Are engineers mentally superior to scientists...

Are engineers mentally superior to scientists? I heard scientists tend to be more ideological because of their dealings with theories which is what probably makes them leftist. Engineers are the practical people due to their dealings with reality which probably makes them more rightist than their scientific peers.

What do you think, Sup Forums?

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Obviously duuuuuude

>peace symbol
Obvious druggie is obvious but I’m glad you agree with me, even if it is ironic

Stop politicizing you retard.

Math > science > everything else

what about software engineers

It’s hilairous because mathematicians, academics, scientists, and engineers are all left leaning. All you got is truck drivers.

Engineers are slightly more conservative than the general public.
t. graduate from engineering school

The absolute state of discussion on Sup Forums

Dealing with theories is what trains you in both rational and logical thinking. It also improves your ability to analyze Systems (both real and fictive ones). Do NOT confuse theoretical work in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science or other STEM subjects with the shoddy work of a "Social" "Scientist" (or the other scientific failures from it's offshoots and liberal arts degree programs) - because those fields are the ones functioning as breeding grounds for Leftists.

As for thinking skills, Engineering is highly intuitive in nature (with differences between nations - American Engineers [except for those in critical positions, see NASA] for example tend to work far more on intuition than German Engineers, which like to rely more on proven methods, rigorous testing and theory to make sure that whatever they engineer works as intended). Basically, Theoreticians in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, etc. produce the laws (or generally information) which is then used by Engineers as part of their "Problem solving toolbox". Pure Engineers often possess only a very limited understanding of the laws they're using to solve their problems - which is okay for most cases (understanding those laws is not their task, after all), but can get problematic if the engineer doesn't understand the specific additional assumptions of a (based on said assumptions) simplified law he's been working with, and still applies that law to a completely unfitting situation.

Wishful thinking of a lefty. You actually think people trained in scientific discourse (fact based informational exchange, logic-based proofs, strict protocols for testing, etc.) would favorably look at the ideologically and emotionally charged left which argues mostly with rabulistic, and has to resort to trickery based on language itself (redefinition of clear words to borrow their 'impact' and connotations - as well as to prevent being called hypocrites) to push it's "theories"?

>Engineers aren't scientists

look at the fucking state of software

Rather have truckers than mentally ill trannies and freaks desu


Software "engineers". Go put a semicolon somewhere you dickless neckbeard. We're talking real engineers here. Mech/chem/aero only! Reeeeee!

Scientists who work in academics get payed by the government. Bigger government means more money for them.

A scientist can be an engineer who works on research. They are often phd's and above the average professional in that area.
Tat or just plain nuts with crazy ideas. That works too.


My brother’s an engineer, he’s rich as fuck, has a cute blonde gf, and extremely intelligent. If I had to choose between science and engineering, i’d choose engineering every time.

Im a bioengineer and keep having wet dreams of an engineered plague to wipe out darkies and jews

Nearly all engineering jobs are government subsidized at some level, and they are going more that way every year that passes. Big goverment means more money for everyone in a country, since the economy can source it's skillbase and workers from the entire globe. Unless you are globally competitive you'll miss out on jobs.

Scientists and engineers are all crypto fascist because they're immune to unscientific propaganda.