Jewish control isn't rea-

JIDF will defend this

Other urls found in this thread:

Put those flyers up everywhere

>Goyim Not to scale
Even in infographics we get disadvantaged

You want them gone?
Kill all Masons
Kill all Freemasons
Kill the Catholic leadership
Kill all MOSSAD and CIA agents
Nuke Israel
Nuke Saudi Arabia
Nuke Britain
Nuke Switzerland
Nuke Netherlands
Everyone else gets the chance to live unless they bitch about it which would make them a Jew so they get killed too

Goyim not to scale. Kek. But seriously you have to remove that. Right away normies will ID it as alt right. We need them to think some leftist put it up

That's just a conspiracy theory user

Gas the bikes, race starts now!

>Oh no the cognitive elite is at the top what a tragedy
>I'm a dumb whitie gibbs me that job that I'm not qualified for
>hey nigger go back to africa xd
smelly dumb goyim scum

I've been countered when posting this image about the sources not containing the relevant statistics. Couldn't be fucked looking into it

Um cognitive elite? Many cannot read. That is why they communicate with symbolism. Also, is Skippy cognitive? "Ya think your hot shit don'cha!"

There is absolutely no reason why we should be ruled over by another race.

It’s because the Jews are God’s chosen people, are really smart and good with maths.

>Leftist: End the (((1%)))
Those fucking anti-Semites!!!

Israeli Jews have an average IQ of 95.

The J-Left always says this. They question the research, they never disprove the results. They just call it invalid and be done with it. Gaslighting is their only defense.

pic related is from cited source in OP

It's embarrassing that this infographic is still posted. Check source two. It says nothing close to what the infographic claims it says.

You guys should all feel bad about yourselves. Nice "thinking for yourself"!

No, they need to see that the Alt-Right are the only ones fighting for actual justice.

It accurately depicts the Masonic Jew world order, you should be ashamed for trying to cast doubt with such a poor reply
0.02c as been debited from your account

It really rustles me when they say something has "been debunked multiple times", but when you ask them to provide links you get "I'm not going to waste my time arguing with antisemitic Russian trolls lmao"

Do you really think that image says that 50% of the top 1% is Jewish?
>Doesn't say anything about the top 1%
>Doesn't say anything about what the religious breakdown of each earning bracket is.
And you wonder why people make more money than you...

>You guys should all feel bad about yourselves.

How old are you? Get a real job.

Does it show that 50% of the top 1% is Jewish? That's the claim.

I'm not claiming that Jewish people aren't overrepresented in the top 1%. Of course they are. But the infographic makes a very specific claim which it's sources do not support.

I'm not making any claim other than that the infographic's sources do not support the claims of the infographic. To verify this, just check the infographic's own sources.

46% of Jews make in excess of $100,000.

Jews comprise ~2.5% of Americans.

0.46 * 0.025 = 1.15% of Americans

The only leap here is that the majority of that 1.15% qualify for the roughly $350,000 household income typically cited when people talk about "the 1%."

I'm not trying to convince anyone that they should like Jewish people. The issue is that this infographic is so obviously and purposefully incorrect that the creator must have known.

Don't trust Jews? Fine. But don't trust the people posting these infographic's either.

In fact, if you want to be antiemetic, posting these infographic is the WORST thing you can do. Post them all over campus and then your local rabbi comes and points out how obviously incorrect they are, how they're obviously propoganda. Congratulations, you've made a strawman out of yourself, and the people who saw the whole debacle will never trust any antisemetism again.

Just as rabbis paint swastikas on their synagogues, I bet someone from JIDF posts these infographics.

You don't understand meta politics. It's not about winning debates.

That graph is false. This board is full of retarded high schoolers.

But OP (me) just explained it to you:
JIDF are the ones calling it false without explaining why.

>JIDF are the ones calling it false without explaining why.
What is the average Jewish salary in America? It is like 120k if I remember correctly. To be in the top 1%, you need a salary of ~450k. The graph is disinformation that you swallowed like a sheep.

Please just nuke London and English cities. Scotland isn't that bad in terms of Jews and Muslims and we're very nationalistic and most are silently racist.

Bumping so I have time to debunk.

You white boys whining about Jews are pathetic... you are like niggers blaming whites for their problems... if you don't like Jewish media, turn off tv. Or you can try to compete with Jews... you all are so paranoid and obsessed. Get a life

>What is the average Jewish salary in America? It is like 120k if I remember correctly.
1) That figure disproves nothing.
2) If anything, it lends credibility to the claims by being a whopping 50% higher than the national average.

>you are like niggers blaming whites for their problems
Except Whites don't comprise less than 3% of the population, retard.

>debunking basic arithmetic
The Left is too stupid for math.

What an ungrateful boar, wants to bite the hand that feeds him. America is the strongest nation and the strongest economy solely due to the Jewish genius not because of the hordes of lazy burgers.

The only half-decent shill in this thread. The rest of you should be ashamed.

>Jews are more successful!!
You are talking like some post-modernist nigger. You know why Jews make so much more on average? They gear their kids to success All the Jewish kids I know are studying finance, law, or medicine.

What does that have to do with anything? Keep wasting your time thinking about Jews. Nothing will change. You are all paranoid and hopefully none of you chimp out and do something disgraceful

>What does that have to do with anything?
Niggers complain that a majority of people hold a proportionate amount of wealth.

The issue here is that a microscopic, nepotistic in-group controls a vastly disproportionate amount of wealth.

According to a Pew article in 2013 (four years after the article you posted) Jews make up 2.2% of the US population.[1] We will assume that this number was about the same in 2009. Therefore yes, 0.46*2.2%=1% of the US are Jews who make over $100,000.

However, to be in the top 1%, you have to earn over 465k per year![2] Meanwhile, about 20% of US citizens earn over 100k.[3] Therefore, only about 5% of earners over 100k are in the top 1%. (Note: All these studies are taken from 2009-2014).

So what do we do with this information?
>5% of earners over 100k are Jewish.
Since Jews are only 2.2% of the population, that's 2x as much as we'd expect, but nowhere near as crazy as the infographic suggests.

>The only leap here is that the majority of that 1.15% [sic: 1%] qualify for the roughly $350,000 [sic: $465k] household income typically cited when people talk about "the 1%."
This is a very big leap! Since 20% of the population makes over 100k, only 1/20=5% of earners over 100k are in the top 1%!

You don't hold such an incredibly disproportionate amount of wealth just by doing your homework and choosing the correct major.

But the real point of this is that Jewish success is being used to hurt Whites of all social classes.

>The issue here is that a microscopic, nepotistic in-group controls a vastly disproportionate amount of wealth.
Who cares? Start your own business and compete with them if it bothers you that much. Convince whites to do business with you.

Forgot Sources:

100k/year is starting software engineering money. Since the infographic references a pew article where 100k+/year is the highest demographic, YES, we are literally talking about an amount of wealth you gain by doing your homework and choosing the correct major.

The point is that *Jewish* success is being used to craft a narrative of *White* Privilege, which leads to things like non-White affirmative action.

>You don't hold such an incredibly disproportionate amount of wealth just by doing your homework and choosing the correct major.
You can easily make >100k in your 20s if you choose a well paying profession, go to a decent school, and study.

You can also easily make >100k if your people own most news media, Hollywood, banks, and law firms.

This is an argument you can make. Just don't make that argument by citing OP's completely debunked infographic.

I am the OP, calling it debunked doesn't make it debunked faggot.

Start your own news media, film company, bank, and/or law firm. Compete with Jews If you refuse, stop bitching because Jews decided to.

Another thing to realize is that the three places with the most Jews are: NYC, LA, and South Florida. Excluding South Florida, both areas have incredibly high COL

Have you addressed my posts and . If not, yes, I am considering this officially debunked.

True! And this makes it more likely that Jews hold a higher than the estimated 5% share of the top 1%. But once again, the infographic does not cite any such evidence. The best we can conclude from the infograhpic is that Jews probably hold about 5% of the top 1%.

Keep in mind that the AVERAGE Jewish salary is >$100K. Most of the Jews in the >$100K bracket are making much more.

>Have you addressed my posts
You can't say that the 1% qualification is a huge leap from $100K when the average Jewish salary is already higher than $100K. That's intellectually dishonest.

That's one of the most convenient ways I've ever seen to say "nepotism"

Who gives a fuck if they practice nepotism? Do you support affirmative action in white businesses? Open your own businesses, that is what Jews did

oh... that is a good one

>You can't say that the 1% qualification is a huge leap from $100K when the average Jewish salary is already higher than $100K. That's intellectually dishonest.
That's not what I'm saying. 50% of Jewish earners over 100k/year would have to be in the top 1%. There's a 5% (1/20) chance that any given earner over 100k/year is in the top 1%. Without any further information (the infographic provides none), we are left to assume that there is a 5% chance any given Jewish earner over 100k will be in the top 1%. But you want me to believe that somehow over 50% of Jewish earners over 100k are in the top 1%. You call this a "small leap." It is not. There is less than a 5% chance of this happening. I'll dust of my probability textbook and try to do that math if you would like.

*dust off

I am Jew. Please delete this before you expose too much of our plans, user.

Does pol support LaTex?

Why don't you nuke yourself?

Trumpettes will defend this*

-GrandKids morphed into power merchants

-Going against the only non (((central-bankster))) nations

-Goes zio shill neocon on the entire middle east to overcompensate for mail order bride and small penis.

- One of the worst businessmen (dozen failed business ventures), bailed out by daddy's money every fucking decade

So debunked? Still no response to .

lets say they have an at 115 like some studies claim. so 6 million jews lets say. Let's use 130 IQ as a measure for of top of field success.
So 16.1% of jews would fit that criteria using a standard distribution
That leaves us with just below 1 million jews at 130 IQ or higher.
non-hispanic whites: 197 million. lets minus jews and other shitskins
180 million non-hispanic whites. assuming IQ of 100. 2.1% of non-hispanic whites have an IQ of 130 or higher using a standard distribution. This is 3,780,000 non-hispanic whites.

Lets use 115 IQ instead for shits
>1/2 of jews 3 million
>29,000,000 non-hispanic whites.

Not claiming they are not smart. But to get a majority in many fields is likely nepotism. We are already seeing a new nepotism play out with poos in the tech field.

>Nepotism is exclusive to nonwhites and Jews
Trust me, whites practice nepotism as well. There are plenty of whites who will view someone as a subhuman if they did not attend a 50k a year prep school, go to a specific college, not come from a specific family, etc. The difference is they don't base it on race alone.

Ok, here's my problem with this. You are right, but it's idiotic to concentrate on the fact that they are jewish. It's the filthy-no-way-to-be-sustainable-rich sons of bitches we should be talking about. What do you want, for them to stop being jewish?
If they can be identified, I don't care who they are, I care that they stop.

No need to go full force, applying some brains to the matter leaves a much less bloodier path

Why me leaf? Belgium has way more. Most of us here are either Christian or atheist.

>cognitive elite
Hearty chuckle. Why don't you all just come out and admit your people's involvement in all the lies/deceit from one nation after another? Come clean, and ask for a safe space so you can be left alone (and leave the rest of us alone) to rot in peace?

Just answer that one for us.

It does say that 46% of jews make more than 100.000 (ending in 100.000+ is really unfair, the difference would be even more pronunciated if greater sums were into consideration)

Okay, figured out the math. With the information given, there is a literally one in a million chance that Jews make up 50% of the top 1%. Your small leap is a one in a million chance...

You did a lot of ciphering to figure out what history has been telling us about them for centuries. They practice in-group preference while shaming others that do the same.

It's the exact system of HOW they destroy civilizations.

You assume this is unlikely, but you didn’t look at the professions which comprise the 1%. 3 of the top 4 professions are wildly disproportionate in favor of Jews.

>Finance Pros

It is almost as if Jews tell their kids to pursue well-paying professions.

To do the math, look up "Binomial Distribution" (here's a good link: For N, plug in 5 million (that's how many Jews in the US there are according to Pew). For x plug in 2.5 million (the number of Jews that would need to be in the top 1% -- see ). For pi, plug in 0.05 (the naive chance any given Jew who earns over 100k is in the top 1% -- again, see ).

You will actually get 10^(-10^6.26), which is a good deal less than 1 in a million!

Literally nothing in the numbers we’ve spoken about leads to this conclusion. Why do you need this to be false so badly that you would perform such mental acrobatics?

It's not idiotic. Like you said, you just want the rich to stop. Jews don't do the 'whoops I went to far and hurt society, I'll stop' thing and this forces others to do the same to keep up. Along with their fetish for degradation and neuroticism it gets pretty bad.

Somehow Joos run all the Canadian First Nations and Alaskan Native corporations and mines.
Joos absolutely control the "Judiciary" in family Court and Joos lead the way in child trafficking.
When you steal all the resources, treat other humans as a resource and sell off kids for profit...
You're a Jew.

Right off that bat, you’ve made a mistake. Jews don’t comprise the entire 1%, just most of it.

It’s almost as if Jews already run these fields and are allowed by society to have a strong in-group preference.

I didn't know you could not get into Law, business, or medical school as a non-Jew.

There seems to be some misunderstanding in this thread. There are two points being contested. (1) The infographic is valid. (2) There is a Jewish conspiracy.

I have completely debunked (1) in the following posts:
I have not addressed (2) at all.

If you would like to argue that there is a Jewish conspiracy, okay! Just don't use this infographic. You will look stupid and undercut your point.

It's not the fact that they are jews, is the fact that they are rich. That is the true obstacle

you didn't normalized it to IQ bellcurve differences
if you do, the probability will be undeviated to normal distribution

The Jew conspiracy is misleading as well. People here push that Jews are the puppeteers of every government in the world and that whites dindu nuffin. Anybody who is halfway serious at addressing the problems of the West will have to admit white elites are just as responsible, if not more.

You also didn’t know that it’s harder to get into the top ranks at Jew-owned institutions as a non-Jew.

>Jew privilege totally exists and is totally unjust
>While privilege doesn't exist and it would be OK anyway

You haven’t debunked anything retard.

Since when is nepotism and in-group preference a conspiracy?

In White countries there should be White privilege.

>Falling for the school ranking meme
As long as you go to a decent school for any of those professional degrees and do well, you will get a good job. If you think that you can "climb the corporate ladder" in any job (Jew or not) without connections to the inner circle, you are in for a rude awakening in life. Start a business if you want to get rich. If not, accept life is full of good-ol-boy networks

>As long as you get into a good school, you can be overrepresented in certain fields by over 2,000%
I hope you’re Jewish, because otherwise you’re just a retard.

This board is fucking pathetic. Be a man and accept life is not fair. Jews push their kids to success. Many whites tell their kids to "do what you love." If you think it is impossible to get a good job as a non-Jew, you are either in high school or a NEET. Go start a non-Jewish media company! If not, you are no better than a black complaining how "whitey is opressing me."

this isn't about jobs you dishonest faggot, it's about health of society, culture and your ethnic group as a whole

Yeah, whitey dindu nuffin and it is all some other group's fault.

>Israeli Jews have an average IQ of 95.

Nope , whenever a research gives Israel a low IQ score , its because they include the entire population , which means none Jews. You'd think but their are 6.3 million Jews out of 8.7 million people in the country ? Well that's because those demographics wont include none Jews from the Judea and Samaria region(Also known as the West Bank) , While including Jewish populations, and would completely exclude Gaza.

but if you add the Judea and Samara and Gaza , you add another 6 million Palestinian Arabs(Who are considered dumb even among their Arab brothers).

You have 6.3 million Jews , 6 million Palestian Arabs(West bank and Gaza) , 1.8 million Israeli Arabs(some are citizens and others residents) , 200 thousand Bedouins(Mostly citizens , btw those are as dumb as Somalis) , 130 thousand Druze(Mostly citizens) and a few other small minorities.

Obviously if you would have a Jew only IQ average of Israel , it would be much higher than 95.

the thing is we don't need you, you need us

Keep complaining about groups that are successful. I know you guys are one generation removed from socialist drones, but learn to pick yourself up by your bootstraps.

If those numbers are right it means 88% of the 1% are Jews.

(0.44*0.02) / 0.01

Isn't that a more convincing statistic? Virtually everyone in the top 1% is a jew.