The great debate

The great debate

Nice joke


Ohana is my eldest daughter. Please treat her nicely

Ohana but it's a difficult one.

I pick the lesbian that didnt end up with her childhoodfriend.

Ohana did end up with her childhood friend though.

>poorfag with shit headphones
Fluff wins

KyoAni > PA
Kumiko > hobiron

>HanaIro first aired 6 years ago

Kumiko wins always

Kumiko isn't a slut so she's best

>not liking sluts

I dropped the show on the right and the first season of the left one is perhaps my favorite in the past 5 years. Also Kumiko is Mich cuter and a better character than sluthana

She learned from her mom.

Right fluff


I'm surprised Sup Forums still remembers HanaIro. Also I love Ohana.

>remembering her voice

>Opening by ear.RAPE
>Characters have screeching voice
It's like the show was created to destroy hearing

All I remember is Nako's Nakos.

What is this debate even about?

OP 1 was the shit man.

Weird because she was fine as Maka.

Ohana means family.

Ohana, but it was a tough choice.

The correct answer.

What's the debate?

Spoonfeed me here because I all see Kumiko and some random anime chick a poor man's defluffed hair style.


>extremely fluffy
>have flower based hairpins
>ended up with their childhood friend
>best girl of their respective series

Really makes you think.

>some random anime chick

You have to go back.
