Is it really that bad?
Is it really that bad?
The city is burning.
What do you think?
Yes. There are two types of anime: cute girls doing cute things, and faggots crying for 17-18 minutes every week. This shit is almost up there with Magi for crying faggots.
only watch until eren dies
after that is garbage
No, it's overrated but it's at least better than SAO.
Return to me my side user
Explain this.
I was dissapointed by Eren resurrection. I was expecting Mikasa as the MC.
Made me spit my rice.
Hopefully S2 is more story-oriented and less about edgy shit and crying.
It's not bad, just normalfag-bait and extremely overrated.
God i hate moe fags
After three years of Sup Forums bitching about how overrrated pice of shit this anime is, i gave it a shot. I was fucking blown away it's one of the best shonen ever created. And you fuckers know this.
It's not bad , just greatly overrated by the community at large. It's not deep or exceptional, just above average.
It's exceptionally well directed, animated and it has exceptional artstyle. It's not deep by any means(it's fucking shounen for fuck sake)
I remember when it first came out, everyone loved it, then it got popular, so everyone started to hate it.
Is a vicious cycle.
>nobody cares about S2
What went wrong?
The content that would be in season 2 is so far behind the manga that no one cares, plus the story is doo doo now
>the least interesting character
Might as well make it Levi since he's the more popular epic xD op Mary Sue Asian character in this show. If Mikasa was the MC the show would straight up be feminist fan service.
No it isn't. Its the same as your average shonenshit (loudmouth MC with epic saiyan mode, mary sue overpowered heroine like Erza, shitty mysteries and Kubo plot twists) just with an edgier setting.
I-I like the Eldian/Marley stuff... it's way better than the political arc. Just look at this cutie!
Whenever it's not budget action, it's quite terrible yes.
At least it isn't ridiculously long. I actually enjoy some of the characters too, and that's more than I can say for Nurutu or Bleach.
>well animated
If the tv version was on par with the bd version maybe, and then then some of the cg later in the show looked like ass.
how is he a mary sue? powerful yes but all he really has is titan killing skills, and being an egotistical clean freak would be cons
The average shonenshit doesn't have a world and setting that's immediately recognizable to its story, and is a derivative of DBZ or Yu Yu Hakusho. The average shonenshit doesn't have a compelling storyline with exceptional usage of foreshadowing.
Go on, tell me, since you say it's average shonen shit, surely you can count on more than one hand how many shonens implemented foreshadowing in such a way that you could predict the major villain's identities in the first season without them being explicitly spelled out for you, no?
why the fuck do you think this is an Manime?
don't you dare to compare mikasa with erza again ! she might be a mary sue but at least she's not a typical kuudere ! also she is fucking hot and cute
>exceptional usage of foreshadowing.
Nothing happened, so what foreshadowing? The super obvious "Annie is the femtitan" foreshadowing? That's not foreshadowing, that's spoonfeeding. The story of AOT is neither complex nor compelling. Don't delude yourself into thinking this series is anything but average, just like all the other shounenshit.
speaking of the opening, what's up with the ape titan walking with the flying whales and dinosaurs
Hated it while it was airing. Decided to read it recently and I'm actually enjoying it. I guess I couldn't handle the constant autistic screeching that plagued the show.
I hate both moe and AoT
Sometimes taking a step back from the hype no matter how negative or positive (and homosexual) is best for you to judge the series by its own merits.
Honestly S2 is shaping up to be so lackluster this shit's gonna turn into a masterpiece in retrospect.
Actually I meant the screeching literally in the show, constantly shouting even when it made little sense to do so. I care little about the fan hype, they're easier to ignore than most people argue.
Fair enough. The manga has a very low volume depending on the music you listen to while reading the manga.
I actually listened to the soundtrack while reading, definitely my favourite aspect of the show.
i have a rule of thumb where if Sup Forums loudly and often professes its hate for something i'll give it a watch/read because it's probably actually quite good
I used to do that too but I realized that I didn't have enough time in the day to clear that particular backlog.
People that didn't watch SnK as it aired probably downloaded a BD rip or something and missed the atrocious TV version.
>stills and reused animation everywhere
>straight up errors where people forgot to color certain CG elements
The unfinished boulder episode was a classic, all fans should see it. Seeing purple rubble was hysterical.
I watched it as it aired and as agregious as the IRC crowd was proclaiming the show it still wasn't near as bad as they made it out to be. I bet you had a trip that season.
Dunno why you think Sup Forums hated the show, it was popular enough. Obvious once something hits the mainstream the contrarian voices get a little louder, but still. Putting budget issues aside, the first season was alright.
A lot of people were a bit butthurt what started out looking to be a fairly gritty story of humans vs titans turned out to be a not-that-gritty-everyone-has-plot-armor generic shonen of powerups and titans vs titans.
>Dunno why you think Sup Forums hated the show, it was popular enough.
While the first season was airing, the threads left a bad taste for those who didn't watch the show. Constantly in the catalog, and a handful of times where they devolved into blogging and spam.
You literally counterpointed nothing of what I said. The show was very popular because there was a very sizable following of the manga with over a hundred unique IP's per thread which as the new system was implemented was a very big thing. The now defunct dedicated IRC shitposting brigade realized how big the manga was ahead of the airing anime and decided that that was the one to target that season. They inserted fujoshit posting and forced love triangles which are still used even to this day as BRA and EMA. The shitposting legacy outlasted their coherence and what is a great story still lauded in the East is considered a horrible trivial muck raking in the West. Regardless of most people's negative opinions they probably wouldn't have that negative opinion if the negative focus of maybe a second of stills and another brief time of panning which has been standard in anime wasn't beat into them by people outright making sure that people would hate this show.
Not yet, but if you have been following the manga, it soon will be. Maybe thats why its going to be 12 episodes, to not get to those parts.
I usually do the opposite and am proven right most of the time
>the irc shitposting crew meme
Yeah whatever m8.
Also I noticed the obvious money/time saving measures by myself because they're just that obvious.
>hey animating all these characters walking down stairs is a lot of work and stuff
>just have the characters talk while we pan over these still images of them walking down the stairs, good enough
Also I already said that putting budget issues aside the series was alright.
No, it's just incredibly overrated and doesn't have particularly interesting characters.
Mikasa is the only character so far to get a real back story.
She's the single most fleshed out character in the series and that's a sad sad statement about AoT
>500 replies
If you deny they existed then you are easily one of the most mislead on Sup Forums. Your "Yeah whatever m80. xD" is just an admission of either your own ignorance or more likely your independent shitposting compliance. I'm not saying you were part of the IRC because most weren't but a lot of people went along with them because they were a strong headwind and you were too stupid to come up with your own shitposting ideas so you could bottom feed with the rest of them to get your lulz. You're lack of giving a reason to dislike the anime beside one already listed shows your inability to think for yourself and you move like a pebble in the tide.
>>the irc shitposting crew meme
He's right though. There was literally a group dedicated to spamming threads and then spamming complaints about said threads.
It is good.
You'll just see Sup Forumsnons in their normal habitat. Complaining about everything thinking they are right.
These low life Sup Forumsnons can't self-insert in the MC becuase it is not the person they'd like to be.
I wasn't aware you want me to list why the anime wasn't god's gift to mankind. And just for the record, subpar production quality is seen by many as a dealbreaker for an action show, especially when it's blatant enough to actually take you out of the experience with thoughts like "wow this really looks cheap right now".
But putting that aside....
>mikasa is the biggest mary sue in the universe
>all the main characters have plot armor beyond belief
>most of the relevant human characters turn out to be titans, undermining the whole "humanity versus these unreleting brutes" angle
>characters are flat and one-dimensional, generally only displaying one character trait that is often exaggerated to ridiculous degrees
>pacing gets wonky pretty quickly
>eventually, nothing gets resolved, the big bad is supposedly defeated but herpaderp, she's in an unbreakable crystal or some shit, no insight is gained and our heroes did nothing but wreck a town
>ends on a cliffhanger and stays there for fucking 4 years
>Complaining about occasional stills
Could've been worse like the finale of evangelion.
I thought it was alright. I would have liked it more if none of the humans could transform into Titans, took away the fear of combating them now that at least 4-5 people can now transform into one.
It's a very fine line between "occasional stills" and "prevalent stills". One's normal and expected, the other is odd and starts to grate on you. It's really a compounding issue though, nobody gives a shit about a bit too many stills if it weren't for all the reused animation and errors as well. Just the whole package shows you there were a lot of money and time constraints.
I will say though that given that situation, the shows does pick its battles very well, which is also the reason why I think it became such a hit. It looked really good in the handful of scenes early on where it really mattered, and that hooked people.
>mikasa is the biggest mary sue in the universe
She is no worse than any strong female lead.
>most of the relevant human characters turn out to be titans, undermining the whole "humanity versus these unreleting brutes" angle
You can list two unless you've read the manga which I'm sure you haven't
>characters are flat and one-dimensional, generally only displaying one character trait that is often exaggerated to ridiculous degrees
With the breadth of characters the characterization of a few of them over the rest like potato girl is forgivable even though the have arcs later on in the series.
>pacing gets wonky pretty quickly
The pacing is fine for the amount of action packed into it until the coup arc which slows down to develop the characters.
>eventually, nothing gets resolved, the big bad is supposedly defeated but herpaderp, she's in an unbreakable crystal or some shit, no insight is gained and our heroes did nothing but wreck a town
Truly a secondary by evidence at this point.
>ends on a cliffhanger and stays there for fucking 4 years
Just more evidence to the pile. If you think you have an informed opinion you should probably kill yourself out of shame.
I actually did follow the manga up until that politics shit started when I dropped it. But since we were talking about the anime, I wrote shit that applies to the anime.
Agreed it's good, but it's hit or miss. You have to buy into Araki's over the top dramatic scenes. If they work for you, there are quite a few exceptionally memorable moments:
>Episode 1 ending
>Episode 4 ending
>Episode 5 Eren "death"
>tatakai boulder scene
>Eren decides to trust SC
>Manlet squad deaths
>Manlet scenes in next episode
I bought into all of these so it's like a weak 9 for me. The downsides are poor animation at times and constant recapping.
Then since you mentioned that you're an ignorant fuck allow me to suck your dick about how you have no knowledge about how the story goes. Is that what you were expecting or should you get off for being a fucktard pleb like the rest of the fucks that bash this show for no reason?
S1 was cool because it was gory
The problem is that they took fucking 5 years to make a sequel even tho everyone was losing their shit over AOT. It might have been the biggest US accepted anime ever. Then people forgot. S2 starter but the hype from S1 is lost forever
Are you genuinely retarded? In every post in this little chain, I said show or anime. Obviously I'm refering to that. The manga series could be the best thing since sliced bread, I don't really give a shit. The OP asked if the show was that bad and I gave my opinion. Stop being an idiot too invested in a dime a dozen shonen.
Who would want to be a rageholic who's literally losing his mind
I'm implying you have no will of your own and will wilfully attack a story because that's what everyone else has done and you have proven that. Whether you realize it or not an IRC group that hated popular things came before you and lead the groundwork for you to hate a good story for no particular reason other than you are stupid and they hated popular things. Eat a bullet because you have no worth to society.
So all those things I listed that apply to the anime are just halucinations?
Honestly the argument you're making here is so fucking ridiculous, that anyone who has some issues with the show (it's not even that I fucking dislike it) has been played by some shitposting cabal, I'm starting to think you're the one with a specific shitposting agenda.
Do normalfags even still like the show nowadays? Surely we can stop pretending it's a bad show now. It's just alright; it has its flaws but the pros outweigh them.
Not really. Sup Forums just loves to turn on anything that gets remotely popular
See: Jojo, Berserk, SnK, Claymore, FMA, etc. I've seen it countless times again and again.
If you have spent any time following this show on Sup Forums then yes you are influenced by the repercussions of their actions. You have already proven by your talking points that you have no will of your own and I might as well be talking to Siztra about Shingeki no Kyojin instead of a less than self identifying person with their own ideas because they are one and the same. You're a pawn on a game you didn't even know you were playing and that is very sad on your part.
>get lured in by monster design and hopefully body horror and main character deaths
>becomes fleshmecha with invincible protagonists
Well I can't really argue against delusions.
And you're a two dimensional person playing at having your own ideas. Why even have an opinion at all if you're just going to spout everything you've heard before with out an independent thought in your head?
I literally sat down and thought about what I didn't like about the show and even if I did hear those complaints before I sure as hell wouldn't remember them now.
But again, you've deluded yourself into thinking all criticism comes from the evil shitpost cartel, so yeah.
Congratulations you have significantly added weight to the argument that there is no free will. You sat down and thought of nothing on your own and are spouting the opinions of others, Whether or not there was a shit posting brigade and I am not delusional in thinking there was because they plagued the boards for a few years brandishing their contrarian opinions openly and brazenly you reached the same conclusion as the tripe they were feeding the board. You don't have an independent thought about this topic and are merely repeating what you've heard before like a puppet on a string.
Well considering it's ltierally impossible for me to argue against the invisible opinion of the late shitpost brigade, I'll just go to bed and leave you with the thought that even if those were the shitpost "talking points", maybe they chosen to be forced because they're accurate. Or maybe you just perceived them as part of their agenda when in reality it was just a very real flaw with the series that a lot of people picked up on.
Concession accepted.
That incredible? Yes, yes it is. And I mean this genuinely young user.
Or maybe they were flat out non controversies that you have brought up again because you have no real reason for not liking the show so a 1.5 second still picture or a 3 second pan of characters moving down stairs become a real issue for you. I've heard this all before and you aren't even close to the most influential person to sway the argument from the truth.
It's ok. It's a 7/10 at best. I enjoy it but not enough to defend it. The manga's art though is shit
>ask Sup Forums what their favorite show is when they call something entry level in a derogatory way
>it's some obscure show that only 5 people know about and the anime itself isn't really note worthy or memorable for a reason
Like clockwork.
The fanbase hatred is 100% deserved, I don't see much hatred of the show
This doesn't happen.
I'll give you my opinion after season one finishes downloading.
In all honestly, AOT S1 was alright for me, around 6/10. There were parts that I enjoyed but I also felt it had a ton of flaws as well. Never understood the hype around it.
I miss Frodo.
This. I like JoJo but most of its fanbase is literally cancer, so I hardly talk about it with other people.
The only Berserk bashing I see is about the anime and people asking when the manga is ending so they can finally die.
>The fanbase hatred is 100% deserved
This pretty much, they're not called Jojobronies for nothing.
it reaches its zenith in Utagard (that's this season for you anime only fags)
It slowly goes down after that into the mess we have now
it's jobronies not jojobronies
That was part of the meme hate of what I was talking about. A coordinated effort to shit on the show before it ever got off the ground.
Frodo was funny tho.
Why didn't Eren transform into a Titan to save him mother?
Go watch the show to find out.
come back when you've seen more than 20 anime kid