What do you all think of this? Do you mind the slightly jarring use of CGI in the racing scenes? Do you like the illegal street-racing theme? Who's your favorite character?
Is this the best racing anime?
What do you all think of this? Do you mind the slightly jarring use of CGI in the racing scenes? Do you like the illegal street-racing theme? Who's your favorite character?
Is this the best racing anime?
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best racing anime of course
I liked when they went down the hill and then did it again.
the music elevates it to godhood
Downhill only type of hill that matters.
>Is this the best racing anime?
No fucking way
I don't know anything about music beyond anime soundtracks, but I'd figure rock would be the bottom.
>Is this the best racing anime?
>Is this the best racing anime?
Yes. The biggest testament to the show's quality is that you don't need to like cars to enjoy it. If anything, it might make you care about cars for the first time. I like to compare GuP to it in that regard.
>Do you mind the slightly jarring use of CGI in the racing scenes?
In the first stage, you might need to actually get over it to enjoy it. The way the cars move isn't bad actually (and it's full 30 fps), everything just so low-detail, especially backgrounds.
>Do you like the illegal street-racing theme?
The illegal part isn't really touched in any way. They never have to run from cops or anything. The closest thing is Shingo's deathmatch. I like it for 90s comfyness and nostalgia of buying my first car and wasting money trying to repair and tune it.
>Who's your favorite character?
Itsuki, because he's /o/ personified.
>What do you all think of this?
It's my second favorite show.
post initial d memes
care to explain what happens there? or how to read it?
>this isn't dorifuto!
>putting Dio at the bottom
shit taste
>Dagumi prefered Mogi
Forever salty
>they see your Levin
>when your girl does EnKo but you're too busy with the DEJA VU
I got past the CGI pretty quickly
>best character
easy mode Takumi
hard mode Iketani
words to live by
i loved the derpy animation of the early stages.
I like it, but it has a lot of meh filler with fucking Itsuki being a loud asshole.
My nigger.
roastie whores don't deserve to ride in my S2000
Looks just like the manga.
Who /lonelydriver/ here?
vaporwave is such a god damn tired genre, give it rest
Just finished second stage and it was alright, didn't really hold up compared to the first season.
I think they waste too much time trying to set up Takumi losing and getting a new engine it feels like 3/4s of the season is doing just that. The "Mogi pleases old men for money" subplot was drawn out and boring (surprisingly I really really enjoyed the Itsuki romance subplot), the Emperor crew wasn't set up at all (but the 86 racer dude was and that was good) and most of the races weren't really memorable or had the cool moments of Takumi going berserk in the duct tapo deathu matchu since it was more about car specs and /o/ fapping (shit I care little about) rather than technique. Best race wasn't of the stage wasn't even in the main story but rather in the first side story.
Hope it gets better in the 3rd and 4th stage.
It doesn't. Other than the last race of 4th stage there is nothing else worth watching. Get the soundtrack and consider moving on.
Stop at the end of third stage. Everything after that is just rival of the week shit, and don't even get me started on the total bullshit that Final Stage was.
At least we are lonely together user.
3rd stage is a pretty fun movie, but after that it's all downhill. Don't watch 4th stage.
stages 1-3 are the best.
4 and onwards is just tiresome.
get your sticker now to proclaim to the world you have given up on 3 dimensional women
What is your favourite Eurobeat song?
night of fire
gas gas gas
beat of the rising sun
What was the last race of 4th stage? i can't remember
It changes all the time, right now it's this:
God Hand and God Foot
The Top
Too many good songs to find a favorite.
Oh, now I remember. Great race but
>Takumi won because god hand got sick
Bullshit, what a load of fucking bullshit.
Pop eurobeat is better than I thought.
>new SEB in 16 days
and then if you want ALL of the eurobeat...
The problem was that it was an AE85. There's no difference between Trueno and Levin.
Who a /shingofag/ here?
I don't think I ever used the backseats in my car.
Best race, best minor character/rival.
Best boy.
Everyone says to stop after 3rd but if I would tell people to stop right after the first season. It's all downhill after that. Also
>S1 Takumi >>>> rest of the series Takumi
Apart from superior headlight design.
I hope we get someone to scanlate the new racing manga timely. I don't even care if it sucks.
Shigeno's working on something, but it'll probably suck.
We all know he's a hack, but fuck it, /o/ content is rare. I just wander what the "poster boy" car will be.
Forever young
No u
So, what's the story of the new manga?
user you're the best.
enjoy user
Does anyone else have one of the games?
>girls from the series in swimwear
>gee, this is really boring
>Takumi vs discount-brand Takumi
Takumi is a gary stu.
Tried playing PS2 game, driving felt kind of terrible in it.
Everybody likes him so it's okay.
>Honmono no dorifto.
They all sound the same.
Anyone ever play the PS1 game? Pic related
Well he wasn't God Gut so it's fair.
I played the first two races from the Saturn port of this game
Holy shit thank you dude, you really meant ALL of it
Finally watched this yesterday. So disappointing. It's like you can stop watching after the very first race and you wouldn't miss anything.
Technically it's not ALL of it as SEB is up to vol 241 now (with 242 coming out this month) but those remaining few are easy enough to find through torrents and stuff.
No prob.
Okay, but what car-centered anime best fits this in terms of aesthetic?
this. way overhyped
If that's not enough
There's never enough yurobeat