Which of these left you feeling the most tanoshii inside this winter?
Which of these left you feeling the most tanoshii inside this winter?
I don't watch garbage, sorry.
these aren't garbage though
This shit thread didn't deserve to be saved from the archive. Sage
Kemono Friends, definitely. Little Witch Academia is like a Hannah Barbera cartoon on a Saturday morning; fun, but quickly forgotten. I'm not saying it's bad, but it's easily something that you can stop discussing after a short time. The characters are also pretty flat; Akko is dumb but full of spirit, Sucy is loldrugs, Lotte is boring and has no traits, Diana is oh-so-superior and bitchy, the two bullies are nothing more than gag characters with one trait, and so on. None of them change, thanks to the episodic nature of the series. Akko progresses more and more in magic, but her character is still the same.
Kemono Friends had an air of mystery mixed in to the childish humor and excitement, and the characters grew on you. The shitty CG added to the series, and made it stand out a lot. Everyone's favorite cat Serval ended up going from childishly innocent to lovable as hell with how she was always so optimistic and friendly. Though she doesn't change much, her interactions with the characters and her own personality's growth through the series made her a much more enjoyable character than Akko.
This guy is objectively correct, though.
Kemono Friends left me with much more magical whimsy, happiness and tanoshii than LWA.
Not MLP nor Harry Potter. Thats for sure.
The one without the anime-brony fanbase.
I didn't watch Kemono Friends because I'm not man enough, but LWA gave me a cool blend of kid's show warm fuzzies and hot-blooded Daicon fuck yeah. It's a great show, shame that it doesn't seem to be going over as well with a lot of people here.
tough but going with yay witches
I enjoyed both, but had more tanoshii with Kemono Friends.
People compare KF's fanbase to MLP but, as someone who watched MLP during it's "prime", I feel that LWA feels much closer to the show than KF. This may be because of similar themes and settings, particularly the stock market dragon felt like it could have been ripped straight from MLP. To me, it just feels like KF is an extreme case of "stop liking what I don't like" and "I only watch mature shows for mature adults, such as myself."
not choosing fuck you
The dynamics are very different with MLP and KemoFure. I too, watched MLP during S2 and the role the the lore plays in KemoFure is much more substantial, and it poses more questions on what defines humanity. MLP is heavily focused on how friends should carry on in everyday life and in extraordinary circumstances, with relatively little in the way of lore. Social construct is a notably different as well, for there can be no family compact in Japari Park while Equestria doesn't contend with any tangible legacy of humanity.
MLP doesn't spend too much time on the wonders of its background, while KemoFure has no budget for any theatrical. As such, MLP's cast easily are theatrical leads who break into songs over their turmoils, while KemoFure cast are shaped by their natural biome; Twilight rectifies herself in relation to her friends and her social surroundings in dramatic fashion while Kaban has to rectify her total blank slate in relation to her friend companion and the physical surroundings in a subdued journey.
KemoFure made me care about the characters.
LWA bored me.
>one has choppy, ugly looking CGI which makes me want to puke looking at it
>the other one doesn't
hmm hard choice
yep, still ugly
doesn't help that each character looks like they have fetal alcohol syndrome either
Remember user: a show doesn't have to be well-animated to be good.
>remembering anything
Fair enough point I guess
I'm sure it's good show, it's just the art style gives me a really bad taste in my mouth
I was double healed by both. And family red pilled by Maidragon.
>red pilled
Pic related is my state of mind while watching Kemofure.
Maidragon beats them both
>one of the themes in LWA academia is how magic is now considered a thing from the past and it's being replaced with new technological things
>even though it's a beautiful, pure 2D show it doesn't sell much
>the best seller is a CGI show
It's like pottery.
LWA is completely style over substance, it's got some godly animated scene but the characters and the story suck ass.
Akko single-handedly ruins the show.
I tried really hard to enjoy LWA since I loved that OVA from a while ago, but I don't know, for some reason it felt really fucking boring and that's coming from someone who usually loves episodic shows. I got 8 episodes in before tapping out because I couldn't bother watching more of it.
honestly LWA so far
Even though I watch LWA because of Akko, I'm starting to get bored of the show. We're 13 episodes in and I feel like almost nothing really happened
Kemono was great.
Little Witch was disappointing. I enjoyed the first OVA and the Witch Festival movie, but I guess it just doesn't work as well as an ongoing series. I stopped watching around episode 6. I'll probably go back and catch up but I'm in no rush.
I think the show has done a really poor job to make you connected and feel for the characters. Other than Akko and Ursula every other characters is just a flat cardboard with no personality other than their gimmick trait, and the show makes it worse by only has it focus on Akko to the detriment of the entire side cast. I can't get any tanoshii from watching Akko at all.
Kemono Friends, obviously. LWA TV just doesn't have the same magic the OVAs have.
They are practically opposites.
One was overhyped and ended up being all style with no substance.
The other barely even qualifies as anime but it's so heartfelt and genuine that it won a permanent place in thousands of hearts.
Trigger had no reason to fail as hard as they did. All those great character designs wasted on insubstantial saturday-morning-cartoon plot. People call it "slice of life" but that's an insult to slice-of-life genre. An actual Little Witch slice of life would have been great, if it dealt with the girls and their daily struggles as students, their relationships with each other, their coming of age. Instead it's like "something crazy happened this weeks, how will the girls get out of this one?"
Just to be clear I take no pleasure in Little Witch's failure. I was really excited for it, but it just hit a flat note.
Kemono Friends, on the other hand, was so good that it almost made me like other anime less. I don't know if anything is going to have me that excited on a weekly basis for a long time.
Kemono Friends was very sincere, full of heart and soul and well written. Something I can't say for LWA.
Little Witch Romanesque was better
LWA is a million times better than KF garbage.
Both have their strengths and shortcomings.
The major difference is that people are eternally forgiving of anything Kemono Friends does poorly, because they see it as an underdog and they're rooting for its success. That gives a strong bias against any kind of criticism. That combined with the actually good things about Kemono Friends are the reason for its massive success.
Little Witch Academia is in many ways great, but its flaws are more glaring because of the huge expectation that accompanies it.
Kemono Friends is tanoshi.
Little Witch Academia is genuinely terrible. The characters are so thoroughly unlikeable that I suspect the writer is intentionally trying to sabotage the project. Nearly everyone in the show is a horrible person and things happen because they do selfish obnoxious things, but that doesn't seem to be in the show's intention because the emotional parts in nearly every episode fall completely flat on their face when you don't like anybody. The lack of a solid story structure doesn't help there. The whole thing is bland and forgettable. I've never watched a show so passively. In the few moments I am paying attention, I'm repulsed by how everyone is such a jerk without redeeming qualities.
Genuinely, without looking it up, can anyone actually remember what happened in every episode up until now? One line synopsis is fine.
Little Witch Romanesque's character designs are better, but rolling dice isn't tanoshii.
I watched 8 episode of LWA but all I remember is
>The butterflies coming out of the tree
>The broom race
>Night Fall con
>Fafnir wants his debts paid
>Akko the fish
>Mushroom dream drugs
The thing that irritated me most about LWA was that; even though having a characters personality defined by a single trope is nothing new for anime; LWA somehow managed to take this idea and make it even blander by making the characters completely flat and forgettable
Yep, different user but they really went overboard with the flanderization.
Akko messed up and with the help of someone, cleaned up her mess.
it's more like, Ako gets super fucking lucky every single time
LWA is genuine trash. The episodes are the same shit over and over and half of the cast is terrible.
Kemono Friends is a 5/10 and Little Witch Academia is an 8/10.
Kemono Friends by a far margin.
And that's a sad thing because I loved the LWA OVAs, they both were wonderful stories giving me this warm nice feeling inside.
The TV version however lacks exactly that, it felt like a superficial episodic "crazy stuff of the week" show without any overarching plot or developments. And they didn't start small, they took randomly huge stuff like getting lost in a dimension that is almost impossible to get out or "our school will close because of that huge dragon guy" and then they resolved it like nothing which is pretty stupid. Or take the broom race where they play dirty left and right and there are no consequences at all.
I wanted to like it so badly but when yet another episode started with the same "lol Akko can't do anything right oh look how perfect Diana can do it" bullshit I just dropped it. The show is missing inner coherency, it's all over the place and the characters are too much stereotypes and not real personalities. Especially Akko, at least give her SOME ability to learn from her past mistakes and be less obnoxiously stupid.
Where are you copy pasting all the fucking tldr shit from Kemonofag?
Kemono Friends also didn't have to deal with undue criticism from plotfags since no one had expectations for it.
It all comes down to expectations really. LWA had a high bar to live up to with the hype surrounding an eventual series existing since 2013. Kemono of course has no such thing as an ugly adaptation of a defunct mobile game no cared about,
Kemono Friends wasn't a game adaption though. The game and the anime were conceived at the same time and are separate things.
LWA suffers from plotfags here because ep 1 literally sets up for a grand plot with muh forbidden forest no one ever gets out, legendary rod which got revived by the chosen one Akko then cool magic portal shit. people feel cheated because after all that the next ep are all snooze fest. If it was similar to the OVA and starts small maybe things would have been better.
Fail to live up to expectation aside, LWA has no rights to be so fucking mediocre. Trigger has one job, that is not to ruin the wonderful atmosphere of the OVA, and they went and fucking did it anyways.
yeah you're right
my mistake
both my favorites behind rakugo last season
they both got the best treatment fanart-wise at least
This one.
gotta go with Beast Tomodachi
Honestly lwa just makes me feel sad about how crap she is. She can't even ride a broom after a million episodes.
Episodic nature is not an excuse to not have character progression.
I don't get how people can be so shallow. I mean, you know you are a sub.human from Sup Forums but still.
KF made me excited for the next episode
LWA made me disappointed after each episode
No contest at all.
I also notice you're using the term "tanoshii" which you would not be using if not for a certain show
>It all comes down to expectations really.
Not really, Kemono Friends is downright one of the best anime of this decade, and should be considered a classic not only for its popularity for how good the building of characters and world was.
I like KF, but I'm not sure if this is bait or an honest reply.
I would hardly say KF is a classic but in terms of the enjoyment you can get from watching it's definitely in the top.
>I would hardly say KF is a classic
>in terms of the enjoyment you can get from watching it's definitely in the top
Getting mixed signals here.
LWA Ep3 was my all time high last season. The rest of it has been a downward slope. I don't really like that they haven't even vaguely clued into Diana's bg in the script yet showed her at Chariot's live performances. Feels like something that should have been hinted in the script sooner rather than later considering this is kinda a children's show (despite the actual viewership). The animation has been dogshit on any ep that wasn't directed by a big name. Its making me feel like Otonari doesn't have the right personality to direct. He's probably too much of a perfectionist to make quick decisions or ask for help from people who don't owe him anything (Imaishi, Aninari, the Anime Mirai people he taught)
Kemofure was standard tanoshii the whole way through. I liked how it ended.
Tanya was also a fun ride because of the crazy loli facial expressions as well as Y.Aoi's voice. I also appreciated the character designs for the secondary characters/men.
Clearly not mlp nor harry potter.
Sorry I just can't enjoy LWA because of Akko.
I love genki girls, but jesus christ tone it down a little. Why does she always shout? Is she deaf on one ear or something?
He probably fell for the fun != good like all of insecure people around here.
I'm not a fan of Sucy either. She's perfectly fine with Akko doing stupid shit and she even convinces her to do so for shits and giggles even if it means possible expulsion. They're lucky they're still at school.
It's almost like teenagers love to do stupid shit or something
Well, KF delivered what it intended to, somehow it's rare in the current industry and people didn't even know that they wanted it, who'd have expected that.
That said people had higher and higher expectations for each new episodes and some were disappointed by ep8, but then the director crossed each hurdles or else criticism would've been all over the place already.
Now I dislike her even more.
she's a FOB
>That said people had higher and higher expectations for each new episodes
That's probably the strongest argument against the "Kemono Friends was well-received because nobody expected anything from it" reasoning.
I had no expectations for the first few episodes, but really fell in love with the show after episode 5 and starting setting up my expectations higher and higher with every new episode, while preparing myself mentally to be disappointed. Not all episodes were that good, but the real disappointment never came, and the last episode was nearly perfect and extremely well received.
Whenever someone asked "what could have been done better?", aside from improving animation and the idol episode, the consensus seemed to be that the show was pretty much flawless.