As if slow subs aren't bad enough, the lack of doujin material is frustrating. Just one in English on sadpanda still and it came out after the OVA.
Little Witch Academia
Other urls found in this thread:
>it's futa
>mfw it's finally up on nyaa
>tfw up on nyaa but I'm in college and my laptops battery is dead
Asenshi just updated with the episode and an apology, this is not a false alarm. I repeat, this is not a false alarm.
I love this pervert
8.5/10 ep
>tfw even the african reporter didnt want to interview you
>Lotte is bothered by the insults
>Sucy doesn't give a fuck about being called creepy, proceeds to shlick to vore
top deviant
What was this action supposed to convey
I want to eat her myself.
>tfw no good Akko & Diana hatefuck doujin
Why would Diana care what a nigger thinks?
She's a pure-bred Briton.
>Hannah and Barbara's job in their performance was literally just fucking light control
Warming up before kicking some asses.
What would your ideal doujin be, if it had to involve Sucy and some kind of deviant fetish?
>tfw you will never have a friend as reliable as Lotte who will always believe in you
Giantess fetish where Akko reverse devourse her through her giant futa cock's urethra
>Sucy doesn't give a fuck about being called creepy
Though, I suppose her anger could have been towards the insults to her friends rather than the insult to herself there.
Is dat some Miyuki Sawashiro?
Diana won again. As expected from the star of luna nova.
>Diana was so far up her own ass that she truly believed that Akko was gonna quit despite not knowing her at all
Explain to me how summoning magic is fine while Shario's is considered memey at best
who cares akko made everyone have fun
>there are people who unironically think Akko and Diana's story isn't leading to this
>shot was Diana looking down at Akko
>next scene is Akko on the same level as Diana
>yfw this is the last time Diana looks down on Akko
Let's wait for next episode. Diana might give her the win.
I don't think it's going to happen but it would be nice if they boo Diana when she gets the award because Akko was robbed.
I don't see why anyone wouldn't think they'll be friends by the end.
I guess there is difference between showing your magic to commoners for money and presenting your magical abilities to respected alumnae.
It can't end up with friendship if one of them dies, user.
Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
The night is still not done and it looks like Croix is getting ready to make her big debut with DATA SNAKE.
I wouldn't be surprised if she crashes the awards ceremony and no one is named Moonlight Witch cause of the chaos.
>>yfw this is the last time Diana looks down on Akko
truly the kino of anime
>Diana taller than Akko
Superior Anglo-Celtic genes!
Diana summoned an actual magical creature.
Chariot's show was a glorified light show.
Diana was still subconsciously trying to do a Chariot-style show.
what's Croix's favourite programming language
Yeah nah, Diana has too much pride and lacks a backbone to even consider it. Just like in episode 2.
I can only see her asking Akko why she isn't angry or upset that she won the Moonlit Witch title despite everyone knowing that Akko and the others did a better job than her, at which point Akko shows that it doesn't matter to her as long as everyone smiling. There I can see Diana being horrified at her own pettiness.
What's with the "muh cubes" meme?
Nah, if anyone dies it's gonna be Ursula.
>Akko befriends Diana and brings back her YAY
>Shit goes down
>Ursula maybe dies
>Akko loses her YAY
>Diana returns the favor by getting back Akko's YAY with a vengeance
That's how it's gonna go down.
The festival is over you idiots. Next episode will take place "next week" or something like that as Croix is introducing herself as the new teacher.
I also swear that this is the first time you stupid fucks watch anime at all.
user, you and I both know she's a pleb that uses Python.
Holbrooke's all like "Just as planned" despite the fact that she's just pretty much winging it at this point, hoping nothing fucks up
Mrs. Marjolane looks an awful lot like Bayonetta.
They even have a mole in the exact same place.
Why does sucy want akko
import magic
Wait, is she actually gonna be the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher for a while?
I thought she'd just be an evil bitch through and through without the pretending to be good at first part.
Oh please. Ever heard of Clarke? Arthur C. Clarke, his laws? Let me quote the third one just for you, kid. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Why rely on hokey light shows and boring incantations when you can program whatever the fuck your heart desires? Being three steps ahead, five steps, ten fucking steps and counting - that's magic.
Welcome to the new age, kid. Enjoy your stay.
I love how Holbrooke seems to recognize that Akko isn't as much of a fuck up as the other teachers thingk she is, and is generally pretty willing to just let Akko do her thing.
You're all fucking idiots. No wonder you keep making retarded predictions if you don't even keep up with what we know about the future of the show.
Croix was Ursula's friend in school.
>artist moved Sucy's hair curtain to the otherside for the sake of their image
Sure, but he is also pushing everything onto Diana like every other teacher.
Guys, guys - Diana didn't win yet. Or at least she hasn't been given the title of Moonlit Witch yet. If Croix interrupts the festival it's possible that no one will be given it.
friendship ended. now friends with cubes
That's because Miranda is one of the best senseis
Also, she may or may not be a decendant of Woodward, considering how her mother seems to be important to Luna Nova (big grave on site at the school grounds) and when her dad passed on and got to reunite with her mom, they formed in the same leaves that Woodward always uses.
I seriously doubt Trigger is gonna kill Noriko's character.
Yutapon cubes vs Yoshinari Explosions
i was really expecting a shoulder bump here
The yays have been reversed.
Pay attention to class!
how complicated her feeling is
>it's the final battle
>Sucy breaks out a potion she's been wanting to use for a while
>it turns her into the monster Sucy from Episode 8
It's pretty clear some shit went down between Chariot and Croix in the past that ended their friendship.
Hell, I'd guess that it was the event that forced Chariot into hiding as Ursula.
The 2nd Cour PV did seem to imply she may be a teacher for some time, but that doesn't mean Croix isn't an evil bitch from the start.
Like I said, she's the "new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher". The one that's actually evil and just infiltrating the school to do secret shit.
Croix could still send her cubes to fuck up the award ceremony while remaining hidden so people don't realize she did it and later come in as a teacher.
the phrase that ended chariots career
Reposting from the other thread because the last scene was amazing
I don't speak moonrunes, what does it say?
it takes a geometrical shape to ruin Chariot's career
They won't show the award ceremony. The story is over.
Humbridge figures out that Luna Nova's no good and makes Holbrooke hire Croix
Croix proceeds with teaching her students Programming 101
suddenly Luna Nova's value multiplies
name T W O Defence Against the Dark Arts teachers that were actually evil.
Makes since since her left eye is her lesbo side.
what doesn't diana just steal her shiny rod
Umbridge, Pettigrew
Will we ever get a sequence where each character will look more animu like in PSG?
I want to know their proportions.
i don't think cubes are very yay
What does Kino mean?
How do I know you are not lying to me?
She hasn't found the exact location of the Great Triskalion or what the Seven Words actually are.
Diana is not Amanda
>The rules.
>literally still performed the ritual: get eaten and get shat out but instead of being humiliated they are celebrated for actually bringing excitement and wonder to a dumbass tradition but finally giving it and the festival a grand finale, the final Vajarois ritual
Good job, Akko, Sucy, Lotte.
sucy bondage scene
How are you so certain of that? Just because the new episode is about Croix becoming the new teacher doesn't mean that we won't see the end of what we just spent 2 episodes on.
Like said, it could start with some shit going down at the award ceremony that causes them to look for a new teacher. Croix could make a little crisis to let herself in right there.
Good job, Ursula. Because Akko couldn't bother herself to actually read a book.
Please post the version of this picture that akko is holding a hentai page