?
I think they own Asda. It's a long way from Waitrose.
it's great because it's a one-stop-shop for everything you need, and everything is made in China so it's always on 'sale'
>Walmart has good quality meat
Walmart is okay. It's not often I see people with deformities, but at Walmart it is. There are several working there. And surprisingly, the people working there are typically happy and friendly. There's one fella at my local Walmart that wears a yellow cape with a blue Walmart logo on it. It was from a promotion a year or so ago, but the guy was having fun with the customers, so he asked management if he could keep wearing it. I often meet him stocking shelves; he's always helpful and hooting some nonsense like "Thank you for shopping at Walmart!"
As for prices, they are reasonable for some things, excellent for others. By dividing my shopping between Aldi, Walmart, and another local supermarket, I do consistently well. If you get the right Walmart, the clearance section can be decent. Occasionally, mine fills up with supercheap Lego. I buy it all, and store it in the attic for kids/nephews birthdays and Christmas.
Management has handled my rare complaints well. I bought a K'nex set there once based on a store display model. Gave it to my kid for Christmas and was disappointed to see K'nex has intentionally misrepresented the contents by modifying the store model. Next Christmas shopping season, I saw K'nex pulling the same shit. I complained to the manager, he offered to refund the year-old purchase, gave me a big discount on any shopping I chose to do there for the holidays. I got a call from corporate a couple of days later informing me that the BTFO K'nex.
Generally, I'm pretty satisfied with them. And the many criticisms I read online don't match my experience there.
It's a north american thing, cunt. Just fuck off and go suck off a spider
Walmart is a godsend when you go on vacation out of state because instead of trying to figure out what is in the area as far as marts go, you can just go to the nearby Walmart and know where everything you need is.
Yeah, that desire for familiarity is supposedly a big part of McDonald's's initial success.
i hope this is b8
seriously only white trash goes to walmart for groceries
most non poor will only buy bulk dry food and electronics there
veggies, fruit, and meat we get from a real grocer and butcher
i go there like 2-3 times a year at most
I avoid this place like the plague.
Full of filthy fat people, dirty immigrants and refugees.
The employees are totally useless.
If I do go into a Walmart I usually piss or shit on the floor, I like the idea of some 3rd world piece of shit have to clean it up for minimum wage.
Idk why do u guys like getting impaled by stingray dick so much???
Creative destruction. Consolidation of retail with supermarket was bound to happen.
That being said, I dislike that Wal-Mart/Target added on fresh produce, meat, etc. to their stores. But maybe that's due to nostalgia of visiting them as a kid well before they expanded and changed.
>They misrepresented my Knex, ree
You're a fucking goober, dude.
Publix is better.
A good amount of your country is 'white trash' then
nothing, mostly just black teenagers stocking shelves, 1 checkoiut lne open (if you're lucky, usually have to find an employee) and maybe 5 people shopping usually teenagers / middle aged men that work nightshift
Breakroom! you should chime in.
100% this
does walmart even sell guitars?
Don't lie about what's in the box you're selling me, and we're fine. Not sure why you read all my bullshit. I wouldn't have.
Checks flag
Are walmart threads the new blacked threads? Go fuck a roo
You can basically get anything at Walmart. And some shit is dirt fucking cheap too. Ice that they'd charge $2-$3 for at the convenience store is $1.68, an equivalent knockoff of the YETI $30 can holder (keeps bottled/canned drinks ice cold for hours) is $6.
How bad a Walmart is also depends on the area. There are Walmarts that I won't visit because the area is shit and the people there suck too. Meanwhile you go to upstate NY (near the adirondacks) and the walmart is fucking nice and you have people who actually dress normally and don't look like the "people of walmart" that you see in images online.
There's also shit sometimes that, surprisingly, you need to get at Walmart. I am severely (life threatening) allergic to eggs. Most flu vaccine is made using eggs. There is one that isn't (Flublok). My fucking allergist and general physician can't order it, but fucking Walmart can. I show up at the pharmacy and get my flu shot every year at Walmart.
Not everything is junk but a lot of the consumer shit is. Electronics and appliances are notorious for having "Walmart" versions where they made the plastic shittier, or denim jeans with shittier denim to cut the cost.
Most pre-packaged branded food items are the same at Walmart as elsewhere and sealed meat products are fine for the most part.
Walmart sells everything.
All 10% of your habitable landmass is occupied by the descendants of people so niggerish, they had to be shipped to a desert continent across the world. You've really got no room to talk about the dregs of society. Jesus, even your food is leftover brewer's yeast, it's like your entire culture revolves around sloppy seconds and failure.
Just the last paragraph. That's all I needed to know to not read the rest.
Oh yeah such a hellhole
Sensible chap.
ya but you can buy both at 3am if you want.
used to stock shelves overnights at wal-mart can confirm.
What's stopping you from going somewhere else then?
I go for the entertainment. You can see some real fucked up shit at 2 AM at a Walmart. Plus where else can you buy duct tape, rope, a shovel, and lollipops at any time and not have to worry about sideways looks cuz of self checkout?
Google: Clintons and Walmart.
>26 years of economic growth
>56k Internet connection
And then there's this:
>Can't flee into the outback
>Can't hide from feminazis and refugees on the two livable slivers of land
>Can't survive a dip in the ocean
Hahahahahahahaha, go fall on a fucking stingray.
>very bottom rung of society shop at Walsharts
this is a leftist meme that costal fags created
in rural areas everyone shops at walmart
People like low prices and only going to one place for everything.
Need proofs
Cheap oil and bullets.
This is true. I used to always see at least one well off looking Stacy that you never expect to see in a walmart if you had seen them outside of the walmart.
I've only been in one once since I got amazon.
Well then get rid of welfare
Everyone gets tax breaks
Flatten the tax code
Well that and they strongarm suppliers to sell at a loss, making them raise prices for other buyers
How is your firearms industry doing?
you'll have yours soon
Depends where. I've been to Walmart in Doral (near Miami) at midnight in summer. We had to circle the lot looking for somewhere to park. It was mobbed inside, easily more business than my northern Walmart ever sees. I can imagine that it's reasonably busy through the night.
They only spoke pidgin Spanish.
Have fun driving around faggot. Im already done with my meal and writing edgy Antifa songs.
Twice a month I drive 35 miles each way to buy groceries at walmart. It saves me $400 - $500 per month. Why would I not love walmart?
This is the only store where i can start at one end and pick up fruit, veggies and mat. hen move towards the middle and get some new socks, charger for my phone, and light bulbs. then move to the far end of the store and get ammo, a dumbbell, and tackle.
* meat. But i could get mats there too.
Why wouldn't you get the food last? To keep it cold longer.
Walmart has the same purpose as amazon, cheap low end junk at perceived “low prices”... Walmart started before the internet even existed. Sad thing is, both amazon and Walmart are actually very expensive for the grade of product they sell...
Hahah. You have obviously never been to a Walmart in a rich neighborhood. They actually have “neighborhood” Walmart’s and it’s full of rich bitches driving bmw’s and shit.
In general though, most rich people bargain shop and slum it at target.
You want gov to protect a bad business by banning a well run business? I though people on pol were mostly libertarian.
Publix has god-teir fried chicken.
I buy my random shit there or food if I don't have time to go to Costco or WholeFoods
Autism, i generally park on the grocery side of the store.
Tesco is actually scummy.
>very expensive for the grade of product they sell...
If i want ram, im not goin to walmart, but if I want everyday socks, i will buy them at walmart for half the price as the mom and mom socks store.
I dunno, would that make me gay?
You're already gay and you will be burning in hell so you might as well enjoy what time you have left.
Good God man, I normally just slip in through the garage or garden section, get my goods and leave through the same. I buy groceries at another grocery store.
Actually. First act electric guitars started at Walmart. The lead guitarist of Aerosmith or something picked one up while he was literally shopping at Walmart for groceries. He loved the weird shape of the guitar and found that it played well. Suddenly all kinds of guitar players were ordering custom first act guitars.
They sell them now at guitar center etc. pretty cool guitars actually.
honestly i hate wal-mart it destroys all the mom and pop stores that we used to have a lot of, wal-mart ruins communities adds tons of traffic and lots of problems not to mention the after effects it has on the local economy, wal-mart is a big industry that doesn't put anything back that it takes out, all that profit gets locked away in their swiss bank accounts where its never seen again.
as a little aside i would like to point out the meme with "amerisharts" i've never seen this happen in all the years i've ever gone to wal-mart people would freak the fuck out is this was something that happens on the regular, i typically shop at wal-mart 2-3 times a month for things you just can't really get at other places i would love for small businesses to collapse wal-mart for good fuck em.
you're a fucking idiot. walmart sells the exact same brands as publix and kroger, but for a lower price
Buying 10 chicken breasts for 5 bucks feels good man.
>all that profit gets locked away in their swiss bank accounts where its never seen again.
>bottom rungs of society
Makes sense now, i bet wallshitters votes for trum
>What is it about freedom that drives Chads wild?
Not sure OP, not sure.
This. Value for the money and quality, consistent product. You may not get the absolute lowest price, but you will never go wrong buying there.
not communist, it would just be nice to support your local mom and pop instead of a mega corp like wal-mart knowing your money is getting injected back into our economy, not lining the waltons billions with more billions, im a capitalist but the mega corps have so much power and overreach that something does need to be done, they avoid taxes and don't benefit anyone.
The Waltons have secret underground facilities. I bet they can use it as a tax. write off too.
I get some groceries at Costco, some at another place up the road. Wally World by me is actually pretty good on produce and meat.
Capitalism is a double-edge bitch
where else can you can buy a gun and panties at 3am?