I'll start with an obvious one. Before anyone asks, yes, this is the image I wanted to post. No, I didn't choose the wrong image. She has no competition.
ITT: Best girls in their series
Megumeme a shit.
Even more obvious:
>model tier beauty
>caring housewife
>ready to kill when necessary
Beat me to it.
Annoying 1 gag chuuni with no personality to speak of.
Read the light novels or simmer down. You have no right to pretend she has no personality when you don't know anything about her.
Best girl is my slave Lalatina
>implying the 99% of the people who love her has read the LN once.
but thats wrong you baka
Well, I don't like "best girl" wars anyway, I just think Mashu is cute.
the LNs aren't translated well and I can't be assed to learn japanese.
He should've picked her
fair enough, she does serve that purpose well
That's not a Mai
You know it
She knows it
The whole world knows it
Why is brown animu grills such a good?
fuck Nadia. Marie was good too though
samefag here
meant you're wrong
Who else but Ichijou the class representative?
Good taste user
Best Girsl and Best Waifu of their respective anime
Misumi Rin Best Girl and Waifu
wanana ui Worst Girl and shit
I am a Houki Lover but Tatenashi is Best Girl
This is incorrect i'm afraid
Every best girl thread I see.
>Op in charge of not having shit taste
Best girl coming in
Correct answer
Here's the correct answer.
Megu isn't dat thot
I can see where you're coming from so I'll call a draw.
no go fuck yourself >:v
>Faggot in charge of not posting Mary Sues
I thought you had already posted who I was going to post lol
But we all can agree here.
What do you think you mean? That makes no sense.
Well then who's better user? We need to know.
Is it considered cheating if the best girl is really the only notable one in her series?
Excellent taste.
>Has feelings for MC after witnessing his combat prowess rather than a shallow attraction.
>Every other girl has weird, abusive interests in him or are just lusting after the only sausage in the fridge.
Houki and Tatenashi
Fuck off
How you can be so Stupid for all this bullcrap
>when the girls realize they're tragically under-leveled against the final boss
Fellow Kino-poster, have you done your push-ups?
See your four and raise you.
>top model tier beauty
>caring housewife and mother
>ready to save your life when necessary
she's like not even third
She didn't win Ichikabowl against The Best Stratos
Fuck (you/off) Repulsive Incest Fag
Best Clannad reporting in.
*blok ur path*
My african american brother. Sakaki are best. Pikaanya close second.
Wrong thread Shit Taste Faggot
Very wrong Skeleton fag
That's not Wiz or Aqua.
>Implying Mary Sues aren't literally the best.
Thank you user..
I found that show to be unwatchable, but she was cute as fuck.
No contest
While Papi's my favorite, c'mon, best girl is objectively Rach.
This is correct.
ORIGINAL and BEST explosion girl
Best girl was definitely Ayase.
Kirino perfection tho.