If your waifu is posted do 50 push ups


Does push ups on my bed count?

Start your push-ups, Korbofags

Time to punish good taste.

So long as your waifu is sitting criss-legged on your back. She wants you to toughen up and be a real man for her.

>Around a dozen different waifus
>Most from fairly popular sources

This could be bad.

90 percent of Sup Forums is finished.

Jokes on you, nerd...I don't have a waifu.


>Around a dozen different waifus

yes you do user, and she looks like this. Now get to work

That's what you get for being a sick fuck with more than one waifu.

That's your punishment for being a whore.

Good thing my waifu's from a video game, hopefully I'll be safe.


>my faces when my waifu is OC character who will never be seen by anyone else

She's pouting because all you smelly virgin NEETs that love her aren't doing your pushups.


I'm getting someone with this. And if someone posts Mai waifu I'll even post a video

My waifu is 3D__, so you won't guess her.

ur all just jelus dat im a stud and u aint got shit

Let's see who loses to 90 babbys first animu crush

50+last 2 digits

When's nuke?

I might deliver the first blow





My waifu never get's posted in these threads anyway. And as long as it stays that way I can tell myself that it's the reason I'm not /fit/




I don't even think I can say I have a waifu anymore
most of the time I just fantasize about husbando and sometimes he slays the P of questionably young 20-somethings

Nah. There's three all from a single show though so that's my main fear.



give us a hint. It's all for your well-being in the end, user

Give me fifthy you filthy lolicon.

Get started.

>mom I can't get fit because no one will post my waifu!

No one is going to post mine.

total shot in the dark, but why not?

If you wanna fug a monster, gotta show you're strong enough to survive it.

>tfw she's never posted
truly the greatest hero.

Here's a twofer


how do you plan on carrying your boat to bed if you cant do 50 push ups

You would not belive the lengths I go to just to lie to myself

>had this thread when we were /spa/
>2 people participated
Anyways time to suicide.

You're the monster here user, god damn you.

I managed to do 1/5th of them

I love having a side character as my wife.

You're right, I have to be stronk for my snekwaifu so we can have lots of beautiful snekdaughterus.

Push for your savoir

How many got you?


You can have the mermaid, that's kind of like a snek.



Fuck no, the mermaid is probably slimey and smells like fish.

How about we compromise with you taking Miia's hot MILF mom, and I'll take Miia. kthx

How about this

>Having more than one waifu
A seasonal mistress is okay though

while we're at the topic of snekwaifus..



>likes doing push-ups
>waifu is not a mainstream slut

>Used Snek goods

Might as well stick my dick in an anaconda.

You take Suu, she can morph to look like Miia.

>A seasonal mistress is okay though
Won't your waifu get pissed if she finds out?

>3DPD shit version
user pls



Sup Forumsnon she isn't real.


Hm. Both my waifu and mistress are yanderes, so yeah it would probably be pretty bad

This is your waifu

Not if she only exists for about 12 episodes.


Come on user she is looking at you

>she isn't real
lmaoing @ ur life son

At least post good 3DPD.

Suu's just as capable of doing that for you, and since it was your idea, you should be the one to own it and have the slime girl. I will continue with Miia and make many beautiful snekdaughterus with her.

I want this meme to die


>Pork in the Shell

No thanks

Autists can't fight

That's a pretty high tier mistress, you got there.
Not a massive fan of the show, but I do like genki bakas.

>He waifus Miss Kobayashi

Just wear a butler uniform and you're good.

>tfw nobody has posted my waifu

I'll give you a hint. Her anime aired in 1989.

>A seasonal mistress is okay though

Nah. Close though.


also, do some push ups to work off those chocolate cornets


Senshadou requires strength so I think you should be able to do it.

On the floor or I'll stab you.

>typical user after 3 threads per day workout

Push ups done xd

Nope. She does have red hair though so maybe you'll find her now.

I'll kill you all.

did i get one?


18 or Videl?

pics about you being /fit/ right now, user


>sees Marii
Damn it