Hey /pol, this is what happens when you ''liberate'' countries in the Middle East:

Hey /pol, this is what happens when you ''liberate'' countries in the Middle East:


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I don't give a fuck about the middle east, yet I still think that the US should be held accountable for what is happening in the world. Almost all of the crisis we face on a global scale is due to unneeded meddling from americans, driven by greed

56% whites are basically industrialized niggers.

Ive seen the webx, dont even need to click the video. God bless this child. There has to be some decency left somewhere. With hope, this poor souls trials will forge her into something great, for only in trial are strong things made. I know that look well. I dont eant to think about the realistic possibilities though, that will be for the souless devils who respond with obvious intent here and to this post.

I didn't vote for liberating those countries. Blame the executive office for choosing to attack these countries, not the people.

>doing mental gymnastics to blame America for Muslims being Muslims

It's a popular sport. Should be in the Olympics next to curling.

Israel comes in and takes over on their Yinon Plan that we in the U.S. have been helping them with because retarded (((Christcunts))) love Israel, which the Zionist Organization of America helped create, and think they are fighting a war on terrorism, which is really a front for the Yinon Plan, since the Zionists in our country created all the Middle Eastern terrorist groups.

They should've paid us in oil for the services we provided during their war with Soviets then.