Where were you when KyoAni saved anime?

Where were you when KyoAni saved anime?

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>it's yet another kyoani shitposting thread

What's the name of this again?

This is incredible

Victorian prose

Search for "Japan's Dostoevsky"

Animation will be great,episodic stories will ruining it.It might have one or two good stories,the rest will be average or worse and unimpactful/unmemorable.

Its Akatsuki K

Complete unsourced bullshit by written a fag

You could have just said "I'm angry that Kyoani is so good"

>Akatsuki K

The Novel is called Violet Evergarden user.

Oh and pic related is a translation of part 1.

Why nips don't give a shit about this?

The writing is so damn good, my heart literally skipped a bit.

>...Reaching the critical point, Violet raised the umbrella she had taken with her and opened it flashily. It was like a blooming flower. The umbrella’s frills swayed beautifully, and as if predicting the perfect timing, the wind pushed her feet forward. Her skirt and umbrella bulged softly in the air, her petticoat sticking out. Her long lace-up boots gently stepped onto the decayed leaves floating on the water surface.
>That one moment. That one second. That one picture. The scene as clear as a photography was engraved into Oscar’s memory. A girl with a swinging umbrella and a fluttering skirt, stepping onto the surface of a lake. Just like a sorceress.
>The words of his daughter from the day her heartbeats stopped came back to him.
>“You’ll show it to me someday, right? In that lake close to our house, when the leaves that fall in autumn gather together on the water surface.”

>The study that was also a bedroom had Oscar’s previously worn clothes and a pan with leftovers from his last meal all over the floor in a disastrous fashion. Simply put, there had been no space for even one foot to step inside.
>Violet gazed at him with her big pupils. “You called me here with the place in this condition?” her eyes seemed to say.
>“I’m sorry…”
>It was clear that it was not a room someone would work in. Ever since he became alone, he had not used the living room, which was why it was still clean, but the bedroom he frequently entered and exited, the kitchen and the bathroom were in atrocious state.
>Oscar thought he was glad Violet was a mechanical doll. Her body age seemed to be from someone in her 10’s to her mid-20’s; he did not wish to show something so embarrassing to a real woman that young. Even though he was getting old, for a man, it was just deplorable.
>“Master, I’m a secretary, not a maid.” She said as she contradictorily pulled out of her bag a white frilly apron, willingly proceeding to tidy everything up.
>The first day was over just like that.
>On the second day, the two of them sat in the study and started their work. Oscar lay on his bed while Violet sat on a chair and used the typewriter on the desk.
>“She… said:” as Oscar dictated, a blind touch silently wrote down each letter with terrifying speed. He observed, thoroughly surprised. “Pretty… fast, huh.”

So classy and beautiful. Why every novel can't be like this?

I'm confused. Is this falseflagging or are Kyoanifags genuinely like this.

Violet Evergarden is the kind of a novel you should read in the original language. Reading the "translation" done by some ESL college dropout in his 20s will only spoil the experience. Don't be like this , 155402245 dumb guy who judges the japanese novel based on fan translation.

It's falseflagging. That's all VEG threads will be until more information on the anime is announced.

>Violet Evergarden is the kind of a novel you should read in the original language
Let me stop you right there user.

I don't care about your elitist shit.

Instead of shitposting, let's post our predictions for the rest of the staff and voice actors?

The best ones and the best ones. What else do you expect? It's a best studio and their best show.

But there's nothing elitistic about it. Do you also get annoyed by people who refuse to watch anime with dub?

What Ultimatemegax said about it? I guess we need an authority opinion to judge.

All this will be is another Instagramfilter-the-animation and you know it. All show, no substance. What good will the 'stunning' visuals do if the story and dialogue will be lackluster?

I want it to have watercolor backgrounds like Maidragon

You shitposters are so fucking dull and boring.

not this shitto again

The only dub I have watched was FMA:B and it was completely fine.
I watched it a second time with fansubs on while the dub audio was running and the lines matched very well.

I don't care how you watch the anime as long as the translation is accurate and written with SOME effort to mimic the style of the author.

What you are saying is elitist and you can kiss my ass.

Oh, please. You LNfags say this for just about every LN. Just stop it.

Ultimatemegax said it was a masterpiece so I trust his word. How can you not love it?

>Not even while being a machine girl can she be left with wet clothes. As a change of clothes was necessary, she lay a bathrobe around her supposedly perfect body and headed for the bathroom. It had been a while since anyone other than Oscar regularly used it, so in a lapse of memory, he entered it without knocking and ended up seeing her while she was had not changed yet.

>“Ah, I’m sor… ry… eh?”

>He swallowed his breath due to perplexity.


>What was reflected in Oscar’s eyes was a sight more bewitchingly beautiful than any naked woman. Dripping golden hair. Beautiful blue orbs of a dimension that would not soften even within a painting. The finely-shaped lips just below them. A flesh body with a slender neck, an outstanding collarbone, plump breasts, and feminine curves.

>Her artificial arms consisted of metal rings from the shoulders to the fingertips. But it was only them. Despite the many scratches, other than the arms, the rest was surprisingly real skin. With that delicate body, she did not seem at all like a mechanical doll, but a relatively normal human being.

>With everything he had believed in until then being mantled over by the shocking revelation, Oscar tried to confirm what he was seeing many times.

>“Master.” Violet called with a voice that seemed to be judging him as he continued to ogle in astonishment.


>Part of the outcome of that incident was Oscar’s screaming. The other was him half-crying while going beet-red, after having yelled on top of his lungs, frantically inquiring, “Are you human, after all?!”

>Wrapping a towel around herself, Violet plainly commented, “Master is, truly, a troublesome person.” Her cheeks were rose-dusted as she muttered, her face a little lowered.

>Oscar had Violet put on clothes that imitated his main character and asked her if she could play around a little at the lakeshore. He had already made her do cleaning, laundry and other house chores, and on top of it, asked for such a favor. It was as if she was a factotum.

>Even as Violet was a percipient professional woman, she mused in surprise, “What a troublesome person…”

>"Your hair color…may be a little different, but it’s blond, just like my daughter was. If you put on a one-piece, surely…”

>“Master, I am but a secretary. An Auto-Memories Doll. I’m not your wife or concubine. Nor can I become a replacement.”

>“I-I know that. I wouldn’t have that kind of interest in a girl like you. It’s just… your appearance…if my daughter was alive, I think…she’d have grown into someone sort of like that.”

>Violet’s firm rejection crumbled at that.

>“I really did think you were being too stubborn…so your young lady has passed away?” she bit her lip lightly. Her face seemed to show her conscience was conflicted.

>During these few days, Oscar had become able to understand one thing about her. That is, how Violet would stick to what was considered ‘righteous’ when she was torn between good or bad things.

>“I’m an Auto-Memories Doll…I want to grant my clients’ wishes… but this one violates my work regulations…”

>She behaved as if she was inwardly wrestling with herself, and although Oscar felt bad for it, he tried one last time. “If you could build the image of the girl as a grown-up, coming back home, ready to fulfill her promise, my will to write will soon be revived. It’s true. If you want a reward, I can give anything. I can pay double your original price. This story is really precious to me. I want to finish writing it, and make it my life’s milestone. Please.”

>“But...I…am not a dress-up doll…”

>“Then I won’t take photos or anything of the sort.”

>“You had intended to?”

Read the novel, it's really good. Some people actually compared it to Oscar Wilde, Charles Dickens and other Victorian prose.
And don't forget, it's not your typical shitty LN, it's a NOVEL, just like Eupho.

>Those shitty character designs
Yeah I'll pass

How does it feel to be fat and alone?

They save anime every year so it's just business as usual

Do you know why people hate on fan dubs? It's the fact that the "actors" who voice the characters are complete amateurs. Same thing goes for japanese fan translation scene. There's nothing eletistic about not wanting to read some shitty tranlsation. Stop being so dumb.
Good thing we're not talking about LN here.

>/vg/ poster
So this is the kind of people who hate on Kyoani.

And please don't forget to buy a novel to support Kyoani.
When any other studio creates an anime, Kyoani creates experience!

Forgot my link.

For me, it's Kyoto Animation. The best Japanese animation studio.

Right here, watching Sup Forums drown in bitch tears at the heralding of the rise of the fujobuck.

>>the amount of butthurt ITT

>This is why gamers are called entitled. You all act like children every time someone doesn't cater to your super autism.

wow you got me, i'm such a /vg/ poster lel

>episodic storytelling is bad

Kissable lips.

>I-I just went there to t-troll them!! I d-don't actually p-post here haha!
Nice damage control here, generalfag.

in case you haven't noticed every thread on Sup Forums is a general now

now back to your maid dragon general

I like living alone, it feels nice

Lets be real, Kyoani should have shutdown after Full Metal Panic

/lit/ here
it reads like hot garbage

>i-if I post s-smug images he w-won't think that I got completely BTFO
>being this desperate
As expected of dumb /vg/-fag


What? They are the role model of the industry

Of course it does, EOP retard. It's like trying to translate Goethe or Milton. It can't be done. This masterpiece has to be read in the original language. This is the one of the best novels ever released, period. It's up there with Don Quixote and Anna Karenina.

I can calm my boner, this is too great. I've rewatched PVs a hundred of times. If it won't be the best anime of all time, I don't know what will be.

Don't mind him, the fact that he thinks FMP is Kyoani's best work proves that he's just some dumb newfag.

God you got me, Its so hard to crossboard post on here. I keep forgetting Sup Forums board culture means liking K-ON and Free!

>he thinks that milton cant be translated
l m a o

>i am just going to namedrop two important doorsteps to make my shitty LN seems relevant

Sup Forums is one the oldest boards. You wouldn't be the first newfag to out yourself

>why do you care about the quality of translation???
>what, you don't want to read and experience Ahmed aka "NarutoxHinataTheBest" x Google Translate interpretation of japanese novel? Fuck off, elititst!!

He quoted you.

People who judge the novel based on fan translation

Why do they always post this stuff and mock it? What's so bad about it? Maybe I've been desensitised by watching bad shows over the years, so can you explain?

There's no rhyme or reason to why shitposters shitpost most of the time. He's probably canadian too.

He's just anti-Kyoani shitposter, you wont be able to reason with him.

No one says it's bad. People praising Kyoani for god tier writing.

I legit thought it was good and they were praising it.

There is nothing wrong with the writing. It is solid

This guy is actually so mad at Kyoani, it's sad to see.

I think he's mentally ill.

>He's probably canadian too.
That explain everything.

Then why the sarcastic reaction faces?

There's probably not one poster in this thread that has been honest and slightly serious at all.

Shitposts aside, I like how the commercials have detailed art and fluid animation at the same time. I know the actual anime won't achieve the same level of quality but I hope it gets close.

Oh god, I can't imagine what an australian would write.

Probably just the same thing but with kangaroos.
Or I dunno, tank girl. That one was something about a girl and four kangaroo mutant boys.

it is objectively shit, you are right, you have been watching too much poorly written anime if you accept that as anything other than fan fiction tier prose

Emu cuck porn

Spider NTR.

>judging prose from a literal tumblr translation

Takemoto GOD better be doing this, He is the best Kyoani director after all.

Ishidate is doing it. Literally confirmed ages ago.

Nier: Automata The Animation

KyoAni doing video game adaptations? Confirmed for bros.
Okage: Shadow King: The Animation by KyoAni when?

Yeah it does

Worse than fanfiction


So you're saying that almost every show except FMP shouldn't exsist?

hope Clockwork Planet will be okay to watch. I really want 2017 to be the year of qt automata grills

Dem high laced boots and black fabric gloves, dat modest clothing and adult appearance, also cold tuna personality. I swear, story is touching and classy too. This show will be a true miracle.

>tfw know russian already
>tfw learning japanese right now
I just have to learn French, Classical Chinese, and Ancient Greek, and I will be able to read the vast majority of this world's literary achievements without relying on interpretations.

KnK, Amagi and Phantom Sales all over again.

It's going to look great but story will be generic trash.

Amagi's story wasn't generic trash.

Jesus fuck, can you people finally stop with KyoAni shitposting?

It's been years since they made something really good and popular. It's about time to let it go.

Amagi's story was GOAT.

Is the book difficult? I'm a beginner who hasn't even finished Tae Kim yet, by the way.

>Ancient Greek

It's not particularly hard even. Plenty of resources to learn Attic with, and once you learned attic it's a small step to at least be able to comprehend ionic/homeric/koine. And BAM it's like the gates to thousands of works are open to you, not just "translated one thousand times over" philosophers and historians, but weird medieval manuscripts and legal works from medieval greek.

By far one of the most useful languages to learn.


There's a sample on the site, judge for yourself.

Complex story requires complex language.
VEG is not fpr beginners anyway.

Not an argument.


no one give a fuck about your autistic screencap that only you have.

Amagi's story was so fucking bad it was infuriating.

Everybody in the park knew princess is going to fucking die yet they all acted like retards and fucked up their jobs literally murdering her.

And then they needed our great generic high school boy to save them.

And even them some of them acted like trash to him despite the fact he was the only thing saving the princess they supposedly all loved.

It was horribly written standard LN garbage.

She wasn't dying, just was going to have her memories reset. And most people were nice to Kanye after he proved himself. You're just mad Amagi has a better portrayal of Canada than you leaf shitposters

>hotarushitter has shit taste

What are the odds